Tuesday 12 June 2012

This Week's Training

Hi Folks,

Sorry I'm a bit late this week but here goes.

Tuesday Cycle: 7.00pm PLC.  Tonight is a Time Trial of either 5 or 10km depending on what you choose.  Everyone will cycle out to Montague Hotel.  Murt is hoping to mark out the start and finish lines for tonights TT.  It will be a 5/10km spin out towards Monasterevin. Jane or Murt will have details at PLC tonight.
Wed Swim:  7.00pm Boathouse, Athy.  At the moment the flow is high and strong in the Barrow.  The river swim will be assessed this evening or tomorrow and a text will be sent out if it is unsafe to swim tomorrow night.  Please note the weaker/less confident swimmers should only swim as far as the first slipway just passed the grotto and turn and swim back to the boathouse.  This is for YOUR safety. It is easier to exit the river at this point to walk back to start point and/or the challenge is approx 350m against the flow to slipway. This can be repeated 2 or 3 times in a session. You can still get your distance.  The flow under the bridge requires considerable strength and experience at times depending on the flow.  BE SENSIBLE.
Thurs Brick: 7.00pm Heath.  We will be changing the location of the brick in a few weeks for an added challenge and a change of scene.  I will keep you posted on this.
Fri:  Rest Day
Sat Cycle:  NO CYCLE THIS SATURDAY due to the huge amount of Trilogy members racing in Dunmore East.  Hopefully the weather will be nice.  Its great to see so many members in one race.  I think there are approximately 30 members entered.  Come on Trilogy!!
Sun Cycle: 9.00 am PLC. 77km flat. PLC Portlaoise, Monasterevin, Athy, Stradbally and back to PLC.

The Tuesday cycles have had a rolling leader system in place for the past few weeks and it seems to be working extremely well.  We hope to extend this to all other sessions in the coming weeks.

Happy Training! Denise