Tuesday 8 September 2009

The Warm-up begins

Having a quick morning coffee. Today is race-day 1 of the World Championships and I am hoping to nab a last-minute entry into the World Aquathon Champs.

The race is a perfect warm-up event - 2.5km run, 1km swim, 2.5km run. The best part is that the swim is definitely wetsuit free for this one, so good practice in the event that wetsuits are banned for the big event on Saturday.

Was up with Niall Collins last night and his money is on the water temperature passing 22 degrees making the swim too warm for suits. I gather they will take three temperatures from three points one hour before the first wave and all three have to be above 22 degrees. Latest information is 21.7 degrees, so its a close call.

Checked out the bike Niall kindly offered me. Beautiful does not describe it. Mean curves, carbon frame, rear braes behind the pedals and funky gear cable routing, this bike has it all. And then we have 808 Zipps Tubulars!

Not much more news to report, will surely bump into the Irish crew at the race today and Niall tells me Bobby is floating around also. Am keeping the fingers crossed my legs go well today - no sign of the niggle I had in Dublin so far this week, but then again I haven't run on it either.

Talk to you later ... PS Niall says hello to all.