Monday 7 June 2010

Fast is not everything!


My highlignt has to have been the Try a Tri. Thought it was brilliant. Little competitiveness, and a bunch of people trying this great sport for the first time.

2 Highlights in this one.

First was a slightly older gentleman running out of T1, and I mean running, with his bike. From where I was, I could see a glaring problem. He had his runners on his feet, and his cycling shoes firmly attached to the cleats on his bike. Unfortunately I could not see what happened when he reached the mount line, but Simon arrived a few seconds later with a pair of runners. I took them from him and placed back at his spot in transition, with sore sides from laughing.

2nd was after the race when I was again talking to an older gentleman. I asked him if he enjoyed it, and his reply quite amazing. He said it was his best day since he rode into the RDS after doing the Dublin-Belfast-Dublin cycle in 1968. Yes I said 1968. 42 years is a long time. He then told me he was going home to enter the Carrick-on -Suir Tri.
Looks like he got the bug.

For me, these little things make it worth the while.

Anyway, roll on next year.