Tuesday 22 May 2012

New Tri Suits

HI All, I have to say a number of things in relation to the new proposed tri suit for the club. I was one of the people that was on the original design of the the existing Tri suits back in 2009. I have posted the original colour scheme here and the test samples with the sponsors name etc. It also shows the Trilogy Crest that was agreed by the members of the day . All of this was voted on, and agreed by the club members. I have spoken to Sinead and she has done a terrific job in the sample she has come up with and she has done this at her own expense and time and has had to pay for this Tri Suit and she is happy to say that this is her personal Tri Suit. I am writing here to ask the committee to stop even collecting samples of this Tri-suit or any Tri Suit from Base to Race. They have put their Logo on our Tri Suits and why or for what reason and are they becoming a main sponsor?. They have changed the Trilogy Logo without the clubs permission and if the club is going to invest in new Tri suits then it should be done with consultation with all trilogy members. A Committee should be set up like the last time to go and look at suits, taking into consideration the quality, brand, costing, style and esp. peoples decency when they are racing in public that was a contentious issue in the last Suit. Tri Suits has come a long way in 4 years and if we are to wear these for the next 4 years then lets get it right. Yours in Sport Michael Farrell