Friday 31 December 2010

Happy New Year

Hope everyone has a happy, healthy and safe race season for 2011. Bring it on!

Thursday 30 December 2010

Glenafelly on Monday

Just a quick reminder to those of you who are going for the walk on Monday to bring a camera. Mick Farrell tells me the scenery is brilliant. See ye all there.


A huge Congrats to Sinéad and Dave on their new addition. What a lovely way to welcome in the New Year.

Happy New Year

Hi Folks,  Denise here.  I just wanted to test out if I finally managed to get onto the chat area and wish everyone a Happy New Year.


Friday 24 December 2010

Something Different for Christmas

The Road Not Taken

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Happy Christmas everyone....

Happy happy happy Christmas

To everyone in Trilogy, have a great Christmas and New Year. See you all soon.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Anyone for a dip?

Do you fancy it? Good practise for an arctic triathlon.

Trilogy Terrain Walk

Trilogy would like to invite all its members to take part in a walk on the 3rd of January up in the Slieve Blooms. We will be doing the Glenafelly Route. All you need to bring is some warm clothes and some waterproofs. A picnic and a hip flask if you so desire. It will help us shake off the Christmas cobwebs and it will be a nice leisurely pace. We will be meeting up at 10:00hrs in Portlaoise. This is a bank holiday Monday and if you want to get out and invigorate yourself, then this is the walk for you. For those interested please contact either myself or Mick Farrell so we can arrange the car pooling and meeting points. Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Spinning is cancelled

Hi everyone. I'm sorry to say that due to bad weather, the spinning for tonight has been cancelled. I'll see everyone again in 2 weeks time. Enjoy Christmas and have a great new year.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

2011 Season and AGM

Hi Guys, TI have published next years calendar on their website. Lots of events to tempt the wicked. Plus TriAthy are doing a half ironman!!!!! BRING IT ON. Follow this link :
Remember the AGM is Wednesday at 8pm in the Heritage, Portlaoise. Merry Christmas!!

Monday 13 December 2010

Breakfast Club Night Out

The Annual breakfast club (Male Only) night out will take place on Friday 16th of December.The party is by invite only & you will receive a text in the coming days to confirm palce & time.If you would like to attend & have not got a text then please contact.....(Any male)

Friday 10 December 2010

I want these wheels

Donations welcome.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Ballycotton 10

Entry Forms for the above can now be downloaded from their web page
The race is on 6 March 2011.

Monday 29 November 2010

Lost cycling Jersey

Hi Guys, there was a trilogy cycling jersey left in the Heritage in Killenard 2 weeks ago. It is medium in size. I'll bring it to spinning tomorrow. Just let me know who owns it. See you there,

Sunday 28 November 2010

Monday 22 November 2010

Monday Night Track

Great to see so many of you attending but could I ask everyone to try be on the Track and ready to go at 7.45 p.m. THANK YOU

Thursday 18 November 2010

Free 5k Race!!!

A friend of mine is organising a small club race this Saturday on the college campus, NUI Maynooth. It's a 5k (basically 3 laps of south campus). Sambos and tea/coffee afterwards in the sports centre. Best of it's free and starts at 2pm. Give me buzz if you want anymore details.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Garmin Forerunner 305 for sale

Hi all,

A mate of mine has asked me to see if anyone wants to buy a Garmin Forerunner 305. It is used, but not much. He has all the attachments, and is looking for 130 euros.

More can be found here.

If any one wants it, let me know.


Friday 12 November 2010

Charity Cycle in Navan

Hi guys, a friend of mine contacted me to let me know about a cycle that is happening on Sunday 28th November in Navan. It'll cost €20 and there are 2 courses. Short one is 45km and long one is 90km. It is in aid of a fellow triathlete who was knocked down off his bike a few months back and is still in hospital. The cycle starts at 10am from Navan Rugby Club. This guy is called Derek Hussey incase any of you know him. He broke C2, T4, 3 ribs and his right collar bone! Ouch. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll email you the routes. It should be a good day out.

Swim n' Bike

Hi Guys, the Athy Clan are doing a session in Athy Pool on Fridays at 7pm. Also Bike session on Sundays at 8.30am leaving from the Back Square. All welcome. Also TriCW are doing a Time Trial the first saturday of every month. Should be fun. Checkout their website.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Time to go fast

Hi all,
Steve o' Toole has informed me that his super fast Felt time trial bike is up for sale,anyone interested give stevie a ring on 0857369657

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Wednesday Run +++++

A few old and new members came along tonight. The easy 5k run was taken out by yours truly and then Denise (who has completed a Personal Traning Course) put us through some excersises with a difference in the Heritage Car Park, which added a new dimension to the Wed Night Run.
We would love to see more people out next week and bring along a MAT for the post run activities?????

If anyone feels they are not fit enough for the Monday Track yet this will be a great way to get yourself up to speed.

Only you can help Paul ...

Paul Brennan today became the first member to sign up for the Trilogy Christmas party.

Paul is hoping that someone else signs up soon.

Yes, there is the plus-side of a Christmas-Party-For-One: no queue for the hmmm-mmmm delicious hot food, no shortage of dessert to follow and plenty of service at the Bar anytime you need it.

But can these benefits ever compensate for the lonelieness, the lack of company, the sad figure in the middle of an empty room, buying drinks in a round of one?

Not to mention the whole Kris Kindle thing - buying, wrapping and then exchanging one Kris Kindle gift with yourself.

So, before this tragedy unfolds, please, please please ... Sign up to join Paul at Trlogy's Christmas Party.

Don't Delay - Do It Today!

Sunday 7 November 2010

Well done Johnathan ...

That's a great result in Alive Outside. I am just as much impressed that you are still in racing form that late in the year!

PS I lok forward to your photo nominations for the calendar ;)

From John Fox

Hi Sinead can you post this on the Trilogy site for the guys and gals to see what hardship but glory of doing a Ironman. When I seen this video on you tube its makes me want to do an Ironman.
Lovely sad true story

Shock news -JR stays on the bike

Hi everyone, I'm not too sure if the above is actually true. What is true however, is that our very own Johnathan Robinson had a terrific race in Alive Outside today. He won his age group but did fantastically well to stay on the bike and come 9th over all out of 45 other participants. He was Trilogy's only representative today, so well done lad. We're proud.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Opinions Count - New Member Poll feature

Check out the right hand panel of this page (and also on Chat) below the logo for Winter Training. There is a new 'Member Poll' panel, which the committee will use from time to time to get your opinion on club decisions.

The first of these is in relation to 2011 calendar (see the News post from 1 November below for more)

Just 2 more days now to vote on the calendar. Poll shuts on Saturday, results will be announced then. Thanks to the 14 members who have already cast their vote!

Sunday 31 October 2010

spin in limerick

Hi all, the 100k in Limerick next Sat starts at 10am so we will leave from centre point on the Mountrath rd p/laoise at 8am. We should be back in town before 5 sat evening..Sean kelly awaits us!!!!

Wednesday 27 October 2010


Hi Guys,
Thanks for all your support, encouragement and good wishes over the last few weeks. It was much appreciated and I have scribbled a few words of my experience which Karl will upload in the next few days. Sinead, I think Deirdre Walsh is thinking of doing the duathlon. I might join you if my knee settles down. If not, Willie, I might join you in Limerick. Dave


Hi all, I am heading to Limerick on Sat Nov 6th for a Charity 100k Cycle and I am looking for some hardy souls to join me!!, I have done this cycle for the past 3 yrs and stayed at the back of the field to mend punctures and help out in general, most of the people would be fairly new to cycling or could even be first timers.This year is a little different however.........It still has the first timers section but a certain Mr SEAN KELLY is joining us this year and so I suspect there will be a little competive group also!!, so if you fancy a easy spin or a little one to one with Irelands greatest ever cyclist give me a shout and I will have more details up here soon...

Alive outside

Hi everyone, I was thinking of going to the above mentioned race. It is on on the 7th November. Anyone else up for it?

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Future ironman

Well done Dave that is some running, can you give me some of what your taking please!!!!!Roll on the new baby hopefully he/she/they??? will slow you down!!!! I hear you are thinking of going long next season????

Marathon Man

Well done Dave - I'd say it was more of a challange getting down the stairs if my memory serves me right. Sure maybe you would give us a SHORT write up of your experience.

Sunday 24 October 2010

European Duathlon Championships

For those of us who might need that extra bit of motivation over Winter, Limerick are hosting the European Duahtlon Championships on 17th April 2011.

House for rent

Hi all, 
If anyone knows of somebody looking to rent a house in PORTLAOISE please give me a shout thanks

Pat on the back for Trilogy

Hi everyone, just thought I'd share some info that I got off the TI Website. In the national series, the women placed the club in 10th place, the men placed the club in 13th and overall as a club we are placed 11th. If anything, it shows how much the club has grown over the past few years and also that we are consistent. Bring in 2011 and I'm sure we can again, bring it up a notch.

Thursday 21 October 2010

The Test Trophies

Hi everyone, it is that time of the year again where some new and some old names have to be engraved on our Test Series Winner Cups. Will all cup winners please contact me through and we will arrange the hand over of your cups. For those of you (like me) who are giving their cups over to new winners, this is your opportunity to clean the cup/cups and take the photos of yourself with the cup in every room in the house. Try and get it back next year.


The 50k part of Sat Cycle is starting at 1pm from Abbeyleix Golf Club and expect to link up with the 120k group near Portlaoise to CREATE NOISE and RATTLE BUCKETS in the town and then back to Abbeyleix. WEAR YOUR TRILOGY GEAR.

Tuesday 19 October 2010


Hi Guys, TriAthy features in the October issue of Triathlon Plus as one of the fastest races out there. Also check out which contains a lot of articles on training, technique and gear reviews.

Sunday 17 October 2010

Help a student!

Aoife Molloy has asked me to put up the following message. She would be grateful if you could help out.

"I'm wondering if you could pass this on to members please? A friend of mine is a physiotherapy student in UCD (and also a triathlete!). For her final year project she is doing some research into triathletes and their most common injuries. It would be a huge help to her if some members could fill in the anonymous questionnaire and return it to her by email ( It only takes a few minutes. She asked me to bring it to training which would have been easier but she needs the questionnaires back in the next week or so and we're not back to training yet!"

Download - Letter about the Research
Download - The Questionnaire

Saturday 16 October 2010


There is a Charity Cycle Tour of Laois town 120k or 50k for Hospice or Cuisle Centre starting at Abbeyleix Golf Club 10am on Saturday 23 October. There are Sponsorship Cards but I presume a few bob paid on Sat would be much appreciated. If you need any more information contact Mary Fingleton.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

TI Awards Dinner

Is there anyone interested in going to TI Dinner on 27 Nov which is in Dublin this year.
Check out TI Website for details .

Children's Aquathon 2011

Hi everyone, I got an email today from TI regarding race submission for the 2011 calendar. I received this email as I have been involved with the Trilogy Children's Aquathon for the last 3 years. I am taking a break from this in 2011 so I'm asking for anyone who is interested in organising this very worthwhile race to contact me. I will help out in anyway I can and also forward on the email from Triathlon Ireland. You can contact me through or by phone @ 087 1341074.

Test Tri Tustle?

Judging by these explosive photos, it seems that Sinead and Trish remain at loggerheads over the Test Tri Series results. C'mon girls, show some decorum!

Sunday 10 October 2010

Ballyfin 10K

Our very own Eimear Mathews took Gold here on a testing course.
Well done.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Fancy dress party for local Autism Group

LOFFA (That's Laois Offaly Families for Autism) are holding a very special night to raise much needed funds this Halloween.

The 'Haunting Halloween Hoolie' will start at 7:30pm in the Heritage Hotel, Portlaoise on Saturday 30 October.

Tickets cost €50, which includes a drinks reception, 4 course meal, dancing til late & music from those local Laois bands.

Buy yours online at this link or by Contacting: Edel on 087 2339572 or Jackie on 086 1062770.

Bed & Breakfast rate in the hotel is being offered at Double Room €50 per person sharing / Single Room €79 - Contact Reservations on 057 8678588

Also based in Portlaoise has kindly offered to donate 10% of all monies spent on outfits for our Ball to LOFFA .... in order to ensure that LOFFA receives 10% of your costume cost - then PLEASE reference 'Loffa3010' (note it is case sensitive) when you are placing your order

Bike For Sale

Road Bike for sale: Merida 901.
Frame size: Medium.
Components: Shimano Sora & big shiny front reflector ;)
Only used once (50 km).
Price: €550 Euro (Price if bought new: €820)
May suit beginner to cycling/triathlon.
Interested? Phone Margot on 0863726343

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Get out the fancy dress costumes

For those of you who looked fantastic for our mystery night, there is another dress up night in Portlaoise. It is a Halloween Ball for the locat autism support group - LOFFA. It is being held in the Heritage on the 30th. Tickets are €50 and include a 4 course meal, music and everything else you'll expect from a ball! If anyone is interested contact me @ 087-1341074

Monday 4 October 2010


Hi Girls,

There is a 10k Ladies Race from Ballyfin GAA on Saturday 9 Oct starting at 3 pm. Could be a few hills up there. Entry is €10 and there are some Prizes.
If you want any further info contact Loraine at 8661696.

Also I see there are HiVis Running singlets in Lidl for those dark winter nights.

Friday 24 September 2010

Sunday Cycle

Hi Guys,

Sunday Cycle leaving the Courthouse in Athy at 8.30am. See you bright and early. Helmet mandatory.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

New home for the Roo

Hi everyone, I'm just putting this out to see if anyone is interested in buying my Quintana Roo Lucero with training wheels AND go faster wheels! She is a LOVELY bike and I want to see her go to a good home. So, if anyone is interested and has 2K to spare, give me a call on 087-1341074.

... I see what you mean, Sinead

... not sure how I missed it the first time?

Supporter Extrodinaire

Hi Karl, that suppoter was Helena and she has been trying to contact Limerick Tri Club since we got home to return the glasses.

Missing Sunnies from Budapest

Message here from Laoise in Limerick Tri Club ... if anyone can help, please let me (Karl) know.

I was away recently in Budapest at the World Championsips and was competing on the Sunday in the age group Olympic event. On the run section I had my sunglasses with me and they kept falling off and annoying me so I gave them to a very helpful Irish supporter to mind! (I believe this was a female Trilogy Triathlon club member, maybe someone who did the sprint event the previous day?)

The supporter was doing a great job cheering everyone on and was located on the bike course out near the transition area. They were blue and white oakleys. I am wondering if anyone knows who the person was that I gave them to and is there any chance that they brought them home for me as I didn't manage to locate them in the aftermath? If not, don't worry but I'd be delighted with any help you could provide,

Sunday 19 September 2010

Reeling in the year!

It is hard to imagine that we are at the end of another very successful season. I am putting together a ‘Year Book’ of sorts with every ones favourite memory’s of the season. Will everyone send me an email with their favourite memory or indeed memories of 2010. It can be 10 pages long or just 10 words. We want to hear from all club members.

Subbit My Favourite Memory of 2010 in 2 Minutes

Friday 17 September 2010


Well done to Avril Byrne on comming home a very close 5th Female in her first Half Ironman. I believe she needed a bit more road to catch 4th. The swim sounded terrable which unfortunately got the better of Wesley but well done for completing the bike section.
Also I see Niall Kavanagh came 2nd in his age group in a 10K road race.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Tex Mex

Yeah. Went for a run this morning and was pursued by farmers bearing pitch forks......


Only now has the body and soul recovered from this wonderful trip. Well done to everyone envolved in making it happen. Unfortunately they had no control over the weather (Karl must be keeping his contact for TriAthy) but that didn't dampen our spirits - at least not for long.
Great racing from all our competitors and what an experience. As for our supporters - the most vocal of them all.
Dave - are you wearing that Mex T-Shirt around Athy??? Can't wait to see the photos!!!

Budapest Rocks

Just a quick note of appreciation for everyone who travelled to Budapest at the weekend. The weather was abyssmal on Saturday but everyone endured the elements to compete and support. A lot of work went into the preparation for the event and I would like to thank Karl, Roy and Murt for all their work without which the event would not have happened. Also Brian was instrumental in ensuring our bikes were able to travel with us. I heard some competitors spent a small fortune transporting their steed. It was great to see our two young men, Michael and Jonathan put in strong times in atrocious conditions. Fair play to Shane who had the performance of the weekend after a hard week. Also Murt showed that pain is only temporary and no barrier to perseverance. Viva Trilogy!
Hey everyone... its mad to think that my first comment on is to congratulate everyone on the accomplisment that is the conquering the world triathlon championships in budapest. The performances were brilliant, the support was fantastic and the setting was magnificant. Bring on 2011...

Junior Cert Results

Just a quick note to let everyone know Johnathan got some great results in his Junior Cert results today. Well done JR!

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Well done!

Big congrats to everyone that competed in Budapest. Looking forward to the full report. Just wondering who did Jonathan not meet!

Sunday 12 September 2010

World Championships equals Personnel Bests

Well done to Shane Delaney, Brian Bonham, Karl McCann, Murt Kane and Taco Camphuijsen who all completed the Olympic distance today in Budapest. With PBs all round, they did themselves, the club and their country proud.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Good luck to one and all in Budapest....

Message from the Chairman !
Co-incidentally I was in Budapest yesterday morning en route to
Skopje on the early morning flight..just doing a reconnisance for
you all !..met some of the Limerick Tri guys... all looks good from
the air anyway !..wish I could be there. Good luck sincerely to
all athletes,young and old, Thanks also to our team manager,
assistants,supporters and groupies for making it all happen for
our brillant Irish team.
Go n-éirigh an bóthar libh go léir

From the Specialised tent, courtesy Bobby

Former World Champ Tim Don meets Johnathan

And we're away ...

Pictured just before we left Portlaoise for Budapest yesterday. Not in the picture but also racing is Denise Murphy, Johnathan Robinson, Dave Osborne and Shane Delaney. Viva Trilogy!
Former World Champ Tim Don meets Johnathan

Wednesday 8 September 2010


Here we go here we gooooo, here we go here we go here we go-oh. Watch out Budapest! Yay

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Talent ID Day

For our juniors, please logon to and go to the Talent ID section. There is a survey that you must fill out to apply to attend. You can contact me for more details through

Monday 6 September 2010


Just like to wish all our athlets the best of luck in Budapest this week, im sure you will do yourself and the club proud,and not to forget the supporters,the sound of our voices {cheers} will be worth seconds maybe minutes to our athlets... GO TRILOGY...

Saturday 4 September 2010

Weather in Budapest

Mixed bag in Budapest at the moment with temperatures forecast to be around 18 celsius during the day and between 10 and 15 celsius at night. Little bit of rain to make us feel at home, not that we care being the hardy outdoorsy people that we are!!!!

Tuesday 31 August 2010


Liam Byrne is in need of a Bike Box for Budapest - does anyone have or know of someone who would lend him one - contact Liam on 087782660

Monday 30 August 2010


Siobhan O'Toole completed her first Open Water Sprint Race in Dublin City yesterday finishing 3rd in the Juniors and 9th Female overall in a time of 1h15m50s - well done - Swim 13.57 Bike 37.26 Run 21.18. Time for the Old Guard to watch over our shoulders.
Not to be outshone just yet Steve finished 2nd in his age group in the Olympic.

Thursday 26 August 2010

Luggacurran 10Km Race

The annual Luggacurran 10km road race will take place in Luggacurran on Sunday the 12th September at 12pm. You can enter on the day and the cost is €10.00. There are one or two hills but its a good one!!!

Saturday 21 August 2010

Trophy Cleaning Duties

Congratulations to the Test Series Winners of 2010. I'll be getting the silver polish out when I get home Trish. I wouldn't have you giving out if I gave you a dirty trophy or two. LOL. Well done.

Monday 16 August 2010

Challenge Copenhagen

Hi everyone, thanks for all the support for yesterday. I'm still in one piece but the quads are a bit sore. Anyway, I'll write up a race report when we get home. The only thing I'll say is, if you are planning to go long - this is the race to do it. Every athlete was made feel special and it was an excellently organised event. I'm sure I'll be able to convince of few of ye! Karl, I think I'll do Challenge Roth in 2012. Who is with me?

Sunday 15 August 2010

Sineads Split times at Challenge Roth

Sinead completed Challenge Roth yesterday in a hugely impressive time of 12:30, and finished 20th in her age group and 82nd overall woman. Check out her bike time - a cool 5:49 for 180km, never once slipping under 30km an hour. Sinead also kept it nice and steady for the full marathon distance, never slowing down along the way.

Finally, I am sure Sinead won't mind me putting up her previous times for the Ironman distance ... 14:25 in Ironman UK (2007), 12:57 in Eireman 2009.

link to live results

Race # 279
Sinéad Wearen IRL
Distance Individual Women 30-34 years (F30-34)
Wave Wave 2 - Age Group
Check-In Time 07:00:30
Start Time 07:04:36
Timing Point Time Split km/h min/km
Swim 01:18:45 01:18:45
Transition 01:22:03 01:03:19
Bike 33 km 02:22:31 01:00:28
Bike 63 km 03:24:19 02:02:16
Bike 93 km 04:15:09 02:53:06
Bike 110 km 04:48:07 03:26:04
Bike 140 km 05:56:30 04:34:27
Bike 170 km 06:53:52 05:31:49
Bike 180 km 07:11:53 05:49:50
2nd Transition 07:16:09 00:04:17
Run 3,35 km 07:39:48 00:23:39
Run 6,10 km 07:58:40 00:42:31
Run 9,95 km 08:28:01 01:11:52
Run 13,80 km 08:51:46 01:35:37
Run 17,15 km 09:18:12 02:02:04
Run 19,90 km 09:36:47 02:20:38
Run 23,75 km 10:07:28 02:51:19
Run 27,60 km 10:33:51 03:17:42
Run 30,95 km 10:59:54 03:43:46
Run 33,70 km 11:23:30 04:07:22
Run 37,55 km 11:54:18 04:38:09
Run 41,40 km 12:25:59 05:09:50
Finish 12:30:18 05:14:09

Saturday 14 August 2010

On the way to CK

... and half expecting to see Sinead there, don't think she's missed one.
Good luck to all racing today and all the best to Sinead in Copenhagen, we'll be watching you online on your way to a new ironman PB!

Friday 13 August 2010

Debut for (possibly) youngest Trilogy Member!

Tomorrow will see a young Trilogy member make her triathlon debut. Brónagh Wearen will be dipping her toes along with the rest of her, with out a wetsuit into the sea in Copenhagen as she is registered to take part in Challenge Kids. This, I'm sure will be the first of many! The distance is a 50m open water swim followed by a gruelling 500m cycle and finishing off with an extremely tough 200m run. This athlete has granted me an exclusive interview which I'll be able to include in the race report. (I'll be the ghost writer - after all, she is only 6!). Watch this space for a race report. :-)

Tuesday 10 August 2010


Would anyone have or know of someone who would lend Michael Dalton a Bike Box for Budapest. You can contact me on 086 3866046.

Sunday 8 August 2010

Caption Competition

One J. Robinson has contributed the first caption: "Does my bum look big in this?"

Friday 6 August 2010

... someone has trouble sleeping after the Duathlon ...

No sooner was the request made for race reports than Susan Wall was there to respond. My e-mail says she sent it at 1:13am - ouch! Watch out for Susan's account of TriKilkenny, it will be up here over the weekend, along with the other reports and photos.

Thursday 5 August 2010

Great Suggestion Trish ...

Some of the races our members have done but for which we have no reports include (believe it or not) TriAthy, Kilkenny, Carrick-on-Suir, Carna, and Racing795's debut event last week. All of these races could be NS next year, and it is great to be able to look back on old reports in future years. Also, important facts like Pawel's 12th place finish last weekend get lost if not reported.

Send me reports in any format - just typed in an e-mail or half-finished, I am more than happy to stick them on the website!

PS well done Pawel!

Race Reports

I believe there are a few people out there flying the flag for Trilogy at various races besides the NS ones. Maybe we could get a race report/photos from some of these races.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Thank you

Hi everyone. I just want to thank everyone who sponsered me, helped me with my training and wished me well for the challenge. Hopefully I won't let the trilogy colours down. See you all next month and have fun and safe races in the meantime.

Monday 2 August 2010

Tri in the Indo

Good article in the health section of the Irish Independent today. Check it out ...

Sunday 1 August 2010

Swim in Lillyput tomorrow

If anyone is interested in joining myself and Sandra for an open water swim on bank holiday in Lillyput between 1 and 2, just give Sandra a buzz.
Sandra: 086 2523947

Thursday 29 July 2010

In Mailbag this week ...

A certain eagle-eyed viewer of Ireland AM on TV3 has noticed that presenter Sinead Desmond has a favourite mug - anyone else have one to match??!

Thanks to Elaine ... anyone know the connection between the TV3 crew & our little race in Portlaoise?

Tuesday 27 July 2010


Well done to all who completed this one. Definately the toughest of them all but great scenery and well organised. I never saw as many DNF on the results. If your want a challange next year this is the one.

Monday 26 July 2010

LE Tour De France

Hi all,
This is a must see for all cycling fans click TDF stage 20 full day with lance and watch out for the Irish pap's at 1 minute 6 seconds..

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Copenhagen Challenge

Hi guys, as you know I'm doing this iron distance race in 24 days. I'm doing it for the local charity - Laois Offaly families for Autism aka LOFFA. I have sponsporship cards at home so if anyone wants to fill one for me, they are more than welcome. Also, if anyone wants to sponser me, let me know and I'll stick your name on the card. To make sure I actually do the race, ye can all track me through on the 15th August. Thank you in advance.

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Girls a running

I was expecting a few of our female runners out last night as they assured me on Sat. night (with beer in hand) that they were making a comeback. Maybe they FORGOT!!!!

Sunday 18 July 2010

Oh! What a night!

We really had a great night at the Mystery Night. Well done to Catriona and Patrick, and to all the characters who showed up to make the night so much fun. A whole night out and didn't ever talk about tri!! I have a pile of photos to go on the site, once the old laptop comes back from the PC hospital this week.

Thank You

To Cathriona & Patrick, thanks for a great night and again something new & different & we put our own mark on it.To Trish, your right dodgy staff working in Coppers....:)


What a Night - well done Catriona & Patrick. Hope all those who ended up in Coppers are in good health today. Couldn't chance leaving The Fur in cloak room so had to go home!!!!



Wanted for murder.....Last seen in the Portlaoise area,Not to be approached extremely dangerous & prey's on old Ladies....

Posted by Picasa


What a night, now i know what a Triathlon club realy gets up to!!!
Well done to Patrick & Cathriona for organising and making it a great night out
cheers lads :)

Saturday 17 July 2010

Great night!!!

Hope everyone had fun...roll on the next mystery tour. Thanks for getting involved.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Mystery Night

Catriona has advised me that someone can't go to Mystery Night this Saturday. If anyone would like to take their place contact her on 057-8660529. It sounds like it is going to be GREAT.

Saturday 10 July 2010

Aquathon Success

Thank you so much to everyone who helped today either directly or indirectly. I have been given very good feedback which is always great to hear. Well done everyone. I really appreciated it.

Thursday 8 July 2010

The Trilogy Finish Sign

If anyone knows where or who has the Trilogy sign will ye contact me ASAP. I need it for tomorrows race. Thanks Sinéad (087 1341074)

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Final Call for helpers

Please please please contact me if you can give a few hours on Saturday. Trilogy are hosting the NATIONAL Junior Aquathon Championships in Port Laoise. At the moment I need at least another 10 people to allow this competition to take place. We have approximately 70 athletes taking part and the whole day will be over not later than 13:00hrs. I need marshals to be available from 08:45 onwards. Contact me @ 087 - 1341074 or email me through
Thank you in advance.

Monday 5 July 2010

Runners at a great price for Trilogy

Hi everyone. A good friend of the club, Eamon Tilley (yes - brother of Johanna) has asked me to pass on the message that he is supplying K Swiss runners in Ireland. He has given me a list but is offering a further 10% discount to Trilogy members. To contact him call the number below. They do look lovely but unfortunately, I cannot upload the images.
Triathlete Solutions 087 0916925

Womens Triathlon Shoes
Pink Blue Green

Keahou II Konesic Ultra – NTRL- Run ii Irn
100 euros 100 euros 85 euros

Men’s Triathlon Shoes
Grey Red Green

Run one-mi soul K – Ona Ultra – NTRL- Run ii Irn
120 euros 90 euros 90 euros


Well done to everyone on your Racing and Marshalling. We shall give tonights run a miss, give the legs a rest. Roll on Budapest where we can subsitute marshalling with PARTY!!!!

What a Weekend?

Well done to everyone who competed at the weekend. Great racing in a fantastic atmosphere. What a great turnout by Trilogy to marshall. Could they have run it without us? I think not. Everyone did the club proud. Off to the South of France for two weeks for some sneaky training ( I mean holiday!!). Keep her lit!!!

Thursday 1 July 2010


Best of luck to everyone taking part at the weekend. Give it socks!!!

Tri-Specific Swim Sessions (in Dublin)

Maeve's brother (Stephen McBride) is starting new tri-specific swim sessions in Dublin from Sunday 11 July onwards. Some of you may remember him from the club training weekend we did in the same venue last year. The sessions are on 2-3 each Sunday in Westwood, Clontarf. Maeve or Kevin can put you in touch if interested.

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Irl Tri Suits

I believe the lettering is coming off some of the new Irl Tri Suits - those of you lucky enough to have received them. Tom Matthews can sort this out. You can contact him on 085 1733793.
Eimear will be in Athy tonight if you want to drop suits with her.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Irish Tri Suit

Hi guys, just thought I'd let you know that my new Irish tri suit arrived today and I love it love it love it. I might even wear it for Challenge Copenhagen. Yes, it is that nice :-)

Monday 28 June 2010

Europeans europeans europeans

Best of luck to everyone going to Athlone this weekend. Wear the colours well. (if we get the tri suits, that is!). Anyway, I also want to wish our run coach Gary the best of luck. He is also competing in the europeans this weekend in Bulgaria. Do us proud Gary.


Hi all.
Training this week is as follows,
Monday, run in emo at 7, meet at house.
Tue,20k bike and 5k run meet at the GYM [not the heath] at 7
Wed, swim in the Barrow at 7 sharp,please be on time thanks,
Rest  Thur and Friday,
give it socks at the weekend!!!!!!!

Friday 25 June 2010


I know at this stage of the year that nearly everyone is 'marshalled out'. Unfortunately, I still need helpers for the Junior Aquathon. The good news about this race for marshalls is that I only need a maximum of 4hrs. Registration begins at 09:00hrs on the 10th July and the race and presentation will be over by 13:00hrs. Please send me an email to if you are willing to help. Thank you in advance.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Mystery night

You all signed up for a mystery event and with that you let the element of surprise take precedence. As the mystery event comes closer, our guests have questions!
There is, more information to follow. The most important element is intrigue, and for the night to be a success we all need to fully participate.
People have been asking is it cocktail or costume dress? It is what ever you want it to be, make sure you are comfortable. There is no need to rent or buy costumes, but if the recession has not knocked on your door, go ahead. Please every body have fun.
If anybody has any questions they can contact us until Saturday at, after this I`m afraid were not available until the event.

Also, please contact me by phone or e-mail, to let me know you have received your first piece of information. Thank you.

Mourne Tri

Hi all,
Check out the Mourne Triathlon on Ti website,7th aug,pool like swim{in the lake]closed road bike and a flat 10k run,[sher you would be mad not to do it]Its a 2hr drive away and a well organized race, give me a shout if your interested..Willie

Sunday 20 June 2010

Junior Aquathon

Hi everyone. It is that time of the year again. We have a LOT fewer entrants in the aquathon this year so I'm appealing to everyone to promote this race. It is on on the 10th July and it is for ages 7 to 19. Please enter your own children, nieces, nephews, the kids neighbours and the family dog! It is a great race with a great atmosphere. The cost is €5 and all children get a T-shirt and goodie bag. Log onto to find out more.

Friday 18 June 2010

Room 9

Room 9
Dads army!!!!!! [ sing this lads} who do you think you are kiddin mr Hitler!!!! 

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Place in Kilkee

I have a place in Kilkee which can be swapped over to you. Let me know ASAP if interested. Karl

One to watch ...

Its Friday night and most of us will be chilling before the racing in Dunmore on Saturday. Why not check out this event in Portlaoise, organised by Laois Cycling?

Monday 14 June 2010

Ring Of Kerry

Anydoby doing the ring of Kerry on 3rd of july & interested in car pooling or sharing a house/appartment for the weekend would they please call me 0879885950

Sunday 13 June 2010

Mr Chair

Glad to be of assistance to you but let me assure you that 45min is proving very hard for me to break. Now that the young lad is getting closer I shall have to try pull out all the stops.
Well done to all those PB's.

Saturday 12 June 2010

Test Tri # 4

Thanks to Trish and no socks for breaking that elusive 50 min barrier today.
Everytime she disappeared around a corner on the run I imagined I had
to catch up to give her a cheque, but she wouldn't wait ! Oh yeah its
amazing how you can improve when you wear a watch as well !
Thanks to all who helped out today.......
 Roll on the 45 min test tri !

Lost your sunglasses?

Great day forTest Tri 4. 27 competitors. Loads of marshalls and the sun was shining. What more could you want?

Well a certain Willie Fitz was very quietly confident of another PB and the words "course record" were mentioned as he and Simon murdered a full irish breakfast. Well we will all have to wait and see as Karl has gone to Athlone to tell them how an event should really be run.

Well done to all who competed today and particularly to young Eoin who sprinted out of transition so quickly than even Usain Bolt would have been left for dead. Michael, my lad, watch your back.

Also well done to Richard Nicholls who seemed intent on doing himself grevious bodily harm on the dismount line but made a great recovery to stay on his feet.

Anyway back to the title. Sinead picked up somebodys sunglasses in the carpark and I now have them hidden away in Athy. I shall of course be demanding a kings ransom for their return and if you feel like being the victim of extortion then phone me on 086 821 3600.

Friday 11 June 2010

Bike wanted

Hi everyone. I'm looking for a bike to fit a woman who is 5ft 3 and is willing to spend €300. If you have one can you contact me? Thanks in advance, Sinéad 087-1341074
Hi all,
Foot pumps for the bikes will be in lidl next thur 17th. Price 8 euros,
every car booth should one.. 

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Best of Luck

To any of our Junior members starting exams tomorrow esp Siobhan & of luck...REM.. Head down & think of the finish ....

The Heath Swim

Simon will be looking after this tomorrow night. There will be a sheet for everyone to sign IN/OUT. If you arrive after the 7pm group have started swimming please wait on the bank until they come back and then let Simon know you are joining. Same goes for the 7.30.
Thank you.


Well done to everyone at the weekend especially all those who did their first OPEN WATER TRI. I think I saw just about every type of swim stroke/style you can imagine, a few river walkers and the odd one taking advantage of a nearby canoe.

GIRL POWER - Well lads I think you better pull your socks up FIRST Trilogy person home Avril Byrne who by the way was 4th Female overall and I note she had the 2nd fastest run. Michael Dalton had the 10th fastest swim Mens Sprint - well done.

My two friends who came up from Cork to marshall say they are comming back next year to do the Tri a tri (and hopefully marshall again).

hi light of transition

Willie, I think the funniest thing I saw was a lovely bike with a set of try bars. On these try bars was another 4 bars! These 4 bars where strapped onto the try bars. They were actually Mars Bars. The way the sun was shining on Saturday, I'd say whoever took the time to strap them there was enjoying the first every mars bar gel.

What a Show!

Well done to all at the weekend. The pre-race preparations were evident to all. Karl and his team did a tremendous job and just made it look easy. Not sure if it was voodoo, sacrificing chickens or loads of hail marys but we have been blessed with the weather yet again.

Transition was well laid out and there was plenty of space for the competitors. The swim course was challenging but fair and spread out the swimmers nicely. The bike and run course's were super accurate for distance and I did not hear one complaint from the gps brigade.

It was great to see so many helping out and it shows the great strength of Trilogy that we can produce such numbers and still allow our members to race. For such a large event it was particularly satisfying to see it run so close to schedule. Not simple ehen you consider the numbers involved, particularly with an upstream leg to start. Smaller waves worked very well.

As a native of Athy it was great to see how quick the course was opened back up to let people go about their business. The speed at which transition was broken down on Sunday was very impressive. And Emily Square was left clean within such a short space of time that you would be forgiven for thinking that there had been no major event staged the week before, nevermind the same day.

In particular the marshalls have to be congratulated as in my opinion they made the event. the encouragement given to competitors and the courtesy shown to residents and spectators alike was second to none.

Well done to all the competitors who made the event so successful. Well done to Mark Kelly and Avril Byrne who completed their first olympic events. In particular well done to Peter Dobbyn for completing the sprint in a great time despite no training this year and working his butt off on Friday and Saturday. Sheer Grit and Determination! A lesson to us all.

Bring on next year which can only be bigger and better.

TriAthy Olympic - 1st Man on the Cycle Course

The quiet before the storm

Simon as never seen before

Not Trilogy member......Carlow...

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Monday 7 June 2010

Fast is not everything!


My highlignt has to have been the Try a Tri. Thought it was brilliant. Little competitiveness, and a bunch of people trying this great sport for the first time.

2 Highlights in this one.

First was a slightly older gentleman running out of T1, and I mean running, with his bike. From where I was, I could see a glaring problem. He had his runners on his feet, and his cycling shoes firmly attached to the cleats on his bike. Unfortunately I could not see what happened when he reached the mount line, but Simon arrived a few seconds later with a pair of runners. I took them from him and placed back at his spot in transition, with sore sides from laughing.

2nd was after the race when I was again talking to an older gentleman. I asked him if he enjoyed it, and his reply quite amazing. He said it was his best day since he rode into the RDS after doing the Dublin-Belfast-Dublin cycle in 1968. Yes I said 1968. 42 years is a long time. He then told me he was going home to enter the Carrick-on -Suir Tri.
Looks like he got the bug.

For me, these little things make it worth the while.

Anyway, roll on next year.


Hi all,I would like to start a highlight zone where we all post our favourite moments from Tri Athy 2010,as most of us just seen what was happening in our own areas,im sure their are loads of stories we can share,I will start with mine and it goes something like this,not sure which race it was but i was working at the dismount line and things were hectic,cyclist coming in and cyclist going out,as i watched one athlete hop on his bike started to pedal all going well and then suddenly yes suddenly he puts his hand up the back of his jersey and pulls out a plastic coat hanger??????yes that's right a plastic coat hanger,I just smiled and thought how focused he must have been in transition to not notice this,well done to that man and all involved in the best ever tri athy,and that's my highlight what yours????

Thank you

This may be a note for the chat but I’m posting it in both. I would sincerely like to thank all the people that came to Tri Athy this weekend. From the people that turned up at 6 am to the people that stayed till 10 some nights. To the people that that made my job so easy, to the people that signed on in the morning to the people that answered all the texts I sent, to the people that reported every thing back to me in the control room. I thank you so much.
Before anything could start I needed 5 people at every vital stage from the swim start to the run end. Brian Bohnam, Trish Nichols, Roy Athkinson, Willie Fitz & Finn Ryan, I want to thank all the for the patience they had with me every time I called them. Never once did the fail to answer their phones. I rang these people maybe 20 times a day & all I can say is thank you. A special thanks has to go to Willie, I rang him 45 times over the 2 days, he had the toughest job with the bike route, to get the marshals to their point & get the 20K course opened & closed 8 times in the 2 days & this was done like clock work & he was under pressure like no one else. To Willie & everybody I say thanks.
I would also like to thank Mr Gabriel Dooley who let us use his office all weekend, he gave us full use of his phones, printers & called in every few hours to see we were OK. He offered us every assistance he could over the weekend and without it the weekend would not have run so smoothly.
To Sergeant Jim Bergin in the station who was excellent and professional at all times, I say thank you. To Karl, Arthur & Angela who put so much work into the event before we turned up and this also made it easy. I hope to see you all again next year.

Michael Farrell

Sunday 6 June 2010

Congratulations everyone

What a fantastic weekend. Well done to Karl and all his helpers. As a marshall, I felt that it was our best year yet. As a competitor, I felt that it was an excellent course with marshalls everywhere. Thanks to everyone for their encouragement while I was racing today. Especially Taco who told me to move my fat a*s! Really looking forward to the mystery weekend. We all deserve a great night out.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Deleted Scenes

Ever wonder what our juniors get up to when they are not out training? Click on the link below to hear and watch a very talented Richard Nicholls.
Well done to you Richard and the rest of your band.

Monday 31 May 2010

IRL Tri Suite

For anyone who has the old Irl Tri Suite (Green & White) I have a Screen Printer to do names.
It would be cheapest if we do all togeather. We can also have our Trilogy Logo on if you wish.
I need numbers to get a price so can you please text me your Surname and if you wish to have Trilogy on 0863866046. If you can get suites to me this week I will organise.

Sunday 30 May 2010

Lost trainers

Hi all,
Mark Kelly left his trainers behind him on last wed night swim in Athy.If anyone has them please give him a shout on 087 1216914 cheers....

Saturday 29 May 2010


Hello is there anyone out there????

Saturday 22 May 2010

Tri Suits

Does anyone know where you can get your name printed on a trisuit?

The new tri suits for ireland are now available and come pre-printed but they won't be everyones cup of tea. click the link to view

what a day!

Well done to everyone who raced today. Great Turnout. 20 PB's is some going. 3 people sub 40 minutes and strong showings left, right and centre. In particularAvril Byrne showed that there is a new force to contend with whichever gender God made you.

However for some one event is not enough. Not content with murdering his PB (thanks to my bike!) a certain young 15 year old had not had his fill. On no, for our Jonathan he still had the K-athon in Athy to contend with. Sprint distance. Indoor. On the day when the thermometer was hitting 30 celsisus, young Jonny did us all proud and came first in the individual category. Time 1.05. Well done. John Fox took the honours last year so trilogy is beginning to monopolise this particular event.

And not to left out Peter Dobbyn despite very little training this year also finished and is no doubt sinking pints as I type this. Good man P.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Dunmore east

Hi all,
If anyone registered for Dunmore east on the 19th june cannot go would they please let me know as we need a spot for another club member.. Thanks Willie...

Thursday 13 May 2010

Mick's Age

I know, but Mick it's safe with me.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Happy birthday

Hey lads,
You won't believe it but it's the anniversary boy,s birthday tomor also... wow another party in mick's date to be confirmed....Happy birthday to youuuuuu happy birthday to youuuuuu and so on...Question is which one is it i hear you ask???Mick is giving 20€ to the first one to post the correct ans....

Feeling Frisky?

Barrow Swim from the Pontoon (beside the Courthouse) to the Rowing Club and back at 6.30 on Friday. Followed by an optional short 5k run to warm the cockles. Not much flow on the river at the moment so it is a good time to dip your wick.

Wow - 20 years wth the Farrell!

Congratulations Mick and Tina. Hope you both have another 20 years together. Myself and Terry only have another 16 to go until we get to that number. Hope you both have a lovely day.

Congratulations Mick & Tina!

I did a quick search on the net for you Mick to see if 'Carbon Fibre' is the traditional gift for 20th anniversaries. Apparently not, 20th anniversaries are marked instead with 'China'.

But before we all chip in for the gift of China, Mick, could you check with Tina and see if ye 'feel like a pair of mugs'?

Happy anniversary

Hi all I would just like to let everyone know that the bauld Mickey Farrell is married 20 yrs tomor...and to celebrate he is inviting everyone to his house for a party in the near future??? Tina{his better half} is receiving her medal at a special function for the brave and a venue to be all together now Happy anniversary...

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Holy Schmolly - Gary's Win

What an excellent time. Well done Gary. Some people would actually find it hard to cycle at that pace.

Monday 10 May 2010

Bikes Wanted

Hi, Anybody selling or trading up their bikes.Im looking for a 54 & a 56 cm bikes in reasonable condition for friends in work.Give me a buzz if you have anything..0879885950..Please

dundalk half marathon

Hi All,
Just to let you all know that Gary our Running coach had a great WIN in the Dundalk half marathon in a superb time of 1:12:18 well done Gary........ all those monday night sessions really paid off :)!!

The Theology Club

Sinead..If its "Theology".Then only God could have taken the photo...........

Uesful Link

Click the link below, it tells you all the Triathlon on TV in the next 2 weeks. Get the Sky+ going, there's 13 events showing across 4 or 5 channels.

Keep that link in your tavourites - click on it at anytime and you get the next 2 weeks tri-related TV.

Of course, you shouldn't be indoors watching TV in the first place ....

Sunday 9 May 2010

Barrow Swim

Ok Guys. It is that time of the year when you have to suck it in, pull hard and give it some wellie!! Yeah, wetsuit time.

The Barrow is now open and ready for swimmers. Braving shopping trolleys, bikes and the local fishermen John, Deirdre and Jonathan gave it a go two weeks ago and we had another swim this morning. Bracing but grand once you got down. The Athy crew are planning another immersion next week. Interested? Then phone Dave on 086 8213600.

Who is the fourth member of teaolgy?

Come on Farrell, out with it. Who took the picture?

How long can you wait?

Race report(Sun 9/5/10) We waited, and waited and waited some more,but no sign of group 2. So what could we do?

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Friday 7 May 2010

What a report

I'm loving all the activity again on the chat. That was an excellent report on JH. Looking forward to the next report. Only problem is that we'll actually have to have another race in the bag.


Caption 1 "No one tell Simon I emptied all his bottles"
Caption 2 "If your man comes back with the camera, will you stand beside this for me Johnathan"

Good article in the Irish Times

I really like how this article in todays Irish Times starts ... THERE’S A curious weather pattern that all cyclists will be familiar with: namely that when you’re riding a bike, no matter what direction, the wind always seems to be against you.

But it is also a good story, and the man has good taste in cycling jerseys - his back bears the logo of our club, so it could well be on display coast to coast across the states.

An Irishmans Diary



Left behind after Joey Hanan.(Limerick)..I just checked this morning & still their at U/L.With the shame of collecting it now. I'd be delighted to drop it off anywhere........
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Post a caption....

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Thursday 6 May 2010

Race Reporter - Joey Hannon

So, who's gonna give me a report for the site for Joey? Dave, you impressed us all with the tale of a puncture a few weeks back, what about it? Helen, you must have a good story from your first standard distance race?

Johnathan bunched my e-mail for 2 days sending me whole pile of photos ;) which will be online shortly, it would be great if there was a report to run with them!

Monday 3 May 2010

Pass the FLORA please

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Joey Hannon

Congrats to all who raced yesterday and particularly Helen for completing her first standard distance. Fair play to Michael and Jonathan for marshalling. Great to see such a big turnout. Everywhere you looked someone was wearing the club colours. Great to see a big crowd at the Finish Line. Lets keep it up. Looking forward to the next one already.......

Monday 26 April 2010

Joey Hannon - place available sunday

I will not be able to make it to Joey Hannon in Limerick on Sunday, even though I am entered for the race.
So,  if anybody is interested in taking this spot, let me know.

J. Cool Fox ...

Check out the front page of Each week between now and the big weekend you are going to see a new Trilogy face feature. Who'll be next? Will it be you? Can they match Mr J. Cool Fox?

King of the pen

I loved the report Niall, well done. I pitty the person who trys to follow that. Well done also on the race. You disappeared on the bike!

Saturday 24 April 2010

And we're off

It was great to catch up with everyone today for the start of 2010 test series. It was brilliant to see new people at the event along with some come back triathletes also (Dee!). Thanks to Murt, Roy and all the marshalls that helped us have a great race today. Looking forward to the next one already.

Monday 19 April 2010

Well done in North Tipp

Hi Eveyone, just want to congratulate the trilogy crew who headed to North tipp on Saturday. I may have missed a few names but here are the names I got.

Stephen O'Toole - 1:11:44
Denise Murphy - 1:29:06
Stephenie Hayes - 1:38:48
Roy Atkinson - 1:39:29.

Come on Roy, we are waiting on the report!!

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Great work Patrick ...

Well done everyone, but the biggest congratulations has to go to Patrick, because without him driving us all on, there would not have been a race, let alone a hugely successful one.

And the way he even pulled the weather off, perfectionist to the end!

Monday 12 April 2010

Well done Women in Sport

Patrick & family, Karl and everyone else, well done for the very successful event on Saturday. It was great feedback with everyone enjoying the race. Well done to all the women in sport who achieved all their goals with everyone of them finishing under the 2hr mark. See you all at the test tri on the 24th of this month. There might not be pizzas but the breakfast is always worth the hardship!

Well done to everyone!


The emails are coming in, and there is plenty of congratulations being dished out to the Trilogy triathlon club. Well done to all club members who got involved in helping out and especially to those people who have no direct involvement in the club. THANK YOU! To all the people who helped out in the run up to the event, for all the advice on race prep, collection of goods, bag packing, leaflet drop (Simon and Kevin Doyle, Mick), transition prep (Mark, Anna,Shane) sponsors and whomever else I've left out. A huge thanks goes to Murt, Willie, Karl, Pawel,Trish, Kevin and Meave Bracken, Finn and to own family Catriona, Tom and Patricia and my bros! To Sinead , Emer and Gary for all their help with the ladies in Sport and for Carloyn for making it possible. Thanks to Portlaoise Leisure Centre for all their assistance. Anyway roll on next year... who shall run the gauntlet next year!!!! If I've left out anyone, thank you. I would be here all day if I listed everyone.

Sunday 11 April 2010

Sat great sucess

Hi all, well done to everyone involved in Sat great race.Congrats especially to Patrick if only he could drink as good as he organised the big event!!! 

Saturday 10 April 2010

Tri Laois

Well done to all competitors who took part today, particularly those who completed their first triathlon. Congratulations to Patrick and his team. The long preparations made for a well run event which was enjoyed by all. Even the weather gods were kind. Now where is that Aftersun Cream......

Tuesday 30 March 2010

10k race and half marathon

Hi all,
There is a 10k and half marathon race in Dundalk on Wed May 5th starting @ 18.30 price is €20 for the 10k & €30 for half marathon. If anyone is looking for accommodation there is a special offer available with a local hotel. Entry enquiries at or contact me for an entry form.

Sunday 28 March 2010

running session

Hi people,
I was chatting to Gary today[running coach] and he was saying he would love to see more people at the monday session,he said it is a vital part of the training season now for people who are racing this summer so lets make a big effort tomoro night get your runners on and join us at the track 7:45. Hope to see you there....

Sunday 21 March 2010

The Cut : Well Named!!!

Well there I was. On top of the Slieve Blooms on a fine day. Sun shining, only a light breeze and, oh yeah, a 5 mile drag up from Clonaslee. They call it "The Cut" and it is well named. Fair play to Rob (aka Alberto Contador) First up the hill and never let up on the pace. The hard work had been done and I felt the need, the need for speed. Newton was right, what goes up must come down. But I wasn't an apple (maybe bananna's). So off I went, shifted up through the gears and gave the brakes a little tickle, just in case. Surface wasn't too bad but after a couple hundred meters and some tight cornering my drink bottle decided it was every man for himself and baled out. So on went the brakes, hard and around came the back wheel. I was like one of those nutters on tv sliding the back of their motorbike around the corner of a dirt track. Only one problem, I was going downhill on a grainy road and my tyres were slicks and there were no bales of hay conveniently placed on the side of the road. Any way I eventually came to a stop with my bike in one piece and my bibs still dry. Off I went to retrieve my mutinous bottle.

Murt (aka Mark Cavendish) flies by and I think that everything is rosy. Rob, Trish, Dermot, James and Simon all make their way past and this is where i realise that my poor bike is not looking too healthy. You guessed it, the back tyre looks like the last pancake in the pot on shrove tuesday. Not a problem, ever the boyscout I reach for my spare tube. Willie and Brian stop by to give me a hand. So one tube steps aside and another tube is called up for duty. We all get ready for the rest of the descent but my front tyre obviously felt left out with all the tlc that the back tyre was getting and you guessed it, double blow out. At least it was not raining, or getting dark and there were no wolves sniffing about.

Brian very kindly offers me his spare tube and we whip out the old tube in very short order (we are getting good at this) and Willie gets pumping. The tyre feels good and hard but the valve decides to do a harry houdini and is nowhere to be seen. Willie steps up to the mark with his spare tube and we whip out Brians tube and slip in Willies and bob is your uncle. However uncle bob does not want to party and the tyre remains as flat as 7UP in a hospital, despite Willies best efforts. Off comes the tyre again and we spy a good sized hole in the tube near the valve. Eagle scout has a puncture repair kit and after a bit of sandpaper, glue and rubber we get pumping again and hallelujah we have a serviceable bike again. We say a hail mary to be on the safe side, at least I did!

So off we go. Taking it handy. Enough drama for one day. So we are rolling, rolling, rolling but no rawhide. Instead the rims on my front wheel are precariously close to the road. The repair did not hold and we don't have any more tubes. I have a second bite at repairing the hole. Willie has gone on but Brian comes back (up the hill). Top Man. We decide that I am not cycling back to Portlaoise unless I want to try a world record attempt at a wheelie. Brian goes on and arrangements will be made to pick me up. I get down the hill on two wheels and then with my front tyre on its last legs, the tube finally buys the farm and there will be no resurrection. Well God gave me legs so off I go walking in my cleats. There is a good reason why cleats are made for pedals and not for walking. Mine now look like a dog was chewing on them.

Fair play to Willie. His sister, Julie, is picking up his car and coming to get me despite having a family confirmation to attend. I keep walking and several cars drive by. Not one of them stops and asks if perchance I might need help. This would be the time for an expletive but I will keep it clean. As I pass a caravan on the side of the road a nice old chap called Ivor asks me in and offers me spud and turnips. I take advantage of his nice heated caravan but avoid the root vegetables. He looked like he needed it more than I did. The cavalry arrives and we're off back to the Port of Laoise. Thanks be to God. I would not have fancied trying to give the better half directions to a forest in the Slieve Blooms.

Why am I going on so much? Well lads and lasses there are lessons to be learned and I hope someone else benefits from my experience and hopefully avoids it themselves. Firstly it is a group cycle so stick together. Save the roadrunner stuff for races. Secondly keep your bike in good working order. Check the tyres, brakes, gears and steering before you ride everytime. Thirdly carry a pump, tyre forks and several tubes. Fourthly carry a phone and make sure you have your buddies numbers. Fifthly always keep an eye on numbers and the person at the back of the group.

Thanks again to Brian, Willie and Julie. I hope the confirmation went very well.


Friday 19 March 2010

5k in Portlaosie

Well done to everyone in the 5k, glad to see all the winter training paying off. Click on Jimmy's photos for some more review of the day.

Monday 8 March 2010

Paddy's day 5 k run

Hi people,
Paddy's day race {fun run} starts at the bridge on the m/mellick road and goes out to meelick,back in the timahoe road and finishes near o' neill glass..will be great crack..reg is in the Heritage hotel from 9 and race starts at 11..10 euros entry fee and there is over 2000 euros in prize money..The fastest team of 4 wins 160 euro in men, woman and juvenile categories so this is prob our best bet for a prize, so text me if your racing and lets see if Trilogy can get a prize ok. Woman and juvenile have a great chance so lets do our best..See you there Willie..

Saturday 6 March 2010

Marathon anyone?

If anyone is looking for a bit of a challenge this year, log onto this website:
There are 2 guy who are planning on running 32 marathons in the 32 counties of Ireland in 32 days. Half marathons will also be run so if you want to join them, check it out.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Welcome to Trilogy Triathlon

How about a a different approach to swim training this year.

Check this out!


FW: AIB Better Ireland Program - Have you voted today?

Hi Everyone,

Can you click on the link, select Laois and vote A for LOFFA in Portlaoise? Thanks


Tuesday 2 March 2010

5k road race

Hi people,
Just a reminder of the 5k road race on paddy day in Portlaoise..I will post all the details when i get them...

Very funny Goals

I just read all the goals of everyone in the club but the one that I laughed out load at (even though I shouldn't) was Nicolls Junior. Check it out. Very funny. Keep dreaming Richard.

Thursday 25 February 2010

Comedy Night:)

Hi Everyone!
RE:Comedy Night In kavanaghs 5th March

Peter O Byrne
Tommy Nicholson
(and the fantastic) Bernard O Shea
are the comedians on the night

Doors open at 9.00
Tickets 15 euros each

Would be great to see a good turn out:)

Wednesday 24 February 2010

A message from Helen Rothwell

The Challenge - to climb Croagh Patrick 7 times in 7 days.
The dates - 11th - 17th of March.
The objective - to raise money to support services for Autism in Laois.
Your job - to dig into those little pockets of yours and give me a couple of euro towards this worthy cause.

The money goes straight to the charity using this link or I have a sponsorship card if you prefer the indirect route. Many Many Thanks in Advance. :)

Click here to donate online, Thanks

Monday 15 February 2010

sunday session

Hi, Sinead
 yes it was nice to see 12 or so people on a sunday morning spin hopefully the numbers will get bigger from here on in,see you same time same place more bikes...

Sunday 14 February 2010

The juniors are introduced to senior cycle :-)

It might have been a slow start to the season's training but it took off today with gusto. The junior element of the club got their first taste of the senior sessions and it was a great success. We hooked up with the seniors in Portarlington and just about managed to stay with them as far as the turn off for Victorstown. I'm hoping that this will be a regular occurance as it gives the juniors a better feel for the club and in turn the club gets to know the juniors. I'm already looking forward to next Sunday.


Sunday 7 February 2010

new member

just to say congrats to Sandra and Kevin on their new baby boy Ryan doyle..He will be one to watch with his long legs..Sandra has him in for swimming lessons already!!!

Thursday 4 February 2010

Best of Luck

A message to say best of luck to our running coach Gary O Hanlon who is running for Ireland at the weekend...

Monday 1 February 2010

Cycle on Sunday

Hi everyone. I'm starting to bring the very few juniors out cycling on Sunday if anyone would like to join us. We'll be leaving the gym in Portarlington at 10:30 sharp. All are welcome.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Tri Laois and Volunteering


I want to get in early to get volunteers for TriLaois April 10th. So who's up for it? We need in and around 40 volunteers. If you want to race Tri Laois then can you please bring at least one volunteer on your behalf. I will be asking people to go guarantor for their volunteers. If the volunteer doesn't show then the person racing will have to forfeit their place and volunteer instead. I know this sounds extreme but it caused problems last year with volunteer no shows.

contact me:


Tuesday 26 January 2010

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Anyone selling a bike?


A friend of mine is looking for a training bike. He needs it for Sunday morning spins and has a budget of 200 euro. He is about 5-10 and is looking for a medium bike. Anyone interested in making a few quid call Michael on 0878036695.