Monday 7 September 2009

From the other side of the world

So this is the first of my 'dispatches' from the World Champs 2009.

I have landed in Southport, Gold Coast, Queensland, Austalia. Really nice place and already there are hundreds of triathletes running, cycling and swimming. Me, I'm taking it easy, trying not to aggravate the ole calf. Managed to make a short swim today near the race start, but got caught by the darkness - pitch by 6pm! You'll also be glad to hear that its raining fairly heavily, feeling a bit home from home at the moment. The rain might just make the swim wetsuit compulsary - the water is definitely not cold, but under 22 degrees? Not sure and the rain might make the difference.

Tomorrow I hope to swim again and hook up later with Trilogy member Niall Collins.