Tuesday 14 August 2007

2nd Childrens Duathlon

Hi all, a provisional date of 22nd of September has been set for our second children’s duathlon. There was a lot of debate over the distances we should run it over this time so let’s see what ye think.  The under 8’s went off pretty well last time so my feeling would be to leave that at 200m run 750m cycle 200m run. The under 10’s was the age category that I went a bit hard on the last time so I was thinking 400m run 750m cycle (that’s half the distance they had to cycle the last time) finished with a 400m run. For the u12’s a 400m run 1500m cycle 400m run is half what was down for them in June but I think it is what most of the kids ended up doing.  Please let me know what you think.  Thanks. Kevin

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