Saturday 22 May 2010

what a day!

Well done to everyone who raced today. Great Turnout. 20 PB's is some going. 3 people sub 40 minutes and strong showings left, right and centre. In particularAvril Byrne showed that there is a new force to contend with whichever gender God made you.

However for some one event is not enough. Not content with murdering his PB (thanks to my bike!) a certain young 15 year old had not had his fill. On no, for our Jonathan he still had the K-athon in Athy to contend with. Sprint distance. Indoor. On the day when the thermometer was hitting 30 celsisus, young Jonny did us all proud and came first in the individual category. Time 1.05. Well done. John Fox took the honours last year so trilogy is beginning to monopolise this particular event.

And not to left out Peter Dobbyn despite very little training this year also finished and is no doubt sinking pints as I type this. Good man P.