Friday 4 May 2012


Hi folks,

Its that time of year, SUMMER TRAINING.  We are hoping to kick off the Summer Training schedule on 14th May.  We are finalising the details at the moment.  There will be a survey on the Website in the next few days, please take the time to fill it out.  We want your input to make sure we are giving you, our club members what they want. 

The current DRAFT PLAN is Monday Run 8-9 VEC. Tues Cycle from PLC 6.30, two groups, same route, depending on numbers.  Wed 7-8 Open Water Swim, Barrow. Thurs Brick, from the Heath 7-8. Fri 7-8 Open Water Swim, Barrow. Sat Cycle 60km 9.00am PLC, same route, two groups, depending on numbers with possibly a 2+ km run off the bike. Sun Cycle 9.00am 70-80km, two groups, maybe a shorter route depending on numbers.

Please think about what you want from the Club Training and tell us. We will try our best to get a plan that suits all. 
Finally if you would like to help out in anyway just let me know. Denise.