Sunday 13 May 2012

Summer Training Kicks Off

Hi Folks,
Summer Training begins tomorrow 14th May.
Monday night run:  8.00pm VEC Track.
Tuesday cycle:        7.00pm PLC (Note new time)
Route:                     TT cycle. Warm up spin out to Rathleague to the start. Turn left at Munny Cross, direction is marked TT.  Its 5km to the finish line in Stradbally - road is also marked there. Turn around and 5km from Stradbally back to start 2 x 5km TT.  Distance 25-30km.  If two groups the option is to repeat the 2 x 5km TT twice and return to PLC then. LEADER: Needed.  Contact Murt for further details. 087 9682945.
Wednesday Swim:  7.00pm Boat house.  Eimear Mathews will be here tonight to coach open water swimming.  All new members and new to open water should attend. Get the fear factor for the season out of the way.
Thursday Brick:     7.00pm The Heath.  Due to safety concerns we need a person to stay with the equipment during the session.  If anyone can do this please let me know at 087 2036718. It doesn't have to be a member but maybe a members friend.
Friday:             REST DAY
Saturday:         Cycle: 9.00am. Portlaoise, Abbeyleix, Durrow, Ballacolla, Boris-in-Ossory, Castletown, Mountrath, Portlaoise. Distance 76km.
Sunday:           Cycle: NO CLUB CYCLE.  Abbeyleix Charity Cycle on for those interested.

Thanks to those who took the time to fill out the survey.  A few things were highlighted and we are trying our best to accommodate everyone.  We have moved the Tuesday evening cycle to 7.00pm. We can't really go later for safety reasons.  For running we have Monday nights at the track until end of June, brick session and run off the bike after Saturday cycle.  The best open water swim option is the Barrow, I knows its a journey for some but its the only session away from Portlaoise.

Again we need leaders this week for cycles.  We also need help at the brick session on Thursday.  We have identified an alternative brick session which should improve safety and variety which we hope to introduce in the next few weeks.  I will keep you posted.  Also in the coming weeks we will need bank walkers on Wednesday night during the open water swim.  Maybe someone might have a friend that would be happy to walk the bank and hold keys etc.

I can be contacted at if anyone has any comments. Denise.