Monday 30 April 2012

Tuesday Nice 'n Easy Cycle 6.30 from Portlaoise Leisure Centre.

The turnout for the past number of weeks for our nice ‘n easy cycle has been really good, especially when you consider the weather that has been on offer lately. We've managed to dodge the showers even on evenings when black clouds lurked nearby.  It's great to see the new faces turning up for these cycles. (If the veteran club members aren't careful the beginners are in serious danger of showing you all up!!) 

There have been some murmurings within the club about adding a “ladies only” race coming up later in the season in Dunmore East, to our race calendar.

This would be a fantastic race for

  • - wannabee female triathletes (most of us know someone who would like to give it a go)
  • - women in sport and
  • - experienced female members
to aim towards, especially now that Tri Laois has been and gone. We will learn more about this soon.

These easy Tuesday evening cycles are perfect to get you started, keep you going OR to get back in the saddle for those of you who haven't been out a lot lately (both male and female).

I’m looking forward to seeing you as we meet with the faster group at PLC at 6.30pm Tuesday. If anyone has been putting off joining us because you are unsure of what’s involved, please feel free to email me for more information.