Friday 3 July 2009

Best of Luck to our Ironman Athletes

Hey everyone, just in case, like me - you have no life, here is my plan for Sunday. I will be following all our friends from Trilogy and Carlow Tri Club on line for their race on Sunday 5th July. They will be in the water from 06:45 and have a cut off time to complete the race of 16hrs. THEY ARE: Margot Buchhorn - 478
Ken Barry - 839
Dermot O'Leary - 2114
Karen Robinson - 696
Clive Byrne - 974
Hilary Jenkinson - 569
Charlie Murphy - 2060
Colin Pollock - 2239
Aidan Quigley - 2260
Best of luck to all of you. All the work is done now and the race is only a formality. Just remeber, each swim stroke, revolution of the pedals and foot step will take you closer to the finish. Enjoy!