Tuesday 8 June 2010

What a Show!

Well done to all at the weekend. The pre-race preparations were evident to all. Karl and his team did a tremendous job and just made it look easy. Not sure if it was voodoo, sacrificing chickens or loads of hail marys but we have been blessed with the weather yet again.

Transition was well laid out and there was plenty of space for the competitors. The swim course was challenging but fair and spread out the swimmers nicely. The bike and run course's were super accurate for distance and I did not hear one complaint from the gps brigade.

It was great to see so many helping out and it shows the great strength of Trilogy that we can produce such numbers and still allow our members to race. For such a large event it was particularly satisfying to see it run so close to schedule. Not simple ehen you consider the numbers involved, particularly with an upstream leg to start. Smaller waves worked very well.

As a native of Athy it was great to see how quick the course was opened back up to let people go about their business. The speed at which transition was broken down on Sunday was very impressive. And Emily Square was left clean within such a short space of time that you would be forgiven for thinking that there had been no major event staged the week before, nevermind the same day.

In particular the marshalls have to be congratulated as in my opinion they made the event. the encouragement given to competitors and the courtesy shown to residents and spectators alike was second to none.

Well done to all the competitors who made the event so successful. Well done to Mark Kelly and Avril Byrne who completed their first olympic events. In particular well done to Peter Dobbyn for completing the sprint in a great time despite no training this year and working his butt off on Friday and Saturday. Sheer Grit and Determination! A lesson to us all.

Bring on next year which can only be bigger and better.