Tuesday 25 December 2007


Sorry Mick I believe Simon is like Linda Evangelista and won’t get out of bed for less than 10 euro a day. So we will have to keep looking for the 2008 face of trilogy.


Monday 24 December 2007

Photo shoot

I think I'm free to model the new Trilogy gear in January, My agency will give you a date!!

Simons new coat

Simon was very unfortunate when he stepped outside and was run over by a group of Laois cyclists. Any ideas how we remove the tracks from his new coat.


Friday 21 December 2007

The Final Friday Caption Competition of 2007

Well done to Sinead for her witty response to Kevins debut on the FCC.

Not to be outdone, a certain man about town was spied last week at the opening of Coppers in top square. Come up with the winner for this years last caption competition!

Wednesday 19 December 2007

The Male Clutch Bag.....

...... Hey this clutch bag is just big enough for my truncheon...

From Maeve...

Kevin is in touch with his feminine side but I usually encourage him not to show it too often in public…MAEVE

Monday 17 December 2007

Friday Caption

is that a purse in your hand or are you just happy to see MEave?

Looking for some elf?

Thats right Willie, theres lots of ELF out there. Just Ask.

Ladies version now available.

Saturday 15 December 2007

Real men

What can i say meave that not in the photo....If you ever need to talk im here..(Kevin their is elf out their just ask lad}

Friday 14 December 2007

Friday Caption

Christmas special from "Ann Summers"

Thursday 13 December 2007

Friday Caption Competition No.6

Winning Entries!

Well done Taco, winner of the last round of the Friday Competition for sure.

Before you get going on this weeks caption, here is a little something to distract you. If we had prizes for this sort of thing, then Deirdre you'd definitely win one!

The Trilogy Festive Quartet

Friday 30 November 2007

Their Intimate Thoughts

Kevins video

Is that Murt co-starring in that video? You know Murt, I've always said it - you've aged well.

Granny Pants!

Forget your granny pants!! Check out these bad boys!!!

Friday caption Comp

Would my BUM look big in this ???


The Real Finn Ryan

Friday Caption Competition No.5


Winner - Week 4 - Maeve* - "Squats"
Winner - Week 3 - Mick - "Pernup"
Winner - Week 2 - Kevin** - "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang"

* Or was it Kevin?
** Or was it Maeve?

Thursday 29 November 2007

One man and his dog

I figure the dog has something to do with it. Is Patrick looking sheepish and needs to be rounded up into his (play)pen? Eh Shep?

Wednesday 28 November 2007

Patrick & Squats

Now you all know that I am not a big fan of squats but Patrick’s official excuse is that he hurt his arm.  He says he hurt his arm while picking up a small child!  No sympathy here…MAEVE

Running faster

Paaaaaaatrick is running faster because if he doesnt win the word is that Cathorina make him do squats on his turbo trainer and we all know how much he loves his squats...YE RIGHT...

Tuesday 27 November 2007

Friday Caption

Hi Guys and Girls. Sorry for the lack of orginality with this one. I look at the photo and the only thing that comes to mind is "RUN, FOREST, RUN".

Friday Caption

I'm really sorry for the lack of orginality with this one but I just see the picture and RUN, FOREST, RUN is all that comes to mind.

Saturday 24 November 2007


I think he saw a GHOST in that old building - looks a bit pale to me & deffinatley in a hurry. 

Friday 23 November 2007

I'm not playing anymore

I don't think I'll be adding to the Friday Caption competition until tomorrow. I do know that it is Friday today but I think Karl should get a bit more grief for trying to pull a fast one. So anyone out there who would like to give Karl an additional day in the spot light, don't hold back. Don't be shy.

Hell ...... Fire ....... The Devil is after me

Patrick is really sh***ing himself,
fear is written all over his face.

All about Patrick...

Just remember - its not about the day of the week in your world, or the day of the week in mine, its not even about me any more. I am so last week, it's now all about Patrick.

Thursday 22 November 2007

Ooooppppps - caption withdrawn until Friday


Taco, what are you at? You are letting Karl win. Withdraw your comment about Patrick immediately. You can put it back there on Friday but it is just not his time yet!!!

He's early and He's late

Your right Sinead, Karl is trying to deflect the responses.
In his eyes , "Thursday, is the new Friday".
I wonder will it soon be "Married, is the new Single"

Any way that's the early bit, now the late.
No winners have yet been annouced for Weeks 2 and 3 caption competition.
Week 2 of the radar (I mean page) , but I think that Week 3 winner should be Mick Farrel.
Not for his caption but for his spelling of Pernup (I mean Pre-nup)

I don't think so Karl

Nice try Karl but it is NOT going to work. So you have tried to cut your week short by 1 full day. Oh no, that is not the rules. I do believe that the Friday Caption Competition starts on a FRIDAY. It is beginning to worry me, my friend. This bad habit of cheating you seem to have got into!! Shame on you.

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Week 4 - Friday Photos

The Green mile

Taco, as best man and proud to be I GUARNTEE that karl will walk down the isle on the 27th,but as reguards if he will ever compete again i can't say, I do think you have the upper hand on the PB stats at the moment so I reckon its up to mr mccann and his future wife in hand to get off the labtop and get some serious training in and try{ I repeat TRY} to kick some ass next season, and no doubt we know your ass will be the first they go for my friend...So i suppose im realy throwing down the gaunlet here and can I say may the BESTMAN win  ...

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Ha ha ha

You are getting hockied out of it. I love it.

Test Tri PB

Mr. McCann - May I remind you of the last Test Tri in which you refused to compete, on the grounds that you would not attain a PB.
Is this what we can expect from our so able and fearless leader?
Will he ever compete again?
Will he have the bottle to walk down the aisle and say "I do" ( want to compete again and attain a PB).

Karl, I may fail but at least I try.

Monday 19 November 2007

Hi kids...

Good to see a little fire in the belly of Mr Mccann...Its a pitty that it will be quenched on the 27th of DEC...but hey god loves a trier....After all he was only looking for the TI rules on marrage and ye start giving him a hard time....GOOD STUFF

Aaah, Poor Karl

Can I just remind you young McCann, that you have a fairly state of the art Quintana Roo Wetsuit yourself? Just try to refrain from putting vaseline on this one. Ha ha.

You still think you're funny? Hmmm?

Taco, you'll never set a Test Series PB again. Okay?

Mick, if you're looking for something on Google, the best thing to do is spell it right. Try re-spelling "pern" and let us know if you find what you were looking for (but, no pictures please)!

Patrick, you just wait! (anyone with pictures of Mr M. - please send now for this weeks competition!)

Sinead, in many ways triathlon is unfair. You can be penalised for a simple error in transition, but criminal acts like buying the best bouyancy money can buy (a so-called "wetsuit") goes unpunished. But, hey, thats life for you.

Friday 16 November 2007

Those creche places are going fast!!!

Hi Mark,

Congrats and see you at training... yea right!!!!

Patrick and Catriona

Elaine should keep an eye on that wish list!


Elaine wont find me here, now where is those pernup sites again.....

Try to be more discreet Karl

Karl, do you know the saying "If you're not cheating, you're not trying"? I believe this was your response on receit of the penaltys you incurred while blatantly cheating in the transition area of Joey Hannon 2006! And yet, here you are, in 2007 tampering with the results of a race that is still in progress. Shame on you McCann, shame.
If anyone else would like to enlighten us as to what Karl is looking at on his laptop, don't be shy. (but do try and keep it clean)

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Friday Caption Competition - The Continuation

Right - My turn I think, here we see....

Homo Triathleticus Laptopicus

His natural habitat is ........

Your captions PLEASE

Late for Class

Well gang , winter training classes have only just started and some of our esteemed members are already getting of on the wrong foot.

I wonder " How many Triathlons have been delayed because some of the participants decided to arrive late"


So why should our training classes be delayed ?
Particularly as we should be approaching training in the same mind set as racing and

Therefore I Say "Let's start on time, close the door and If you are late - Well Tough "

Monday 12 November 2007


Taco maybe Sinead will swap her SILVER Dream Machine for your GREEN one - four wheels must be better than two.

Sunday 11 November 2007

Wanderly Wagon

Thanks sinead !!
Even you are are getting in on the act..... Calling me a victim.
But you ARE right, when all is said and done ..
I say let them have their moment of whit.
We will be steadfast.... and get the last laugh at christmas party.

We will get our own back.

Cheers .... and you all should be afraid !!!!
Sinead will be on the war path.

Friday Caption Competition

ROLL on next season. I'm going to FLATTEN the competition. (What can I say? After all the abuse I got, I think I'll support the VICTIMS of this competition. Except of course to those people who abused me. Kevin's sprained ankle is only the tip of the ice berg)
My new time trial bike! Nice set of wheels Taco.

Saturday 10 November 2007

No way

Willie, there is no way Taco’s going to make it into town in that vehicle. Better tell him to run instead. Maeve

For the Caption : All together now !

Bob says "Who the F*$! is that in my roller?"
All together "Bob the Builder - Can we Tac(o) it!"

Friday 9 November 2007

Dee night out..

sorry guys dee night out has been changed..more details will follow later..PS thats not to say you cant do your own winter training tomor night....and would some please take taco out for a night he realy needs it cheers....

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.................

Hey Presto! I think I Found the Gear Stick…………………………

The new Venga bus


Where's the Gearstick?

Welcome to week 2 of the Friday Caption Competition.

Do your best Kevin!

WHY ARE WE WAITING....................

It’s 8am and I am like a child on Christmas morning. I arrived at my computer full of excitement and expectation. But horror of all horror what’s gone wrong. I check the calendar - it is Friday, I check my internet connection everything is working ok. What has happened to Santa Karl - have all the little elf’s cameras been stolen. WHERE IS CAPTION FRIDAY? PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP……………………….from sad little kev

Thursday 8 November 2007

From Maeve

Just before the week is over…at least sinead’s bum looks ok but how about the rest of us sisters in that picture.  For starters, the club tri suits are not black…Maeve

G'wan Sister Sinead

You're right Sinead, some people on here have really milked last week's caption competition, easpecially Mark Moocauley. Stand out from the herd is what I say. Any reasonable person could see that the photo was only a load of bullocks anyway.

On youe side

Im on your side Sinead. we will be laughing later...Revenge is sweet...There all shaking in there boots....

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Is this the new trilogy ha ha laugh at Sinead site?

As usuall, I have a few issues. HOW COULD YOU MARK MC CAULEY? I actually reminded you how to log onto this blogger site and this is how you repay me.
Maeve, I'm glad you are sore today but just to let you know that I got a spinnerval DVD in my IRONMANUK (yes, I put that in caps on purpose) goodie bag and if you are nice to me I'll let you know the name of it!! (I'll actually burn a copy for you)
That includes you, Mr Mirror mirror man!!!
Tis a long season troops. It's up to ye lot how long you want to make it. (verrrry sinister, I say in a dark and distrubing voice)

spin DVD

Hi kevin we have 4 or 5 DVD that work on your PC or tv..They are all different levels and different workouts..problem is i cant lay my hands on them maybe karl or mark downey has them im not sure but they are around somewhere..See how you get on and let me know ok..

More important...

I love this Friday caption thing - especially as Sinead is the butt of all the jokes.  However, I have more important stuff on my mind.  My sister has purchased a spin bike for her sitting room.  We will have to excuse her this indulgence as she lives in New Zealand and so cannot attend Deirdre’s spin classes (I am feeling the pain today).  Does anyone have any recommendations for a good spin DVD to get her going?  Thanks. Maeve

P.S. Kevin says here’s two more captions…”Mooooove over”…or…”Not an-udder one of those cyclists”…

Monday 5 November 2007

broken glass

mirror,mirror on the wall watch now as i make you fall...who am i take a guess...

Sunday 4 November 2007


Hi guys,Dee is having her birthday bash on sat night in Leathon around 9 or so...This is a very important part of your winter training so be their sisters and brothers....Great night guarnteed...

Saturday 3 November 2007

I’m a good liar…Maeve

Great write up Maeve

Is there no end to this woman's talents. I read your write up about the women's training weekend Maeve on Triathlon Ireland website. Well done.

Friday 2 November 2007

Love is all around!

Congrats to all who have taken the plunge best of luck in everything. Now that Mark has taken the plunge in love, hopefully it will soften the plunge in to open water.

Cows Cows Cows!

"Does my bum look as big as this!"

Or alternatively

"Where's the new gear, is it breathable?"!

Or alternatively

Sinead is always looking out for competition.

Or alternatively

The cows must have missed T1.

Friday captions cont..

Now that's another load of bull !

The Friday caption competion

Ooo hurry up you COW....

The friday comp...

O would you ever go faster you COW......

The Friday caption Competition

Any end to this white line???

Thursday 1 November 2007

The Friday Caption Competition

Speaking of pictures .... Flex your wit and come up with a caption for the below:

I'll start the bull, sorry, ball rolling with "After a chase of 2 hours, Wearen finally re-joins the peleton"

There is some thing not right with this picture!!

WHAT DO YOU MEAN - NO DRINKING. I have to say, I'm with Maeve on this one. (even if she twisted the knife about my texting abilities). Of course we can drink now. Twice as much if we like. Sure with all that training we'll be balancing things out. If we are to train 5 days of the week, surely we should be able to drink for 2 of them. After all I'm not saying that aclohol is the cause of all these loved up couples, but surely it might have given them a push in the right direction. Bring on the beer and encourage more loving couples is what I say. Make love - not war!!

Must try harder

You’re right Willie.  I don’t take this triathlon thing seriously enough at all.  I’ll try harder, loads of training, no beer…oh dear…maeve

Wednesday 31 October 2007

anti alachol...

Hi maeve as you know the pre season training starts on monday so your celebration can be in fartleg on monday spinning on tue swimming on wed or pilates on thur ok. the next time you see gormans will be after Joey hannon 2008..well done mark and Dave striving to increase our numbers...CONGRATS LADS... 

gun metal grey

As they say in the world of fashion “gun metal grey” is the new silver and plastic is the new carbon…congrats to all the loved up people but really all I want to hear about now is the celebration night…and for god’s sake don’t send the information by text) we mean you, Wearen…Maeve

There still at it Trish...

Told you Trish trying to scare you still, you have them worried... 3 points back 
1. Notice she used the word GUN to explain her bike color.
2. Your right Trish its SILVER and you know who gets silver who ever comes second.She knows she is coming 2nd.
3. She is trying to make up in number three, she is mentioning LOVE. We have them Trish..."Not an inch not a meter"
Well done on all the people who got engaged........from all the married men in Trilogy,really well done.....

3 things to settle here

1st thing: Trish, my bike is 'gun metal grey'. NOT silver!
2nd thing: Mick, it is fully CARBON, not plastic!
3rd thing: I hate sending text messages. Everyone would have got a lot of mixed up text messages from me today that I tried to stop sending. I even took the battery and the sim card out but to no avail! What I wanted to say was that LOVE IS IN THE AIR for Trilogy. Dave Slattery proposed to his girlfriend when they crossed the finish line in the marathon. No one seems to know what time he did the run in but he has covered his tracks anyway by deflecting interest in his time by proposing. We have seen through your smoke screen Dave. But a huge congratulations anyhow.
And the proposing didn't stop there. Mark Downey proposed to his girlfriend Elaine today and she has accepted. This wasn't a halloween trick either but a lovely treat! Great news all round. I can feel a celebratory night in O'Gorman's in the not too distant future. Congrats to all the new loved up couples.

Tuesday 30 October 2007

No Fear without a shadow of a doubt!!!

Trish, Don't let Sinead on her plastic bike(Full of rust) try to intimidate you. Us(Laois People) dont fear easliy.....I think this will help us greatly,what colour would you like Trish


Hi Mike - any contacts for a bike (with engine) so I can keep Sinead and her Silver Dream Machine in sight next season.


Mick I can see our swim training in Athy being a huge success, especially with the local young lads. I don’t think there will be any shortage of volunteers to help out in the boat. I might just give the swim a miss though. Looking forward to seeing you in the water………………

Winter Training


Well done on all the hard work getting the new training schedule in
place. Bring on next year!

Monday 29 October 2007

At least its not plastic!!!!

Bike sold to a lovely home that is full of love and understanding.
This is the training we need Sinead?

Who Bought the rust bucket?

who was the poor unfortunate that you sold that overpriced rust bucket to? Is it the same bike that you had last year? The one that the wheels kept buckling on and the handle bars kept falling off.

Sorry its sold

The Trek bike is sold. Have a good Nokia with the birdy song as a ring tone?...Going Chirp!!!!!

Sunday 28 October 2007

Pasta Load

I think young William that you should use your time more productivily. Instead of placing bets which you know you will LOSE, you should start your carb loading for the big race tomorrow. ha ha. Enjoy and let me know how you get on.

What’s with this Trek bike?  It’s gone up in price!  The next thing you know is he’ll be flogging budgies and old mobile phones…

bet bet bet

Hi sinead we will have a twenty spot on tomor if you like...well done to karl on the winter training programme and sorting out lisbon cheers to elaine also great work guys...roll on the winter savage times ahead...

Dublin City Marathon

Best of luck to all of those who are doing the big race tomorrow. I whimped out myself but seeing as I made a pack with Simon at the Christmas party and he hasn't kept his side of the bargain, I don't feel too bad. What is the bets though that William who is only going up to jog for a few miles, will do the full thing? I think if he does as I suspect he will, that he should buy THE BLOODY TREK!! AAAHH, get it off the chat page. I'm at the stage where I'd nearly buy it myself!!
PS: Simon, I know it wasn't your fault about our pack, and there IS always next year. Bring on the half ironman in Groomsport in June. Double or quits.

For Sale

TREK 1200(I better put this up again in case no one seen it)
Gents Trek 1200 58cm for sale (Not Mine) nearly new perfect condition quick sale €749.99. Any one interested give us a shout.

Saturday 27 October 2007

DCM on Monday

Very best of luck to Sharon, Brian, Sandra, Therese and any others who are doing the Dublin

City Marathon on Monday. May the rain and wind stay away for the day.








Missing TREK 1200 Gents Trek 58cm, nearly new perfect condition worth 700euro. Last seen outside Portlaoise Prision!!!


Download 30 FREE Emoticons for your Windows Live Messenger! Click here!
Will some one please buy this bike? I'm fed up seeing the same thing on the chat!! Good work on the winter training to all involved. Again, if anyone would like a run programme made out for them using their heart rate monitor, just ask.

Thursday 18 October 2007

For Sale

TREK 1200
Gents Trek 1200 58cm for sale (Not Mine) nearly new perfect condition quick sale €750. Any one interested give us a shout.

Wednesday 17 October 2007

The forgotten sisters!!

First of all, well done to Paul and Patrick on their race in Emo. Also well done to Noel Territt who was again spotted doing his sneaky running up the Dublin road last night!! But a huge congratulations to Trish Nichols and Maeve Bracken (the forgotten sisters) who have been regularly showing up on the podium during the cross country season. Just 2 weeks ago they raced outside Port Laoise were Trish came in 3rd overall and both were members of the winning team. They also raced in Emo last week and their team came in a respectable second with Trish coming in 5th overall, followed closely by Maeve who came in 7th. Well done Sisters.

Friday 5 October 2007

Excellent Write up Karl

Karl, that is some write up that you gave the four of us. I'm not too sure that I fit the bill but anyone who just logs onto our website and reads it, will think I'm fairly cool, so Thanks!!

Adventure Racing 101!


We've too teams entered for a race on 20th October and we're getting
together to do some team training so if anyone wants to join us we are
meeting up in Stradbally woods on Saturday morning 6th October. Bring
bike,helmet, backpack and some water. Just a general meet up and get use
to the idea of running as a team and running with backpack. I'm going to
try and arrange a brief introduction to kayaking for the following week
but I'm not sure how feasible this is yet!

Thursday 4 October 2007

X Country

Men need 4 in a Team, Women can do with 3.
This Sunday is only for Master's, ie Over 35's, but do not worry all you youngsters can have your chance in Emo on the 14th Oct.

Cross Country

There is Cross Country in Clonreher (out Mountmellick Rd, turn Left at Stake Fireplace Sign) on Sunday.  It starts at 11am.  Men's distance is 6 Kms and Women 3 Kms.  You can go as an Individual or put in a Team of 4, first 3 to count.  Age Cat will be U35's and O35's.  I would recommend being there for 10.30am.
Course is fairly flat but the going will be tough!!!
See you there.

Wednesday 3 October 2007

You can't see it ...

... but proud Dad Clive tells me Aine has a HRM on too!

(c) myfirsttritrainingsession.com

Tuesday 2 October 2007

New Baby

Congrats from the marshalls. Will there be crèche facilities provided at training next year?
Patrick and Catriona

Monday 1 October 2007

Sunday 30 September 2007


Murt Keane the youngest looking tri-ahtlete in trilogy. looks younger than the Hoff. Great night, thanks to all.

Great News. A new TRILOGY Sister has been born

Every one, just to let you know Clive and Jane had a baby girl today. All is well.

Great Day, Great Night

Hello to all you hang over heads. Here I am, at work, just after 9 o clock on Sunday morning and some of ye lot are probably still drinking. Just to say that it was another excellent performance by the club. Thanks to the 'Big Day Out' committee. It was brilliant to see a lot of our unsung heroes, the very important contingent - our families, partaking in and enjoying themselves. And last night again, they were all out in full force. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we are not just a bunch of people who happen to be in the same club. It was a get-together amongst FRIENDS and that is why it works so well. Looking forward to next season, but I can say, that I'm honestly looking forward to the 'REST' more!! See ye all soon.

Saturday 29 September 2007

Race in EMO

Hi Patrick,


What is the distance for the cross country in EMO and

also does novice = amateur ?






Thursday 27 September 2007

Some Upcoming Road Races and Cross Country

The Laois novice cross country has been fixed for Emo Court on Sunday
14th October With an 11.00 start.

Tinryland On Sunday 7th with 2.00 Start. It's a four mile road race so
should suit some most people in the club.

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Tri Athy hoodie

Hi people, don't mind taco with his lidle gear, we have got our hands on two more large Tri Athy hoodies..They are the very last of this unique garment so its first come basis...ideal for those frosty nights after spinning...give me a shout if interested....

Keep warm during the winter

With Lidl's finest winter cycling gear , now available
For details click on items below,
Jacket or
Leggings or

Or check out Aldi's offerings on thursday see link
Aldi's Special Offers

Monday 24 September 2007

Adventure Racing

Paaaatrick, I'd say Margot might be interested. Myself, Finn, Maeve and Trish have already committed to a training weekend but hopefully I'll be free for the next one. Sinead.

Tired of triathlons, then try Adventure Racing!

Hi Lads,

I'm trying to put a team together for an adventure race on the 20th
October. Check out http://www.adventureireland.co.uk/main.html I have a few interested people, like Willie, Cornelius and Kevin but we're short
a few ladies!! In order to compete we need to have mixed teams. So if there is anyone interested in the race let me know. If we have a good few interested we may be able to put two teams together. Please let me know by the weekend as I need to enter the team or teams.


Hi Lads,

Really enjoyed the evening, sorry had to run off but thanks to everyone
for great race. Roll on next year!

Sunday 23 September 2007

Thanks Kevin and Maeve

Thanks to the 'terrible two' for taking all the hours out to read my IMUK report! I will be reading your report Kevin for 2009. If anyone out there is just thinking about doing an Ironman race, then you can do it. Anyway the duathlon was brillian yesterday. Tiernan said his favourite part was at the finish when he got his 'Golden medal'. Well done to everyone involved. When is the next one?

Friday 21 September 2007


Wow Sinead, is there no end to your talents? I felt like I was there with you as I read your last installment. It had all the ingredients of a best seller. The horror of anticipation, the excitement, the drama, the emotion and finally the romance, as you fell into your lover’s arms.  I can’t wait for Ironman Austria 2009 – but only to read all about it!  Kevin

Tuesday 18 September 2007

Heart Rate Training

This message is for those of you who are prone to a bit of 'sneaky' training, for those of you who have a heart rate monitor but only use it as a watch, for those of you who want to get the most out of every kilometer that you run. Let me know and after our last Test Tri (boo hoo), I will be able to make up a specific personalized programme that will really help with your running. After all, its not long now to the Ballycotton 10!!

Sunday 16 September 2007

Caroline Kearney Tri

Trish, Alison, Paul and Patrick were in Mullingar yesterday doing the inaugural Caroline Kearney Memorial Triathlon. Well, gang - how'd you get on? I'd love a race report from any of you for this website!

Saturday 15 September 2007

sisters in trouble

Hi lads,I think our sisters are headin down the wrong road,they need our guidance,  the tshirts proberly went to their heads???A MEETING will be called shortly to address this problem...Any ideas would be very welcome to solve this act og wrecklessness....

Just asking ...

Query from a member - Anyone doing the Dublin Half Marathon next weekend?
Willie, watch out for Maeve. She's after drinking her teams winnings already and now she's out for the rest. She says its good for sore muscles, but I'm not sure myself. I think Wearen is involved as well.

Overheard in Portlaoise...

I overheard a group of people discussing the table quiz in Shaws today.  They were still laughing and discussing questions and generally saying what a great night it was.  As I joined in the conversation I made sure to rub in the fact that I was on the winning team.  None of these people are related to any club member as far as I know…little do they know we are going to spend the money on beer!  Hope the word doesn’t get out…Maeve

Friday 14 September 2007


will any of the funds be used to re-stock the fridges of beer in the Bracken and Wearen household over the weekend of 20 + 21 October?

A great night indeed...

Yeah, Taco - what a great night!

Its a powerful thing to see so many people gathered together for one cause!

We had just about twice the number of people there on Thursday as we had last year, and while we are still counting the loose change, I think we'll find we more than doubled the amount raised last year. And if you think that is exciting, just wait til you see how we use it over Winter and into 2008.


No, we didn't play poker, but we did have a full house at the table quiz.
It was a great evening and I got some answers correct.
I would like to thank all involved in organising the event, and all the effort of the people on the night. ( too many to name individually ) .
Super night.

Thursday 13 September 2007


Karl, you must be joking!  I will be bringing all the beer from the fridge for Sinead and me to consume.  Beer is really good for sore muscles.



2-day bender starting in Kevins House, 21-22 October. When we drink it dry, we'll cycle on over to Terry. Other venues to be confirmed.

Wednesday 12 September 2007


Hi girls, you can count me in.  Where do I sign up?  A weekend away from Kevin and the Kids - I cant wait!


Calling All Sisters

I am definitely up for the training weekend and being a total girl, I can't wait to show off our unique 'Sisters of Trilogy' T-shirts. Trish and Alison said the last one was great. So, the question is, who is in?
PS: Willie, thanks for the comment. Hopefully by the end of the report, you will have committed to Austria 2009. Bring it on.

Tuesday 11 September 2007

The longest race

Hi sinead,just like to say what a read,cant wait for the next chapter..but have to say im starting to hate you for the seeds you are sewing....dont know if i realy realy should read on ??????? 

Race place available for Caroline Kearney Tri

Clive from Carlow can't race in Mullingar this Saturday and is offering up his place. The Caroline Kearney Triathlon is Olympic Distance, and there are a few Trilogy members taking part. If you haven't registered and would like to race, let Clive know - or if you don't have details for Clive, cotact Karl or leave a message here and I'll get them to you.

Friday 7 September 2007

Almost Tempted ...

Am tempted to say yes Trish, but I am officially meant to be off training now for a few rest weeks! Am sure there are others here who'll head out with you - the weather would seem too good to waste!

Sun Cycle

Have we any takers on a cycle this Sunday - I believe the weather is to be good - yes Alan I got vey wet last Sunday.

Thursday 6 September 2007

Rescheduling of last Duathlon

Hi all

Just to let you know that the last Duathlon in the series has a NEW date and time

Its now On - Sunday 23rd September 2007 at the Heath

Registration betweew 17:00 and 17:30

(was originally scheduled for the 20th but has been moved due to fading light)

It's the last in the series, so "be there" and make it a good one.

Monday 3 September 2007

Bam! Kazak! Bash!

Read the race report from Kenmare (and see some more photos too).


STOP THE PRESSES.... for the new 2008 kit

Well folks the new "Trilogy 2008 Kit" has arrived and is looking good.

Ably modeled by our own "Flying" Karl,

Please click on link to see our latest revelation.


Sunday 2 September 2007

Rain and More Chat

Sorry Trish, Its half past ten and I looked out the window and saw rain, so I’m
going to be a big sissy and decline the cycle today !

On the chat front, Karl, you might put a reminder on the right hand frame something along the lines “To Chat its easy, just send an e-mail to XXX.trilogy@blogger.com – XXX is the bit you decide when you set up for the first time - Don’t forget to fill in the Subject line”.

This would be useful to Jog the memory about the e-mail address to use. Normally I have to go and look itup and by the time I have found it again I have forgotton what I was going to say !

Saturday 1 September 2007


Anyone interested in a cycle at 11 am tomorrow?

Friday 31 August 2007

Check out the weekender

Page 4 - Well done Downey!

Thursday 30 August 2007

Ah... Our Mystery Man, Mr.Cahill

Haven't met him myself yet, but he was last seen leaving the phoenix park after coming 29th.

A great new recruit for the club.

Please be on the look out for him.

Tuesday 28 August 2007

Well done in Dublin

Just saying congrats and well done to all in Trilogy who competed in DCT, especially

David Cahill..I haven’t had the pleasure. Has anybody else ?







Calling all Potential Ironmen

Hello to everyone out there is Trilogy and beyond. Clive Byrne contacted me today to let me know that there are a possible 4 triathletes from TRICW entering Ironman Austria 2009. Who wants to join them? I've committed and so has Steve Irwin. Steve is also doing an Ironman in March 2009 is South Africa. Austria is on in early June. So come on everyone. It is more than do-able. If anyone out there has even had a little wonder to themselves "can I do it?" The answer is YES.

Friday 24 August 2007

Dublin City - Good Wishes

Good luck to all racing today in the Dublin City Tri - Willie, Mark McM, Steve, Paul, Taco, Pawel and probably others I've missed.

Looking forward to hearing how it went.

Dublin city tri...

Well lads,heading to dublin tonight for reg,for Dublin city tri.If anyone wants a lift give me a shout...

It's not me!!

Don't think it's Willie or me!! Neither of us own a mountain bike. Although…………..Willie Fitz is he's known to take off with other peoples bikes!!!

Thursday 23 August 2007

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Words are inadequate

Hello to everyone in Trilogy. I don't know where to begin with when it comes to thanking everyone for all the support I have received from this club for IMUK. My message memory on my phone is completely full with good luck and congratulation messages. I just want you all to remember, however, that it was ALL the support I've received from the day I registered for this event that has got me through it. So from the VERY BOTTOM OF MY HEART, I thank each and every one of you. I'm afraid to start mentioning names as I'll leave some one out so apologies in advance. Margot, who was my training partner and gave me the courage to enter the race in the first place. Willie for all of the 'worrying and stressing' and organising my Big Trainig Day. Taco, who made sure I was entered in every race I applied for and took away the stress of missing a registration deadline. Taco, I know you did this for everyone in the club but I just want you to know how much we all appreciated it. Karl, Elaine, Mark Downey, Finn and Dee and every one else for your unwavering support. I will be forever greatful. To Ken, for making sure I got my pizza, dounuts and hot cholocate at the end. And of course to my LSH (Long Suffering Husband), without you, it meant nothing. THANK YOU.

Dublin City Tri Race Briefing

Hi all

Here's the link to the race briefing

Tuesday 21 August 2007

What a weekend

Hi, lads,I just cant let the weekend go without commenting on it..WOW...it warms my heart to think of our achievements as a young club from our ironman champions to our very successful Hertitage Triathlon.We have come a long way in such a short time and its all thanks to the brilliant people that make our club.We drew people from all over Eire for sat event and the amount of helpers was just unbelievable.This is a club full of class and its makes me very proud to be part of it,keep up the good work one and all...

Friday 17 August 2007


Hi Michelle................

Test Email.. no 3 !

Hello... anyone out there....

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Heritage tri

Hi lads,we are still in need of marshals, time keepers and lane counters for saturday.please do your best to get at least one person.


Can anyone give me an exact location to swim area in athy? ignorant Limerickman needs directions! I know athy but haven't been swimming with the club yet? And yes Ive checked the site and know its the rowing bloat slipway but am not quite sure exactly where in athy it is. Need to get there tonight. Will be checking this before I leave to go so if anyone could oblige Id be grateful!!!!!

Tuesday 14 August 2007

2nd Childrens Duathlon

Hi all, a provisional date of 22nd of September has been set for our second children’s duathlon. There was a lot of debate over the distances we should run it over this time so let’s see what ye think.  The under 8’s went off pretty well last time so my feeling would be to leave that at 200m run 750m cycle 200m run. The under 10’s was the age category that I went a bit hard on the last time so I was thinking 400m run 750m cycle (that’s half the distance they had to cycle the last time) finished with a 400m run. For the u12’s a 400m run 1500m cycle 400m run is half what was down for them in June but I think it is what most of the kids ended up doing.  Please let me know what you think.  Thanks. Kevin

How does this work for the IT Illiterate anyway??

Does it work!!!!

Monday 13 August 2007

Night Out

A lobster dinner at Chez-Fitz sounds good. It's got a great reputation for cups of Tea!!!

night out

Hi lads,was talking to Dee on sat after test tri and she suggested that we go for a meal on sat night after the heritage tri...any suggestions...lets make it a good one...

Sunday 12 August 2007

Still Testing

Just checking my broadband is working. Got some great photos on Sat.  Be patient I shall get them to Karl to put on web.

Friday 10 August 2007


Will was on the town patol with the new trilogy transport machine. To take over from the Venga bus for the winter. Could we have a name for Maks new motor.

Willie's not been the same ...

...Since Trish rejected him as a model for the new t-shirts.

I heard he is seeking comfort in the wise words of JT

Don't be so quick to walk away (Dance with me)
I wanna rock your body please stay(Dance with me)
You don't have to admit you wanna play(Dance with me)
Just let me rock you, till the break of day (Dance with me)

The Willie Fitz Hunt

RELAX PEOPLE!!! Willie is OK!!! He was seen last night on the pool deck in the gym trying to recruit people into Trilogy & probably selling Trilogy T-shirts & organising a training session and ……...


Just thought I'd ask if anyone else found the absence of Willie Fitz from training last night very worrying. Is there something amiss with our Laois man? Rumour had it, he was going to partake in a few beers last night, IN A PUB - NO LESS. I don't know. I'm just finding it all very suspicious AND sinister!! If anyone does find him, please return him to his natural habitat. (the gym, the heath or the barrow). I know he is all for promotion of the club but we just can't be letting him wander around all the pubs in Laois, in the week of the World Fleah in his triathlon suit. Come on now Willie. Get a grip of yourself.

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Tuesday 7 August 2007

I'm Up

Well I think I am, .... Yes its up I can see it (My Posting that Is).


Thanks but I will in future refrain from being a model.

Over 24 hours later and the offer still open ...

Trish, Willie asked me to see if your broadband is
working OK?

Monday 6 August 2007


Hi Trish,i can sample for you if you wish...

Sunday 5 August 2007

Trish Testing

Have we got any more bodies to sample??

Friday 3 August 2007

Of course, Justin might be busy ...

Sexyback in a t-shirt

One of the lads wants to see Justin Timberlake in a Trilogy shirt. D'ya think you could use your connections, Mick?

PS not sure if it is Justin in just a Trilogy t-shirt or not?

Thursday 2 August 2007

New T-shirts

I think we should get all the new T shirts modelled by the members of Trilogy. Who would you like to see modelling the new T shirts?

Tuesday 31 July 2007

barrow swim

Hi lads need a volunteer to walk the bank tomor night in athy,weather is good so numbers will be up,any takers give me a shout thanks...

lost sheep

Hi lads, anyone doing the lost sheep should check out cork tri website.[listen for jane]Their is some good footage of the swim and bike from last year....plus anyone headin to castlewellan this weekend,we should meet at the station and pool together,race starts at one..willsort out time of departure and let you know ok....

Monday 30 July 2007

Tuesday Training

Hi Kevin,
The run meets usual time, usual place tonight (7:45, Gym).  Re: tomorrow, please contact Willie before travelling to Carlow.  The session is a time-trial competition organised by Carlow Tri Club, and it is a team event.  Willie is captain for the night, so he will be able to give you more info.
For everyone not going to Carlow ... the Heath goes ahead as normal - see you there!


Hi just to confirm Monday training is meet at the gym at 7.45. Also what’s the set up for Tuesday speed session in Carlow ?


How ya guys!

Saturday 28 July 2007

sat afternoon

Hi there is there anyone out there interested in a  cycle / run this afternoon 4ish

Friday 27 July 2007

Sunday Morning

Hope this chat gets there.

I am on for cycle at 11 o’ clock as usual.

Even might consider a Barrow swim before if the weather is agreeable !

Anyone on for a 20/30 min dip and back to Portlaoise for cycle at 11 a.m ?


Really enjoyed the outing on Thursday on the Heath.

 If anybody is interested to show me how to ride a bike properly I am open to

offers. I think I might be faster on a tricycle !


Good luck to all those in Kinsale tomorrow…







Well done Mark

Will you and willie be going out this weekend ???????

Thursday 26 July 2007

triathlon chat

hi there mark has arrived


To everyone who even is thinking about joining me on Sunday, I want to let you know that words cannot explain how much I appreciate it. You will all get me to the starting line and if I cross the finish, it is because the club has got me there. The club, and Terry of course. Thank you willie for getting people behind me, even if it is by bribing them with breakfast. See you on Sunday!!

Breakfeast on me..

Hi guys,im pleased to announce that willie is buying breakfeast for anyone who is joining sinead on sunday..We will swim at ten in the barrow and back to egans for food then{my treat}12:30 off on the bike then for 5 hrs...17:30 more food then[OPEN TO OFFERS} and finish with a 2 hour run starting at 7 or so...So lets get behind our future ironman competiors and join in on some part of this great occasion{not just the food part]Best of luck guys TRILOGY is right behind ye...

mick timberlake

Well mick,thanks for the cd,after listing to it in your car,house ipod and jail i got to like it eventually...cheers...

We like it!

 ... your 'Fightin' Talk', Kevin!
Any takers or ideas for Sineads training session.  This is her last big one before IM UK! Make sure you loop by the gym at 11:00am, Sinead to pick up the usual cycle - and maybe you'd get a few to join you before and after the regular cycle at 11:00?

Wednesday 25 July 2007

Willie,s Hero

Hi Willie Hope you enjoy the Justin Timberlake Cd that you asked me to get for you...

The Big Swim

They say it was tougher last week, but then they would. Wouldn’t they, to me that was as tough as it comes and I am ashamed to say I came back from Athy a beaten man. Damn you river Barrow and damn you again, now I will have to give up the drink and the fags all over again for revenge will be mine……………



steamy water...

HI sharon and mick,great swim tonight,the steam is still rising off the water....

you smelly swimmers.....

kevin and willie

Chat Goes Live!

This is the Chat Area just for Trilogy members. Use this space to communicate with the whole club - your thoughts, ideas, training schedule, etc. Arrange sessions, car-pool, discuss this site, anything you like. Well not anything but anything within the rules (see right).

One last thing - the only way to post here is to register via Karl. Once you are set-up you can simply send an e-mail to a special address. The title of your mail becomes the subject, the rest of your mail is your comment.

The floor is yours ....

Monday 23 July 2007

Big Training Day

Hi Karl,
I'm still testing this thing and I thought I'd be constructive in the testing phase. Willie wanted to let me know the times that I'm planning training on Sunday 29th of July. So here they are:
10:00 - Barrow swim for 1 hr
11:00 - 12:30 - Rest and eat.
12:30 - 17:30 - cycle, (any suggestions for the cycle route would be grately appreciated. I don't want too many hills)
17:30 - 19:00 - Rest and eat.
19:00 - 21:00 - jog/run.
Everyone is welcome to join in for parts of the day or, if they are also after running out of the blue pills and have moved on to the pink ones, they can join in for the whole day. EVERYONE IS WELCOME.

Aw, Thanks!

6th place in AG, 32nd overall.  Alan Kenny, who trains with us mid-week was a few places ahead of me too - Alan, get entered into the Heritage Challenge Novice race!
PS Well done Sinead for successfully setting up the account.  There were a few little grmlins until about 5 mins ago - now everything should be live for you. Hit send, see site!

I'm here

Hi Paul,
some people do have work to do during the day so I'll apologise on behalf of Mr Willie O'Dea, that you have been kept waiting!! Any way, I want to pass on a huge congratulations to Karl. You got an excellent result over the weekend. 6th place! Plenty of PL points for you. Well done.

Youghal Coming to Cork with me next year?

Guys, I am just back from Youghal, and I have to say it is an excellent race. Sea as calm as a lake, flat cycle, and OK a little tough run. But on top of that the race was very well organised, there was a great atmosphere from the start, and the locals who support it are brilliant too. At €32 and with PL points, there is little to fault it.

I think it is on 5 July next year - I can see this one being added to the AGM Calendar discussion in 2008!