Saturday 12 September 2009

Well done Karl

Late flight on Thursday and early start this morning meant that I didn't stay up last night to follow your progress. Great result on the Gold Coast. You will remember that for years to come. Glad to see that drafting is not just an Irish phenomenon. However National Peletons are really pushing the limits! Enjoy your holidays. You have done us all proud.

By the way it is 20 celsius and sunny here. I have a nice burned nose to prove it. Tri an Mhi ran their inaugural Quarryman Sprint Triathlon today at the Irish National Aquatic Centre. Small, well organized with a simple swim course, a longish cycle over small hills (Flat Course according to the Race Briefing!!) and a testing run with a nice steep hill to start with. My calves are still complaining. Not a course for PB's but enjoyable. As usual I forgot to stop my watch as I crossed the finish line so the long wait for results continues.....