Sunday 1 July 2012

A day spent in Athlone

Well done to all competitors who raced in all kinds of weather on Saturday the last day of our 'summery' June, namely: David Murphy, Kieran Hoey, Margot Barry, Laura Durcan, Aoifa McEvoy, Helena Rothwell, Andy Williams, Jonathan Forrest, Susan Wall, David Wilkes & Sandra Furney. We also had Mark of PLC fame with our crew. It was a long day, but somehow for me was a more enjoyable race than it had been for my previous attendance at Athlone. The river was very fast as we're all coming to expect these days. All down stream, and I believe approx 950m for both races. The cycle was windy and wild, and the run was the usual, for Athlone, a great spectator heavy challenging town run. Kieran Hoey did himself and the club very proud by coming no less than first in his age group with his sprint distance race. Well done again Kieran. Race reports please to

Best of luck to Trilgoy members racing in Rosslare and Carrick on Suir this coming weekend. Have a great race. May the sun god be in better form for you all.