Wednesday 9 September 2009

World Champs Aquathon Done

Aquathon done. 2.5k Run-1km Swim-2.5km Run ... a very tough format, it must be said. The weather here has been fantastic since Monday and with a 2pm start, we were baking in 25-26 degree heat even before the klaxon went.

Bang! We started out on the first 2.5km leg and the 150 or so in my heat took off at lightning pace. I haven't seen the results yet, but I think I finished the first run in 9-something, a little faster than I would have set myself on a recovering calf, but as I entered T1 I was smiling that it had not bothered me at all.

Going Swim-Run seems all-wrong. First you have the task of trying to put on a switm hat and goggles as you barrell through transition, then you hit the water with an elevated heart rate and heavy breathing which induces a kind of panicky feeling for the first 100m until you settle down into it.

As expected the swim was non-wetsuit, but this wasn't really any issue. The water was nice and warm and if the pace was a little slower, then it was slower for everyone.

My mistake was not getting properly familiar with the course. As the small heat spread out over the swim course, there were times I was almost alone out there and this caused me to go way off course near the end - I basically headed for home at the second last buoy, realised my mistake when I was almost back to transition and had to swing back out 150-200m to roubnd the last bouy before returning back in.

That diversion on the swim probably set me back 3 mins or so, but I was glad to come in under 45 mins, my target time for the course. Best of all the leg also held out for Run 2, leaving me confident for Saturday.

Not much more going on today, I have to head shortly for registration and then the Irish team briefing, then later this evening, I have the parade of nations.

Elaine has some great pics from yesterday which I hope to be able to post up here soon, this is proving more difficult than I thought without my trusty laptop.

So over and out for now. I seen the times from Lough Key - well done all, and best of luck tapering down now for Kenmare.