Tuesday 5 June 2012

Training for this Week

Hi Folks,

Well done to everyone involved in Tri Athy over the weekend.  Great to see such a turnout from Trilogy both marshalling, racing and supporting. 
Tues Cycle: PLC 7.00pm.  Both groups starting together.  Cycle the Portlaoise Triathlon Route in reverse.  All groups should meet at the bottom of Coolbanagher Hill.  Aiming to do hill repeats here and then cycle through Emo village back in the old Dublin Road to PLC.  Group one - should aim to do 5 reps on Coolbanagher hill. Group 2 should be there a few minutes before Group 1 and aim to do 8 reps.  Try to focus on gears when going up the hill.  Stay in the saddle, with only the legs pushing (no shoulder movement - use the gears) until you get to the second rumble strips, then up out of the saddle and push all the way to the top of the hill, turn around and recover going down.  All cycle back together.  Approx 30 - 35km.
Wed Swim: 7.00pm Barrow, Athy, Boathouse.
Thurs Brick: 7.00pm, Heath.
Fri: Rest
Sat Cycle: 9.00am PLC:  Abbeyleix, Ballyroan, Stradbally, Vicarstown, Emo, Portlaoise. 62km. Flat some hills.
Sun: 9.00am PLC. Mountmellick, Rosenallis, Clonaslee, Mountrath via The Cut, Abbeyleix, Ballyroan, PLC.