Thursday 31 December 2009

Happy New Year

Hi Everyone,

On behalf of the committee, I would like to wish all members, young and old, a Happy and Prosperous 2010.


Zest Health club

Hi, anybody looking to Join Zest Fitness club in the Killeshin Hotel please contact me for special rates for Trilogy members...

Goodbye to 2009

Wishing everyone in the club a very happy and healthy new year. Also a huge Congratulations to the latest in a long line of love that the club has witnessed this year. It started with Simon and Kate's wedding, then Louise and Michael got engaged and now at year end we have the engagement of Willie Fitzpatrick to Elaine McCann. Good luck Elaine, ha ha

Thursday 24 December 2009

Happy Christmas everyone.

Hope to catch up with you all in the new year for some injury free (fingers crossed) training.

Saturday 12 December 2009


Hey everyone, what a fantastic night it was last night. How cool is our club? I was standing in coppers and I couldn't tell you how many people came over to say to me "Wow, you are all a serious looking bunch of fit triathletes." The reason I couldn't tell you is that NO ONE did. But we all know the truth. Triathletes at heart, drinkers by skill!!

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Ballycotton 10

We have Entry Forms so anyone interested meet me at Heritage 8pm tonight with your E 15.00

Sunday 29 November 2009

Ballycotton 10 Mile

We hope to have Entry Forms for above tomorrow - Monday.
The Race is on 21 March and Entry is Euro 15.00.  Anyone interested please be at running tomorrow night with your money.  Hopefully we will have the Track but that has still to be confirmed.

Monday 23 November 2009

Monday night session

Hi people,
Just like to say well done to Gary [running coach] tonight, what a great session, cant wait till next week....

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Provisional Race Calendar 2010

The Provisional Triathlon Ireland Race Calendar for next year has been posted on TI. To be finalised by 27th November.

Lots of new events including Kildare and Kilkenny.

Check it out on


Friday 13 November 2009

TriSchool in Laois again.


Might be of interest Gavin Noble along with Tricamp Ireland are holding a training camp in Killenard. Might be a nice Christmas present.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Budapest and Athlone - Who Else?

So far we have

Taco (Oly), Jonathan (Jnr), Dave (Sprnt), Trish (Olympic), Karl (sprint).

Liam (Olympic), Simon (sprint), Karl (Sprint), Trish (Sprint)

PS Taco - "Két fedhetnek kérem" - I'll look forward to hearing you say that in Budapest. Especially when you return to the bar to order pints 3 and 4, and 5 and 6 and so on.

Monday 9 November 2009

Entering Budapest

Following on from Dave's post below, I spoke with TI over the weekend.

It seems that the Olympic race is attracting a lot of early interest from the 25-39 age groups, so much so that a top 10 finsh at age group level was not enough during the last (National Series) round.

However, the good news is that for every champs to daye, about two out of every five offers made end up not being taken, and these places can then be filled in the last round in June. Also, if you are intent on going to Budapest and have applied but not got a place, you can give yourself a little extra insurance by applying for both Sprint and Olympic (cost of €20.00 extra fee). Note: this option is not needed if you are older than 39 or younger than 25.

Sunday 8 November 2009

Two Beers Please

Két fedhetnek kérem

Me too

Just got the nod for the Sprint Event in Budapest. Very surprised because I'm a long way down in the National Series. Just goes to show if you are not in you can't win. So how do you order a beer in hungarian??? Hopefully I'm not the only one to get good news today.

Friday 6 November 2009


Got offers for both Athlone and Budapest.  Confirmation letters in todays post.  Off to Portugal for some HEAT training next week.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

heritage gym

Hi people,
If anyone is interested in joining the Heritage Gym they are offering Trilogy a good rate for new membership and will also apply to renewals of membership, give me a shout if your interested!!
Cheers Willie
087 6565424

Buda Buda Buda

Jonathan has qualified for Budapest. I have not so far. TI are processing the sprint applications this weekend. Everyone should get an email from TI giving people the option of entering the sprint by emailing TI by Friday. If you do respond to the email then they will leave you in the draw for the standard distance. Apparently there is a lot of interest in taking part.

I spoke to TI today and I was told that places would not be awarded through qualifying events next year. This runs contrary to what I took from our meeting last week and I think this is incorrect but maybe Karl could add his ten cents.....?

me too

Got the offer of a place for Athlone sprint, but holding out still for the big one, Budapest Olympic. Think Simon is in the same boat. Anyone else got offers?

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Hungry 2010 - Training starts now

Hi All, just received word today that I've been offered a spot for Budapest.
Sooo my training started today, I took the dog for a walk.
But seriously, has anyone else been offered a spot.
How about Athlone , any takers there.
Let the challenge begin

Wednesday 28 October 2009


Had a great morning last Saturday Mountain Biking with John Boland.  If you are looking for a good workout and some challanging technical down hills you should give it a go. Would say my heart rate went up more going down than up. Even with the wind, rain and lots of muck we all managed to stay on our bikes.

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Marathon Runners

Well lads, you've put us to shame.
Well done on your excellent finishing times & those well deserved pints last night.
Roll on next year , that more of Trilogy may complete the holiest of grails, that is the marathon.

Sunday 25 October 2009

Marathon Runners

I just want to wish everyone from Trilogy who are taking part in Dublin City Marathon tomorrow the best of luck. Have a safe and injury free race and don't forget to let us know your times. I guess Noel Territ all your sneaky training will pay off now :-)
Good luck and I hope the weather is good.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Mountain Biking

There is still 1 place available for Saturday.  Either ring John Bolton on number below or myself on 086 3866046.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Free Mountain Bike Course for 5 Trilogy Members

This time of year, theres many a triathlete who looks to the mountains for a challenge, something different for the off-season. Going off-road to pump adrenaline comes highly recommended, but a bit like when you decided to get into triathlon, you might well need a bit of help taking your first steps. What sort of bike, where could I get one, where are the routes, how do I climb, how do I descend?

Many of you will know John Bolton, one-time manager of the Heritage Leisure club, and some of you might even remember Diane Cooper who took us for spinning classes early in 2008 over in Killenard.

Well Diane and John have set up an adventure activities business and part of what they offer is guided mountain bike tours. The tour involves coaching, guidance, training and - crucially - the bike.

Better again, the first five people to contact John can try it for free. On the morning of Saturday week (24 October), John will take a small group to the Slieve Blooms, set up their bikes and introduce them to the sport.

To claim your free spot, contact John on 086 1055051. This is a limited offer - first five only.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Pub quizz this Friday

Hey everyone, as Trilogy's calendar was too busy this year for our annual table quizz ye might be interested in this. It is a pub quiz/auction and karoke in aid of LOFFA (Laois & Offaly families for autism). It is on at 8pm in the Milebrush pub on the mountmellick road. The cost is €5 per head and there is going to be lots of spot prizes. I'd love to see a few Trilogy heads there as it is an organisation which my family benefit from greatly.

Monday 12 October 2009

I have FELT it

Yes it's true my Argon is no longer the coolest Bike on our street.  A very slick FELT TT has moved in across the road to the O'Tool residence.
Lads your going to have some fun tyring the catch this man and machine next year.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Party in Port

Hey everyone, Wesley has asked me to put this up on chat. He is the big 30 this weekend and he is celebrating in the Pint O'Port in Portarlington on Saturday night. Everyone is welcome.

Monday 5 October 2009

10k Crookstown Motorway Run

St Laurences Parents Council have organized a 10k run or walk along the new M9 Kilcullen to Carlow Motorway on Saturday the 7th November 2009 at 11am.

This is an opportunity to run on a new motorway before it opens.

Timing Chips provided. Accurate course measurement. Race Pack. Limited to 500 people.

Entry fee is €30.00. Proceeds to Charity.

To register go online at or email

The Open Road

Sunday 4 October 2009

The Open Road

Hi Guys,
What a great day for a cycle. Dry, Sunny, no Wind and NO TRAFFIC!!!!.
Sunday mornings are normally quiet as far as traffic is concerned but when the NRA build a new motorway and do not open it.........well the pictures tell it all.
Thanks for the suggestion Peter. Shame you could not join us.
There is a 10 km run on the same road in the next few weeks. I will post the details soon.

Thursday 1 October 2009

National Trails Day this Sunday

I hope you have your bikes in good working order for National Trails Day this Sunday, 4th October. The event starts at 11:00am in Emo Court - register at the main car park. There are three different bike routes - one suitable for kids, one for family groups and one larger route of approx. 7 miles that you can repeat as often as you like. Road bikes are fine as all routes are on road/tarmac in the environs of Emo.

Thanks to Trish and Mary for volunteering to help out on the day. I need four more people - but if you volunteer you can do so on your bike and get your excercise in anyway. If you are free to help out then please let me know on 087 9290642. To help out on the day you need to be at the main Car Park in Emo at 10:30am and should be finished on time for a Sunday roast!

For those who prefer to walk (or even run) there will also be a sli na slainte route.

So get yourself, your kids, your partner and your entire extended family to the Emo Court on Sunday morning. National Trails day is a country wide event but the Emo cycle and walk is being promoted by Laois Sports Partnership - who have and continue to be very supportive of Trilogy!!!

If you can go, remember wear your Trilogy bike jacket this Sunday.

Thanks a million


Wednesday 30 September 2009

Sunday Cycle from Athy

Hi Folks,

A few of us are meeting up at the Courthouse in Athy at 9.30am this Sunday for a cycle. All are welcome to join us.

Dave Osborne

Monday 28 September 2009

Anyone interested in the TI Coaching Conference?

Just to let ye all know, that I have put my name down for the coaching conference that is being run by Triathlon Ireland. It is being advertised on their home page. If anyone else wants to go, please contact me on 0871341074. Thanks.

Junior X Country

Also in Emo on Sat U16 & U18.  Not sure of exact times but they will be run just after the Ladies.  Also not sure on distances but you are all well able for it.

Cross Country

If anyone is looking for an off season challange on fitness -
Masters (Age 35 plus) XCountry in Emo on Sat 3rd. 
Mens race is 6kms start 11.00 - Ladies 3 kms at 11.05
You can enter as an individual or a team, men with 4 to score, women with 3 to score.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Calling on all cup holders

It is hard to believe that another year has passed and it is nearly time for the Trilogrammies. Can the champions of 2008 please contact me so I can collect their cups? Names have to be added for the champions of 2009!! Thanks Sinead.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Sports and remedial massage therapist.

Hi guys, just passing on this information for anyone who might be suffering from any niggles or pain that they want looked after before our winter training starts. Simon Singleton who lives in Ross Darragh,Port Laoise is providing home visits (or you can call to him) for anyone in need of some therapy. He is offering a special discount to Trilogy members and if you would like to contact Simon, his number is 086 8653851

A Familly Day Out, but help needed...

Laois Sports Partnership are running a cycling and walking event suitable for all ages in Emo Court on Sunday, 4th October at 10:30am. The event is to mark National Trails Day. The event is free and will entail a short cycle loop for kids, a longer one for adults and a walking trail. No experience or off road skills required but a mountain bike would be in order for the day - or just walk! The event will end at 1:00pm and they are looking for a few volunteers to marshal the turn points, etc. The event will recieve the support of Trilogy, the Midlands Inclusive Cycling Club, the Laois Cycling Club and Cullo(down)hill Mountain Biking Club.

Hope you can support this fun, free event and get the kids out! Let me know if you are happy to marshall, please.

Maeve 087 9290642

Monday 21 September 2009

Sneaker Swimmer Siobhan

There was a race in the Curragh yesterday and we had a few participants from the club. Wesley, Denise, Siobhan and Johnnathon. I'm informed that both of our juniors did very well. My sourse has told me that Siobhan is swimming most mornings and going out for a run before school even starts!! This (very close) sourse told me that Murt Keane had better watch out for next year as she is looking to come in ahead of him in the Test Tri Series. Stephen, oh sorry, I mean sourse also told me that Siobhan came in yesterday in the top 10 female triathletes. Well done everyone who took part and as soon as the results are out, we'll post them.

Friday 18 September 2009

Anyone fancy swimming lessons....


Eimear is organising some swimming lessons in Portarlington pool, starting 25th September. She is getting some lanes, and needs at least 10 people.
She is going to cater for all levels, from non swimmers to hardened triathletes. The training will be geared for triathlons, and will be from 6-7.

Anyone interested, call her on 0876455671.

Saturday 12 September 2009

Well done Karl

Late flight on Thursday and early start this morning meant that I didn't stay up last night to follow your progress. Great result on the Gold Coast. You will remember that for years to come. Glad to see that drafting is not just an Irish phenomenon. However National Peletons are really pushing the limits! Enjoy your holidays. You have done us all proud.

By the way it is 20 celsius and sunny here. I have a nice burned nose to prove it. Tri an Mhi ran their inaugural Quarryman Sprint Triathlon today at the Irish National Aquatic Centre. Small, well organized with a simple swim course, a longish cycle over small hills (Flat Course according to the Race Briefing!!) and a testing run with a nice steep hill to start with. My calves are still complaining. Not a course for PB's but enjoyable. As usual I forgot to stop my watch as I crossed the finish line so the long wait for results continues.....

World Champs 2009 - The Final Chapter

The big day began this morning with a wake-up call from reception at 5:15am. Around to the shop for milk and juice, then back to the room for a quiet breakfast, trying not to disturb Elaine so early. With my bike racked from yesterday at the race site I took a taxi 5 km down to the coast to the race site, passing stragglers from last night all along the Gold Coast Highway.

Stopping for a quick coffee fix, the slow procession of starters made their way past and down to transition. USA, New Zealand, GB, Japan, Netherlands, Canada and of course Australia.

I arrived at the bike about 2 hours from start and went about setting things up. It was weird, lots of nerves and slow-thinking. Setting up the bike was like doing it for the first time - doing and re-doing things, walking away and leaving the wetsuit behind me, etc, etc.

The nerves kept coming and so I stopped and sent a few texts home. The replies calmed me a little and I started to put away everything I didn't need in the baggage hold and munched down a snack of banana bread and water.

The swim began 1.5km downstream of transition, and I walked this more or less alone, taking my time and watching others in earlier waves run past me. Elaine and her parents had followed me from the hotel and I was happy to find them waiting at the swim start. A few photos, loads of hugs and best wishes, and finally a call to the line.

Off went the klaxon at exactly 8:29, about 200 triathletes all aged 30-34 hit the water. I was determined to sight the course better today but this was difficult when one of my goggles started filling up. I fixed this up and swam the rest of the way, hoping to avoid being 'lapped' by the 35-39 group leaving 9 minutes behind me.

As I approached the swim exit, the top three from this wave did pass me, but I looked down at my watch and up at a shouting Niall Collins. Both pleased me very much - about 28 mins on the swim was ahead of my target 30 min swim and Nialls shouts spurred me through transition where the Justin family took up the cheering.

Transition was long, but well ordered and I had made careful note of my bike position. A quick change and I picked up Nialls bike and hit the bike course - two laps of a straight 10k route with few hills and no real turns.

The drafting on the course was something else. Entire squads, the Aussies in particular, cruised by leaving individuals in their wake. Penalties were apparently applied, but I seen more accidents as a result than any yellow card. In fact at one point I was almost involved in a serious collision as a group rounded me on a roundabout.

The bike was however fast and I was soon back to transition. I glanced at my watch again as I took my first steps on the run, seen 1:37, and knew that a moderate paced run would give me a sub 2:24 PB.

The run was the most difficult part of the day, 25 degree heat and midday sun conditions making it hot, sticky and tough. Along the way I had support from Elaine and her parents, who like Niall, Sarah and Leo Collins seemed to be able to get everywhere on the course to cheer me on. The Irish suit also got a lot of cheers from other countries, USA and Australia in particular 'Go Irish Guy' being a popular chant.

I crossed the line in 2:22 and felt great.

The whole event was organised so perfectly, the sense of occassion was huge, and it was for me everything I had expected it to be. A great medal, brilliant support and knowing so many people at home were watching on the net and thinking of me contributed hugely to the whole day.

The season is over, the holiday begins properly and I look forward to seeing you all in a few weeks time!

Excellent race Karl - Well done

Well done Karl on your race, you obviously got the time for peaking just right. That is an excellent time. You have done yourself and the club proud.

Friday 11 September 2009

All done now

I finished the race today in a time of 2.22 or so. A new PB, and below what I had been hoping for, 2.25. More time for a full report later, I'm off to the beach!

Good luck Karl


As most of you guys know, Karl is participating in the World Champions in Australia. If you've been reading this chat, you will have read some of his updates. He enters the water Saturday Morning, Oz time, at about 8:30. Irish time, 11:30 Friday evening. I am sure you will join me in wishing him luck in the race.

Enjoy it mate, you deserve it.

For any of you looking to see how he is doing, look for number 1201 here.

Also congratulations to him in completing the Aquathlon in 44:46. Ireland had a 2nd place in the 40-44 age group in Matt Molloy. See more here, and a picture of our bold Karl before the race.


Thursday 10 September 2009

Kenmare - good Luck all

Good luck in Kenmare. Lets see plenty of sub-6's and loads of NS points won!

The final 24 hours

One day, almost exactly 24 hours now to go. I start tomorrow at 08:29, thats 23:29 in Ireland. My race number, if you are watching the web, is 1201.

I took a swim this morning, trying to shake off a few flu symptoms (it seems to have worked), and to also try out some new sighting techniques and equipment (i.e. better goggles). If anything the water has cooled down, but today a final decision will be made re: use of wetsuits. The weather outside is still superb, it is 16 degrees now, expected to rise to 23, and the forecast is the same through to Monday so I can expect the same tomorrow - nice racing conditions, eh?

For me, today is mainly sight-seeing with Elaine and her parents and I heading up a local skyscraper, out to sea to find whales and on to Sea World theme park before tea. In between I need to rack my (sorry, Nialls, I mean Nialls!) bike and later on pack the rest of the gear for tomorrows early start. There is also a very exciting u23 race on, which I will be trying to catch some of.

Last nights opening ceremony and parade of nations was good. Brilliant aboriginal dance and an impromptu haku from the NZ squad.

So that's all the news for now. Thanks for all the texts and messages, I will be thinking of them during the race tomorrow.

Good luck Karl!


As most of you guys know, Karl is participating in the World Champions in Australia. He enters the water Saturday Morning, Oz time, at about 8:30. Irish time, 11:30 Friday evening. I am sure you will join me in wishing him luck in the race.

Enjoy it mate, you deserve it.

For any of you looking to see how he is doing, look for number 1201 here.


Wednesday 9 September 2009

World Champs Aquathon Done

Aquathon done. 2.5k Run-1km Swim-2.5km Run ... a very tough format, it must be said. The weather here has been fantastic since Monday and with a 2pm start, we were baking in 25-26 degree heat even before the klaxon went.

Bang! We started out on the first 2.5km leg and the 150 or so in my heat took off at lightning pace. I haven't seen the results yet, but I think I finished the first run in 9-something, a little faster than I would have set myself on a recovering calf, but as I entered T1 I was smiling that it had not bothered me at all.

Going Swim-Run seems all-wrong. First you have the task of trying to put on a switm hat and goggles as you barrell through transition, then you hit the water with an elevated heart rate and heavy breathing which induces a kind of panicky feeling for the first 100m until you settle down into it.

As expected the swim was non-wetsuit, but this wasn't really any issue. The water was nice and warm and if the pace was a little slower, then it was slower for everyone.

My mistake was not getting properly familiar with the course. As the small heat spread out over the swim course, there were times I was almost alone out there and this caused me to go way off course near the end - I basically headed for home at the second last buoy, realised my mistake when I was almost back to transition and had to swing back out 150-200m to roubnd the last bouy before returning back in.

That diversion on the swim probably set me back 3 mins or so, but I was glad to come in under 45 mins, my target time for the course. Best of all the leg also held out for Run 2, leaving me confident for Saturday.

Not much more going on today, I have to head shortly for registration and then the Irish team briefing, then later this evening, I have the parade of nations.

Elaine has some great pics from yesterday which I hope to be able to post up here soon, this is proving more difficult than I thought without my trusty laptop.

So over and out for now. I seen the times from Lough Key - well done all, and best of luck tapering down now for Kenmare.

Tuesday 8 September 2009

The Warm-up begins

Having a quick morning coffee. Today is race-day 1 of the World Championships and I am hoping to nab a last-minute entry into the World Aquathon Champs.

The race is a perfect warm-up event - 2.5km run, 1km swim, 2.5km run. The best part is that the swim is definitely wetsuit free for this one, so good practice in the event that wetsuits are banned for the big event on Saturday.

Was up with Niall Collins last night and his money is on the water temperature passing 22 degrees making the swim too warm for suits. I gather they will take three temperatures from three points one hour before the first wave and all three have to be above 22 degrees. Latest information is 21.7 degrees, so its a close call.

Checked out the bike Niall kindly offered me. Beautiful does not describe it. Mean curves, carbon frame, rear braes behind the pedals and funky gear cable routing, this bike has it all. And then we have 808 Zipps Tubulars!

Not much more news to report, will surely bump into the Irish crew at the race today and Niall tells me Bobby is floating around also. Am keeping the fingers crossed my legs go well today - no sign of the niggle I had in Dublin so far this week, but then again I haven't run on it either.

Talk to you later ... PS Niall says hello to all.

Monday 7 September 2009

Last few standing....

From the other side of the world

So this is the first of my 'dispatches' from the World Champs 2009.

I have landed in Southport, Gold Coast, Queensland, Austalia. Really nice place and already there are hundreds of triathletes running, cycling and swimming. Me, I'm taking it easy, trying not to aggravate the ole calf. Managed to make a short swim today near the race start, but got caught by the darkness - pitch by 6pm! You'll also be glad to hear that its raining fairly heavily, feeling a bit home from home at the moment. The rain might just make the swim wetsuit compulsary - the water is definitely not cold, but under 22 degrees? Not sure and the rain might make the difference.

Tomorrow I hope to swim again and hook up later with Trilogy member Niall Collins.

Sunday 6 September 2009

And from the mouth of babes...

My 5 year old daughter watched Trilogy's got talent 2 and here is how the conversation went:
Brónagh - Mammy why are you dancing funny like that?
Me - That is just how I dance Brónagh.
Brónagh - Mammy even I could dance better than that.

Enough said. The truth hurts :0

Thursday 3 September 2009

Trilogys Got Talent - Round 2

Before I left, Sinead made me promise not to put anything 'embarassing' up on the website and leave it there while I am away.

Well I took a look through this video, and I can't see anything embarassing? What about you?

PS Shay - if you are looking, them sisters are after you.

Trilogy's Got Talent 2

Punk'd - the Wedding of Simon and Kate

Just over 2 weeks ago, Simon and Kate celebrated their big day. During the service a small crack team left the Church and started work on the wedding car.

Se what happened next ...

Punk'd - Simon & Kates Wedding

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Best of Luck

Best of luck to Karl who flies off to Australia tomorrow to represent Ireland & Trilogy. And to his head coach Elaine...keep us informed with all the news & photo,s.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Well done Sinead and Brian!

I would also like to add my congratulations to both of you. As someone who cant even begin to imagine what actually doing a race of that length is like (considering I bearly finished an olympic), I can only express my admiration that you had the courage to enter, and the belief and fortitude that you could finish.

A heart felt well done, you are in inspiration!


Sunday 23 August 2009

Eireman - Done!

I'm not sure how she managed it, but Sinead had enough energy to pick up the phone and talk me through the Eireman race she completed today. With the swim cancelled, she completed 185km - thats Portlaoise to Cork - in 6:40, and then ran a sub-6 hour marathon with a bandy achilles heel. (Seems she brought the runners after all ...)

With little training she more than matrched her times in Ironman UK. Well done Sinead and to the other competitors from Trilogy - Margot, Liam and Brian. On a day that the club would call off training, you endured for 12 hours and more all that the weather could throw at you.

Sinead, we'd love a Wearen Web report for the record!

Friday 21 August 2009

"Competing" - way too strong of a word

Hi Trish, thanks so much for your good wishes. As you know, I'm heading to wexford to TAKE PART in Eireman. I'm predicting that I'll get through the swim. I might even get on the bike. Whether I finish the bike or not, I won't be taking part in the run. My achillies can't even manage a shuffle for 10mins so I'm taking Willie's advice and leaving the runners at home.
Best of luck to everyone who is involved with the organising of the Heritage and of course to the competitors. Looking forward to hearing about it next week.

Thursday 20 August 2009


Good Luck to Sinead and Brian who are competing in Courttown at the weekend.

Sunday 16 August 2009


Sorry can't put much light on why Trilogy got prize along with 2 other clubs as my ears only picked up when I heard Trilogy mentioned, so I quickly got myself up there to collect.  The bottles are now standing beside those Two Lovely Trophey's I won last year (soon to depart my house).
Well done Louise & Roy and everyone who competed yesterday.

Well done Roy and Louise

Hey olympians. Sorry I didn't get to see you finish but I was thinking of you. Can't wait to see you so you can give me a low down. Maybe you could each write a race report. Also well done to Karl who posted a PB yesterday of 2hrs 24mins, to Willie who on his birthday achieved a 40min 10km run and to Mick the happy face Farrell who completed his first olympic distance on IRISH SOIL. Well done everyone, it was a great turn out from Trilogy. For some reason, that I think only Trish is aware off, Trilogy were given 2 bottles of Champers yesterday. We'll be saving them for the Trilogrammies. Can't wait for that event.

Saturday 15 August 2009


A word of thanks to all of you who stayed back to cheer me in today. I know it was over an hour for some of you, but you all made it worth while, considering I was going to pack it it after the cycle.

Now its off to soak in a hot bath and wonder why we put ourselves through this.

Oh and well done to all finishers, especially Louise. That girl has courage.


Wednesday 12 August 2009

Do you have a wetsuit? And your own helmet?

... Well give this a go


Congratulations Mark O'Sullivan

Well done Mark on a great performance over the weekend. These were excellent times for very hot conditions. 29 degrees!!
4km swim = 1hr 54mins
120km bike = 4hr 28mins
30km run = 3hr 11min (I think, i don't have the transition breakdown)
Over all time 9hrs 13mins 57secs to place him 13th in his age group.
You can relax now. All your hard work has paid off.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Relay Teams?

I wonder would the Fingletons manage to muster a team to enter? They're a competitive bunch too, racing Fingleton Boys (captained by Christy) vs Fingleton Girls (captained by Mary) at a recent triathlon. Did anyone hear the result?

What about a team of BahWaG's (boyfriends, husbands, wives and girlfriends)? Isn't it time you showed the other half they're not so special after all?

I also have heard of two other team captains 'talking the talk' ... lets see you 'walking the walk'! Entry closes on Monday you know ...

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Heritage Challange

Come on folks I think we need a few more Relay Teams in here - preferably 3 person teams - this is a strong team of family I have including one Novice -  so WHO WANTS TO CHALLANGE US.
Also GOOD LUCK to Mark O'Sullivan.

Monday 3 August 2009

100Km, 50km or 20km Cycle Next Sunday

Hi everyone, just thought I'd let you know that next Sunday there is a cycle called 'Tour of Kildare'. If anyone is interested, check out the link below.
It is for the Marie Keating foundation.

Saturday 1 August 2009

Cycle tomorrow anyone?

I'm going out for a bit of a cycle tomorrow so if anyone wants to join me, just send me a text or ring: 0871341074

Words fail me

Please can someone give this photo its full potential by adding their thoughts?

Hell the West - Click to Download

Friday 24 July 2009

Not racing? Go Running

Jimmy from Porlaoise AC has asked me to let you all know that Portlaoise AC have a regular Saturday session in Oakvale woods, Stradbally at 10:15am. Beginners and improvers welcome. A good training session to improve your run times if you are not away racing.

Sunday 19 July 2009

Check out the finishers video's

Hi everyone, I've just logged onto and when you select the results (provisional), select agegroup full information system. When you type in who you are looking for, all the information about that person comes up in detail. It is very good but the cherry on top is your actual finishers video. For anyone out there who wants to see themselves crossing the line, you will find it either very funny or very terrible!!

Tuesday 14 July 2009

220 and TriAthy III

So my monthly bible was dropped through the door today and I bypassed everything to see Kevin Bracken on page 73. Sorry Maeve but I just couldn't help myself!! What Karl didn't say was that there was an excellent 2 page spread on TriAthy. Well done Karl. It is great to know that our club is associated with an event which boasts the fastest time of the western world. Oh Yeah, and Kevin looks the part as well :-)

Saturday 11 July 2009

Congratulations Jane and Clive

Oisin Byrne joined the clan of Jane, Clive, Aine (and an ironman medal)earlier today weighing in at 9lb 14.5oz. Well done Jane and congrats from all in Trilogy.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Well Done Dermo!

Sinead, I think it is called getting value for money!

Because I know I could never do it!

Well done Dermo, Karen, Clive and the others, you are an inspiration to us all.


Monday 6 July 2009

The Dermot Update

A huge congratulations goes to Dermot O'Leary who completed his first ironman distance in a time of 16hrs 25mins. Well done Dermot - you made a day out of it!!!

Sunday 5 July 2009

I'm exhausted

I feel as if I'm after completing 10 ironmans today but I didn't. A huge congratulations to all of our (some old) new ironman friends. We'll swap stories soon.
Colin Pollock - 10:06:34
Clive Byrne - 11:43:50
Margot Buchhorn - 12:01:32
Aidan Quigley - 12:08:00
Karen Robinson - 12:29:47
Charlie Murphy - 12:45:51
Ken Barry - 12:49:00
Hilary Jenkinson - 13:14:35
Dermot O'Leary - pending

Well done you brave people. I'm so jealous. I really wish I had of been with you all today. And of course, well done to all your families. The madness is over now - well, until the next time of course. :)

Check out 220 magazine

The guys doing so well in the Ironman race might make next months issue, but Kevin Bracken becomes the first Trilogy man to appear in Triathlon 220 magazine, see the full colour shot on page 73 of the new edition just out!

And keep the updates coming Sinead!

They are on the run!

Here are the bike splits and T 2 times for our Ironman Athletes:
Margot = 6.04.28 T2 = 7.43
Ken = 6.09.26 T2 = 3.57
Dermot = 7.58.18 T2 = 4.37
Karen = 5.53.00 T2 = 5.49
Clive = 5.55.39 T2 = 5.19
Hilary = 6.44.23 T2 = 11.23
Charlie = 5.51.57 T2 = 6.27
Colin = 5.20.22 T2 = 5.23
Aidan = 5.22.13 T2 = 16.48

Ironman Swims

Trilogy and Carlow are doing us proud in Germany. All our athletes are on their bikes now. Here are their swim times;
Margot = 1.07.19 T1 = 6.34
Ken = 1.16.14 T1 = 6.41
Dermot = 1.28.35 T1 = 8.31
Karen = 1.23.42 T1 = 4.04
Clive = 1.11.47 T1 = 5.48
Hilary = 1.03.23 T1 = 9.53
Charlie = 1.14.49 T1 = 10.00
Colin = 58.17 T1 = 4.49
Aidan = 1.16.20 T1 = 7.25
I'll keep you all posted through out the day for their bike times.

Ironman Updates Half way Bike Split

Well, all our triathletes are flying the flag proudly. Here are the times for the 97.2km mark on the cycle.
Margot = 3.06.19
Ken = 3.10.01
Dermot = 3.52.03
Karen = 2.58.14
Clive = 2.58.08
Hilary = 3.17.06
Charlie = 2.57.36
Colin = 2.44.25
Aidan = 2.44.00
Well done again crew. They are over half way there.

Ironman Swims

Trilogy and Carlow are doing us proud in Germany. All our athletes are on their bikes now. Here are their swim times;
Margot = 1.07.19 T1 = 6.34
Ken = 1.16.14 T1 = 6.41
Dermot = 1.28.35 T1 = 8.31
Karen = 1.08.58 T1 = 4.04
Clive = 1.11.47 T1 = 5.48
Hilary = 1.03.23 T1 = 9.53
Charlie = 1.14.49 T1 = 10.00
Colin = 58.17 T1 = 4.49
Aidan = 1.16.20 T1 = 7.25

I'll keep you all posted through out the day for their bike times.

Saturday 4 July 2009

Johnathan says Thank You

Hi everyone, just to let you know that I was speaking with Johnathan at 15:30hrs today and he reassures me that he is ok. His cheek is a bit sore but he is already talking about Athlone! Anyway, he has asked me to put this on the web to say thank you to everyone in the club especially the guys who stopped and helped him and also to the 3 guys who called into the hospital to make sure he was ok. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery Johnathan, from all in Trilogy.

Friday 3 July 2009

Best of Luck to our Ironman Athletes

Hey everyone, just in case, like me - you have no life, here is my plan for Sunday. I will be following all our friends from Trilogy and Carlow Tri Club on line for their race on Sunday 5th July. They will be in the water from 06:45 and have a cut off time to complete the race of 16hrs. THEY ARE: Margot Buchhorn - 478
Ken Barry - 839
Dermot O'Leary - 2114
Karen Robinson - 696
Clive Byrne - 974
Hilary Jenkinson - 569
Charlie Murphy - 2060
Colin Pollock - 2239
Aidan Quigley - 2260
Best of luck to all of you. All the work is done now and the race is only a formality. Just remeber, each swim stroke, revolution of the pedals and foot step will take you closer to the finish. Enjoy!

Thursday 2 July 2009

Cycle Training

Hi Everyone

You might be interested in this as part of your training?

'Annual Trip to Tipp' in aid of the National Council for the Blind.

The choice of events are as follows:

Saturday 18th July

60km three counties cycle. 1pm start from Anner Hotel, Thurles

Sunday 19th July

Tipp 200               200km       9:00am start  at the Anner Hotel, Thurles.
Long Route         100km      10:30am start at the Anner Hotel, Thurles.
Medium Route   60km      10:30am start at the Anner Hotel, Thurles.
Short Route        20km     11:45am start at the Anner Hotel, Thurles.

Very well organised event.  

T shirts.  Refreshments regularly along the way.  Showers available at the hotel.

30 euro entry fee or sponsorship cards also available.

Thanks to all who participated last year.

By the way Thurles is now only a 35/40 minute drive away from Portlaoise!!


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Tuesday 30 June 2009

More Photos from Kilkee

Kilkee report (linked below) now has more superb photos, this time from Elaine McCann. Remember to rate the photos as you view them, just click the stars that appear under each one.

So Wonderfully Funny

This is hilarious. Shay, you do know that you're setting Roisin an example? Who the hell was the intruder at the end?



Calling Cowell - Trilogy's Got Talent!

Kevin Bracken made a serious error of judgement by not travelling to Kilkee this year. His crown as 'Air Guitar Hero' could well have gone to an enthusiastic and passionate display by Shay Windscreen McCourt, accompanied and supported by Noel Gallagher O'Reilly.

Check it out and report back if you think "Trilogy's Got Talent".

Friday 26 June 2009



Re-Launch of the Friday Caption


Here is a try at the re-launch of the Friday Caption.

My entry is "But I'm the only Gay in the Village!"


Monday 22 June 2009

I stand corrected.

In an earlier post I stated that Trilogy had 2 podium finishes in Dunmore East. I am delighted to let you know that we actually had 3. 1st - Mary Fingleton, 2nd - Stephen O'Toole and 3rd - Eimear Mathews. Well done.

Sunday 21 June 2009

You have to come home Uncle Willie

Go Trilogy Go

Hi everyone, I just thought I'd let you know that I'm after checking out the results for 'Hook and Crook' and it is pretty evident that a good Winter Training Season has paid off. With 2 podium finishes and top 10's and top 20's we are well and truely up there. So congratulations to everyone who took part. Trilogy Rocks!

Friday 19 June 2009

Dunmore East place available

I won't be able to make it to Dunmore East tomorrow, so if anyone not already registered wants to take my place, feel free.

Saturday 13 June 2009

Junior Aquathon

Well done Sinead & family for a great event today. You must also have a direct link with the Weather Gods.

Thursday 11 June 2009

Kavanagh's this Saturday?

Hi everyone, the last time we went to Kavanagh's, we had a laugh. This Saturday Noasis are playing. Does anyone fancy going?

Monday 8 June 2009

Dunmore East Tri


Is there anyone in the club who is registered for the Dunmoe East tri on the 20th and can not do it? If there is, could you please let me know ASAP, as the entries finalise tomorrow, Tuesday, and they have agreed to allow us swap. Mark Geraghty is looking to race this as he needs a NS sprint race to complete his attempt to qualify for next years Europeans.

If anyone can help, please contact me.



Thursday 4 June 2009

Wicklow 100/200


Anybody would like to give me a lift to UCD this Sun morning to begin the Wicklow cycle? My Polo and Motorway - they just don't like each other


Hay Sinead you must not forget our Portlaoise Based Juniors - Michael & Richard are also doing their Junior Cert - Best of Luck Lads.

Thursday 28 May 2009

Energy Gels now in Portlaoise

Hi All,

just wanted to let you know that a couple of weeks ago I asked the owner of the Vitamin shop in Portlaoise on Main Street to get some of those tri gels that we all use during our races so we don't have to be driving too far to get them anymore. So he has them now for sale, got a few myself today and gues what...they are €1.5 each in the Vitamin Shop while Wheelworks or Buckley's in Tullamore sell them for €2.5. Thought I would let you know. Vitamine Shop in Portlaoise, end of Main Street, next to Remax. (yes, I'm hoping to get one for free for putting this on our web site:))

Wednesday 27 May 2009

ORCA Wetsuit for €60

Bargain city. Mary Fingleton is selling her ORCA wetsuit (more like giving it away). It is in perfect condition so if you are interested let her know and she'll bring it with her to the next training session for you to try on. Sorry Pav but I don't think that it will fit you.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Wet Suit needed for Saturday Athy Olimpic Race

Hi All,

Ever since I started doing triathlons I've been using a sleeveless wet suit. I am considering buying a regular wet suit with sleeves now, but I would like to try one out first to see how it feels. If there is anybody out there of similiar size to me and would be so kind:) to give me a lend of his wet suit this Saturday, please let me know at 0872377919 or and we will negotiate a rental fee or something like that:) Thanks. Pawel

Early lift Saturday morning


Just wondering who is heading over early on Saturday morning, and would be willing to give me a lift to Athy to help out at registration for 6am.


Saturday 23 May 2009

The Magic of Murt!

Hi everyone, just to let you all know that I posted my fastest time for 2009 on the bike today = 23:17. I didn't do any extra or ACTUAL training and I haven't changed my strategy. So is it possilbe that Murt may in fact have the magic touch? I'll be the first to say I think he does so if any one out there feels that their bike just isn't doing what it is suppose to do, contact our favourite mechanic. My bike went to Murt with a broken gear cable which was replaced, however, it also got a full service (and clean) and it felt smoother today than it has in a long time. Thanks Murt, €30 was a brilliant bargain. I'd normally pay between €60 - €80 for that kind of service.

Thursday 21 May 2009

Murt the Mechanic

Just to let you all know, that Murt the Mechanic has taken home my lovely Roo this evening to replace the brake cable that snapped 20seconds into the Duathlon tonight. It is great that we have Murt to help us with our bikes. This has saved me a drive up to Dublin tomorrow and I'm assured that my bike will be back on the roads in Port Laoise on Saturday morning for the Test Tri. No pressure Murt but if you are reading this, I'm sure my bike is fixed already. If it isn't, stop reading and fix it!! Just because you bet me by 17seconds this evening doesn't mean you can slack off. Thanks again
Sinead - the pest.

Sunday 17 May 2009

Great Quality Addidas Runners For Sale

Excellent quality, Great value runners for sale. See a few more pairs of trail runners and all details at

Sunday 10 May 2009

Determination or Friendly Rivalry

Answers on a postcard to the UN secretary....................

Thursday 7 May 2009

Bill and Ross

OK, so I know I keep going on about the 'Juniors' but did anyone take note that Bill posted the 8th fastest time on the run for out of 200 competitors while Ross posted the 10th fastest swim time? If we could keep up with them, they'd definitely be the ones to watch for in the future!!

Cycle? Run?

Hi, anybody iterested in joining me for a cycle and/or run this late afternoon/evening? Time, distance and other arrangements flexible as long as we are back by 8:30pm. Text 0872377919:)

Monday 4 May 2009

Well Done Pav

Well done Pawel, welcome to the party
Hi All,
just trying to teach myself how to use trilogy chat:)

Friday 1 May 2009


GIRLS it doesn't matter what age you are (or what age some think you are). It is great to see you all out there.
Best of Luck to all doing Joey this weekend Old & New Members.  To the Newbes - beware this could be the start of a new addiction - it happened to me a few years ago.

Thursday 30 April 2009

Older than we look?

Will this be a regular occurance for the female members of Trilogy? Myself and Maire Marshall were placed in the wrong age group for Joey Hannon. It doesn't worry me too much as there is a hell of a crew from Trilogy launching themselves into the triathlon season this Sunday. All told, I think we have 34 members racing. TRILOGY ROCKS!!

Monday 27 April 2009

pass the book

Hi maeve, I want to say that i had little or no part in mr Farrell's decision on your age category for kilkee,had he of asked me i would definatly have said 30 to 34 as this is also my category...NO cosmetic surgery needed for us we look great for our age...Mick on the other hand?????  

Cosmetic Surgery

Dearest Mick

I will be sending you the bill for my cosmetic surgery.  You can split it 50-50 with Willie.

Kind regards


P.S. for those of you who are wondering – I am 21!


Sunday 26 April 2009

I'm so so sorry

I could have tortured someone, I could have caused a disaster, I may have even killed someone. but its worse, I got a girl,s age wrong. I wish to unreservedly apologise to Maeve Bracken for wrongfully entering her into the wrong age category for the Kilkee triathlon. I also wish to apologise to the entire Bracken family esp Kevin. So to Maeve I say sory.

NB. If ever entering names for a race and you dont know their age, dont ask WILLIE....


Friday 24 April 2009

Thank you for Killkee

Just to say thanks to all involved for getting us entry into the 25th Anniversary race for the Hell of the West. I might actually be cursing you on the day but for now, I'm sending my thanks and not just for Kilkee. For all the races we've been entered into so far.

Contract on Roy's Head Lifted

Hi Roy

Just wanted to let you know that I have cancelled the contract on your life ‘cos you got me into Kilkee.  Thanks, MAEVE

kilkee entry

Hi people, just to say  well done to the lads who got us all reg for kilkee, Great job boys.Just to let everyone know it fills up in about 12 mts so the pressure is realy on lads to get us in. So the next time you see Roy,Alan,Mick or karl please thank them for their thankless work..Enjoy the race every....

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Kilkee Accommodation

Marine Hotel in Kilkee still have some Rooms available for Euro 65 /night per person B & B. Phone No. 065-9056722. 
See you there unless anyone can get a better deal somewhere. Trish

Saturday 18 April 2009

Test Tri 2009

I just want to thank everyone that was involved in the test tri today. It was our biggest yet with 35 competitors. It is a testament of how our club is growing and thankfully we still have a 100% safety record. It is easier to race than to help out with timing, so I want to say a HUGE thanks to those today who carried out this task. Only for them, we would have had no race. See you all in the heath next Sunday for our Test Duathlon 3.

Monday 13 April 2009

Trilogy welcomes Roisin McCourt

Warm congratulations to Karen and Shay on the birth of their baby daughter Roisin.

Sunday 12 April 2009

Congrats to Kevin and Maeve

Well done you two on organising Try-Laois. All the feed back I'm getting is excellent. You can have a rest now. I'm sure it won't be too long before the club is back in an organising frenzy for TryAthy.

Thursday 9 April 2009


Hi Kevin,

We have spare bicycle if you still need it. Do you want me to drop it over to you or drop it over to whomever needs it. See you tomorrow anyway.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Stolen Bike

One of the entrants to the Portlaoise Tryathlon has had their bike stolen!  She is looking for the loan of a racing bike – all offers accepted.  Let me know if any one is feeling generous…


Friday 3 April 2009

A little adventure before the start of the season


Well after the long winter of training why not have a break and join Cornelius, Catriona and myself at this event . It's a 15k run and short 1k kayak and 48k on road. It's for a good cause and if the weather is good we'll be camping out. Hope some of you can join us. Oh did I mention there at £10,000 worth of diamonds to be won. :)

Monday 30 March 2009

Training Weekend

Karl, Jamie, Tom and to all who organised this weekend - Thanks for a great weekend.

For those who couldn't make it - everything went smoothly. Two great coaches dispensed loads of helpful tips like did you know that 'not braking wins races'....try it around blind corners ....very scary!!!!

And that 3/4s of us couldn't actually glance behind us and keep cycling in a straight line... bit of work to do on the 'core muscles' we were told!!

We were advised to have a look at the 'GI index' to help change and improve our diets whilst training and it was pointed out that Lucozade sport and similar drinks can be subsituted for 50:50 mix of water and apple/orange concentrate juice to rehydrate during and after training.... are much better for you and cost way less!!!

The cylcing and running training took place by the Howth and Portmarnock coastline and also in the Phoenix Park - our Trilogy gear turned a lot of heads as 20 of us cycled by!!!! Even the deer were impressed!

We clocked up a good speed with the wind behind our backs on the return leg of the cycle to Howth (I don't want to talk about the wind on the way out !!!)

I heard a rumour that a few indulged in some Vino on the Saturday night ... I wonder if it was the same few that also indulged on the previous training weekend away?????....leading by example eh!

I'll finish with just two questions ...... When's the next training weekend????

And Maeve - where did you say your brother lives!!!!

Training Weekend ...

Thanks to Karl and whomever else was involved in organising the training weekend.

Thursday 26 March 2009

joey hannon

Hi people,anyone wants to replace me in joey hannon give me a shout cheers..willie...

Thanks Maeve

Thank you Maeve, it is really appreciated. Everyone else can stand down now!!

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Can anyone give me a lift for the weekend?

Hi everyone, I know it is a big ask but my long suffering husband has put the foot down and refused to give me the car over the weekend. :-(
Can anyone accomodate me and my baby (quintana roo lucero wearen) by bringing us to and from the training camp.
Now, I don't want you all rushing in at once. I'll put the names into a hat and pick. Best of luck to you all. ha ha ha ha ha

Monday 23 March 2009


Just saying thanks to all the volunteers and organisers of the first duathlon. Great to see a lot of the new members, both junior and senior, out on the course. Anyway till next time, keep up the training.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

The Juniors excelled

Hi everyone, I just want to let you all know to start getting very worried about your positioning in the club. Read for confirmation of this. The talent ID day is on the splash page.

Monday 16 March 2009

Giant Sold

He collected it Sunday...

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Giant for Sale

Giant Ladies OCR3(Small) for sale. In perfect condition complete with Tri bars and cycle computer.(never went fast Its Miriams). €400 ONO. Ideal for beginner or youth. Contact Miriam or myself 0879885950

Saturday 7 March 2009

Well done Mark Mc Manus

Mark headed off today to the leafy Duathlon in Durrow. He enjoyed it thoroughly although his race didn't go according to plan. The next time, he vows to be on the starting line when the gun goes!! Anna, will let us know his time later :-)

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Tri Athlone


Thanks Trish. 
Ok, that makes two of us - anyone else interested?
(Even thought I don't think that it is on the club list of tri's??)


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Its still good

Even after 3 years they still need the good photo,s to try & sell Tri Athlone...


Monday 2 March 2009

Tri Athlone

If anyone interested in doing the above race - Entry is now Open -

Friday 27 February 2009

Training Camp

Just received another satilite image from Spain...You may not make out the image of the guy dancing but pay particular attention to the guy at the bar???

Thursday 26 February 2009

Training Camp

This is the latest satilite image of the training camp in Spain.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Good work Taco

That hat also works well as a heat retention device for your head while out training. In case you were wondering what it was for, like ...

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Tuesday 10 February 2009


Hi, people the new batch of bfuel has arrived and is ready to go {faster} I have done some tough sessions lately and not taken either the before or after drink and have found a great difference in both my performance and recovery,its just not the same high level and its as simple as if you want the max out of your training and kick last years PB into touch why not give it a go, it works out at around    €1 a bottle so value for money is guarnteed,give me a shout if interested and you can buy me a pint is september when you have kicked to touch, Happy and faster training.....willie...  

The New Mr Downey

Here is a cute shot of the Downey's new arrival. Trilogy wish the Downeys all the very best with Daniel Sean and his sister Erin, mum Elaine and new Dad Mark.

For those of you wondering who is this Mark Downey fella, heres a picture from the archives!

Saturday 7 February 2009

Dinner, did I hear you ask?

Hi Patrick and Catriona, you can count myself, Terry, Karl and Elaine in for the dinner. I think we have to book it at the same time so if there are any other hungry triathletes out there, come on and we'll get locked!!! (in a sensible way of course)

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Congratulations to Mark, Elaine and Erin

A huge congrats to Mark and Elaine on the birth of their baby boy, Daniel Sean and of course congrats to big sister Erin, from all the Wearens.

TI dinner

Myself and Catriona are interested in going to the dinner ,is anyone interested in getting a table?

Sunday 1 February 2009

9 swimmers = 11 medals - only the Juniors could manage this one!

Congratulations to everyone who participated in this weekends gala in Newross. This division 2 Winter qualifiers meet was a grueling competition that lasted over 2 days and saw PBs smashed. Well done to all involved, especially the parents and coaches who give their time and expertise into what can now only be confirmed as our 'up and coming' athletes.
Sorcha Mathews, who only last Friday moved up an age group made her presence felt as she made all 3 finals. This 11 year old set PBs in the 100m final of the Butterfly in an outstanding time of 1min 55secs. She also produced the goods when it came to the 200 freestyle in a time of 3min 20secs and 200m breast stroke in 4min 27secs.
William Goodwin had no problem displaying his potential when he also lowered his PBs in both the 400m freestlye to 7mins 14secs and his 100m breast stroke to 1min 48secs. When asked what she thought of this promising young 13 year old, his coach Eimear Mathews said "I'm immensely proud of him, as I am of all the swimmers that have come here today. They are consistent and are constantly improving".
Not to be out done, the youngest member representing Piranha, Diarmaid Faherty who is 8 years old set his PB in the 50m freestyle in an astonishing time of 59secs. Watch this space.
Diarmaid's 11year old sister, Claire made the podium in her 400m freestlye with a time of 6min 51 In the 200m breaststroke Claire stepped up a spot to take the silver with a time of 3min 54sec.
This was a mirrored display of 12 year old Kayleigh Mather who had no problem performing under pressure as she too, took home a sliver in 400m freestyle in a time of 6min 40 and a bronze in the 200m freestyle in 3min 11secs.
13year old Aoife Byrne had great pleasure during her race as her relaxed and perfected 200m backstroke placed her number 1 with an excellent time of 2min 51sec.
Her brother, Ross Byrne placed 3rd in the 200m freestyle in a time of 2:35:93. While he also posted the 2nd fastest time of the day in the IM in a time of 3:01 and the 100m Fly in 1:31, it was disappointing that he was unable to take part in the finals.
15 year old Tagdh Mathews gained a deserving place in the finals of the 100m breast stroke when he posted a time of 1:33. He went on to take the silver in the finals with a 1:35 time. He proved to be consistent in the 100m freestyle when he posted 1:13 in the heats and earned himself a bronze in the finals with the same result. Still not happy with 2 medals, he decided to prove himself again in the 400m freestyle with a time of 6min 22sec. Did I mention that this young man is only 15? Scary isn't it?
His elder brother Tom, who has been carrying an injury, shrugged this off as if he was Michael Phelps himself and hauled home 2 medals. In his heats of the 100m freestyle Tom posted a time of 1:01. He added 2 seconds to this time to take the silver in the finals. He was to join Aoife Byrne in taking home another gold for the club when he finished 1st place in the 100m breaststroke in 1:17.
Congratulations everyone who took part. Your hours of training in the pool are without a doubt paying off. Remember: ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.


Saturday 17 January 2009

Weekend Away

Hi everyone, just thought I'l let you know that I CANNOT wait for our weekend away. We'll have a ball. It will be great craic and we might even get in a bit of training.

Friday 9 January 2009

Looking for a Bike for Portlaoise Sprint

One of the entrants to the Tryathlon on 11th April is looking for the loan of a bike for the day as she is travelling from the UK.  Either Ladies large frame or Men’s medium please.  Let me know if you are feeling generous.



Thursday 8 January 2009

If Specialized made cars ....

This beautiful car could be yours. In top condition, a glory to drive and my mucky bike has never been let near it! Open to offers from Trilogy members (though Elaine has told me I can't swap it for racing wheels, no matter how good they are).

If you are interested check out the Carzone ad and get in touch!

Saturday 3 January 2009

Price Drop in Eireman

Hi guys, just thought I'd let you know that the price to enter the ironman distance race - Eireman, in Wexford has dropped from €300 to €250. You know, just in case anyone is interested.

Congrats to the Marshals

Sorry for taking so long to put this up guys but from all the Wearens, a huge congratulations to the latest addition to your family and no doubt to Trilogy. Have a great new year.