Wednesday 10 November 2010

Only you can help Paul ...

Paul Brennan today became the first member to sign up for the Trilogy Christmas party.

Paul is hoping that someone else signs up soon.

Yes, there is the plus-side of a Christmas-Party-For-One: no queue for the hmmm-mmmm delicious hot food, no shortage of dessert to follow and plenty of service at the Bar anytime you need it.

But can these benefits ever compensate for the lonelieness, the lack of company, the sad figure in the middle of an empty room, buying drinks in a round of one?

Not to mention the whole Kris Kindle thing - buying, wrapping and then exchanging one Kris Kindle gift with yourself.

So, before this tragedy unfolds, please, please please ... Sign up to join Paul at Trlogy's Christmas Party.

Don't Delay - Do It Today!