Friday 29 June 2012

Portlaoise Leisure Centre Spin-athon July 4th

Portlaoise Leisure Centre are having a one day Spin-athon which some of you might like to participate in. The day is in aid of Rehab care which provides respite for families with disabled children or relatives and also helps fund various resources for families. A very worthy cause and we are trying to raise as much as possible.

Portlaoise Leisure Centre are charging €4 for member to do a spin class and €9 for a non member to participate in a class. You can book in for as many as you like and ALL of the money raised goes to the charity. Our instructors will be delivering as well as DVD led classes. I have attached a list of all the classes being delivered on the day. If you could encourage your members to take part we would be most grateful.

The day in question is WEDNESDAY 4TH JULY 2012