Monday 30 March 2009

Training Weekend

Karl, Jamie, Tom and to all who organised this weekend - Thanks for a great weekend.

For those who couldn't make it - everything went smoothly. Two great coaches dispensed loads of helpful tips like did you know that 'not braking wins races'....try it around blind corners ....very scary!!!!

And that 3/4s of us couldn't actually glance behind us and keep cycling in a straight line... bit of work to do on the 'core muscles' we were told!!

We were advised to have a look at the 'GI index' to help change and improve our diets whilst training and it was pointed out that Lucozade sport and similar drinks can be subsituted for 50:50 mix of water and apple/orange concentrate juice to rehydrate during and after training.... are much better for you and cost way less!!!

The cylcing and running training took place by the Howth and Portmarnock coastline and also in the Phoenix Park - our Trilogy gear turned a lot of heads as 20 of us cycled by!!!! Even the deer were impressed!

We clocked up a good speed with the wind behind our backs on the return leg of the cycle to Howth (I don't want to talk about the wind on the way out !!!)

I heard a rumour that a few indulged in some Vino on the Saturday night ... I wonder if it was the same few that also indulged on the previous training weekend away?????....leading by example eh!

I'll finish with just two questions ...... When's the next training weekend????

And Maeve - where did you say your brother lives!!!!