Monday 7 June 2010

Thank you

This may be a note for the chat but I’m posting it in both. I would sincerely like to thank all the people that came to Tri Athy this weekend. From the people that turned up at 6 am to the people that stayed till 10 some nights. To the people that that made my job so easy, to the people that signed on in the morning to the people that answered all the texts I sent, to the people that reported every thing back to me in the control room. I thank you so much.
Before anything could start I needed 5 people at every vital stage from the swim start to the run end. Brian Bohnam, Trish Nichols, Roy Athkinson, Willie Fitz & Finn Ryan, I want to thank all the for the patience they had with me every time I called them. Never once did the fail to answer their phones. I rang these people maybe 20 times a day & all I can say is thank you. A special thanks has to go to Willie, I rang him 45 times over the 2 days, he had the toughest job with the bike route, to get the marshals to their point & get the 20K course opened & closed 8 times in the 2 days & this was done like clock work & he was under pressure like no one else. To Willie & everybody I say thanks.
I would also like to thank Mr Gabriel Dooley who let us use his office all weekend, he gave us full use of his phones, printers & called in every few hours to see we were OK. He offered us every assistance he could over the weekend and without it the weekend would not have run so smoothly.
To Sergeant Jim Bergin in the station who was excellent and professional at all times, I say thank you. To Karl, Arthur & Angela who put so much work into the event before we turned up and this also made it easy. I hope to see you all again next year.

Michael Farrell