Thursday 31 May 2012

Charity Cycle

Some of you have been following Brian Bonham and his team of friends as they cycled from Portlaoise to Paris recently to raise funds for 3 charities. Didn't they do well? Now you can applaud their efforts by buying a raffle ticket for €20.00 through the Trilogy website. Just log in and select the product "RAFFLE". There is a €2,000.00 voucher with Cycle Superstore to be won. 

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Olympic Torch

Well done to Wes Reilly who has been chosen by his fellow employees to carry the Olympic Torch in London - see Laois Nationalist - nice pic with Trilogy Cycle Top on.


If you are a new member looking to buy a Wetsuit or someone who has one to sell, e-mail me on your name and suit size and I will pass on the info.  Otherwise our Trilogy Facebook would be a good place to advertise.

Tuesday Cycle

Hi Folks,

Just to let you know Trish has put her name forward again to lead longer distance cycle tonight. Jane Watts is the also the leader again for the shorter distance.  Well done ladies.  They will then pick the leaders for next week after the cycles tonight. Denise.

Monday 28 May 2012

This Week's Training.

Hi Folks,

Monday Night NO RUN due to Marshal Briefing in Kileshin Hotel at 8.00pm for Tri Athy.
Tuesday Cycle 7.00pm PLC:  Group 1 - shorter distance - 35km approx.  PLC, Stradbally, Vicarstown, New Inn Cross, Emo, Coolbanagher Hill and straight back into PLC.  Leader: Jane Watts.
Group 2 - longer distance - 45km PLC, Stradbally, Vicarstown, New Inn Cross, Emo, Coolbanagher Hill and turn right to follow the Portlaoise Tri Route back to the PLC.  Leader NEEDED.
Wednesday Barrow Swim, Boathouse 7.00pm  Eimear will be in the water in her canoe again to assist the swimmers.  Thanks Eimear.
Thursday Brick: The Heath, 7.00pm.
FRI/SAT/SUN : Tri Athy 2012.  Lets hope its another successful year with lots of sunshine. 
With the weather so warm remember to bring and drink your liquids.  You will underperform if dehydrated.  Denise.

Also the next two swim sets provided by Eimear to keep your pool work going.

Session 3: 400m warm up and stretch.  8 x 100m: kick 50m, swim 50m 10 sec rest.
2 x 200m sprint from red end of rope. 20 secs rest. 4 x 100m easy 75m hard 25m. 200m cool down.
Total 2,200m.

Session 4:400m warm up and stretch.
8 x 100m FC 10 secs rest after each one. Then the following 100's 1. 50 kick 50 swim, 2. 50 kick 50 doggie paddle to hip 3. 50 kick 50 fists. 4. 50m kick 50m catch up. 5. 50m kick 50m doggie paddle to hip. 6. 50m kick 50m head up. 7. 50m kick 50m swim. 8. 50m kick 50m chicken wings/ drag fingers.
200m hard pace front crawl (FC). 200m cool down.
Total 2400m.
Happy Training.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Aquathon/Swim Athy

Well done to the 10 members who took part in our FIRST Aquathon and what a lovely day we had for it.  Winners today were Sinead Wearan and Dave Murphy but there were some great performances from new club members who never competed in Open Water before which makes everyone a winner.
This was a great event and I hope we have more people out for the rest of the series.
A very big THANK YOU to all those who helped with Swim Athy.

Old Triathlon Proverb

According to the Old Triathlon Proverb #206 When turning the legs fast enough, the triathlete will always be kissed on the face by wind. Check this space next week for Old Triathlon Proverb # 1407

Thursday 24 May 2012

Triathlon on TV

Hi Everyone, just thought I'd let you know that the 2nd Round of the ITU World Series is on Eurosport this evening at 8 O'Clock. As I didn't make the Heath, I'll be studying this race on TV :-)

Tuesday 22 May 2012

New Tri Suits

HI All, I have to say a number of things in relation to the new proposed tri suit for the club. I was one of the people that was on the original design of the the existing Tri suits back in 2009. I have posted the original colour scheme here and the test samples with the sponsors name etc. It also shows the Trilogy Crest that was agreed by the members of the day . All of this was voted on, and agreed by the club members. I have spoken to Sinead and she has done a terrific job in the sample she has come up with and she has done this at her own expense and time and has had to pay for this Tri Suit and she is happy to say that this is her personal Tri Suit. I am writing here to ask the committee to stop even collecting samples of this Tri-suit or any Tri Suit from Base to Race. They have put their Logo on our Tri Suits and why or for what reason and are they becoming a main sponsor?. They have changed the Trilogy Logo without the clubs permission and if the club is going to invest in new Tri suits then it should be done with consultation with all trilogy members. A Committee should be set up like the last time to go and look at suits, taking into consideration the quality, brand, costing, style and esp. peoples decency when they are racing in public that was a contentious issue in the last Suit. Tri Suits has come a long way in 4 years and if we are to wear these for the next 4 years then lets get it right. Yours in Sport Michael Farrell

Monday 21 May 2012

This Week's Training

Hi folks,

Monday RUN from EMO COURT, at 8.00pm.  Please note different venue, this is due to community games competitions at the VEC Track. 
Tuesday CYCLE: Group One (faster speed)PLC, Ballyfin, Mountrath, Abbeyleix, Ballyroan, Stradbally and back to PLC.
Group Two (shorter distance) Ballyfin, Mountrath, Abbeyleix and straight back to PLC.
Both groups ride together to Ballyfin as one and then split into two groups. LEADERS: NEEDED
Wed SWIM:  Barrow, rowing club slipway.  Ready to get in the water for 7.00pm.  Eimear will be there in her boat as support same as last week.  We will be swimming between the boat club and downstream to the slipway where we got out last week (approx 350m) and turn around here and swim back upstream to either the boat club or past this to the end of the buildings which ads an extra 180m (530m). We will swim in these loops under the guidance of Eimear and her crew.  We will not be going to the Pontoon in the square on Wed. Leader:  Eimear.  Bank Walker: NEEDED
Thurs BRICK:  The Heath, 7.00pm.  Transition Security Marshal  NEEDED
Sat CYCLE: PLC, Timahoe, The Swan, Timahoe via Abbeyleix Road, Stradbally, The Heath, PLC. Distance 61km.  Hilly.  LEADER: NEEDED
Sun: SWIM ATHY and Trilogy 1st AQUATHON of season. 12.30 kick off approx.  Texts for entry will follow.  Denise.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Ladies Night Out

Well done Helena on organising this.  It was great to see the new faces and the old ones. Mick has a great photo of us on Facebook.

Friday 18 May 2012

Girl's Night Out TONIGHT!!! 8PM. (Update)

COMPETITION WINNER: Congrats to Áine Neilon for naming our night out "Trilogy Gossip & Booze". Trish Nichol's came in a close second with "The Tri Everything Once Girls". Thank god she didn't win again or I'd be lynched!! Well done Áine.

Venue: The Taste of Italy. Where Jim's Country Kitchen used to be. As you Drive/walk down main street, it's in to the court yard on the left, pedestrian access only, beside the Hair Gallery.
(Right would take you up to the car park where Millar's Hardware is)

It's not too late to call me if you'd like to join us. 0861777999

Time: 8pm

The following names are registered. If I've missed anyone please let me know.

Aine Neilon
Alison Bennett
Anita Phelan
Aoife McEvoy
Denise Murphy
Eimear Lewens
Gina Rohan
Helena Rothwell
Jane Keane
Lynn O'Brien Crosland
Margaret Fingleton

Niamh Quirke
Trish Nicholls
Sandra Furney
Deirdre Walsh

Thursday 17 May 2012

Map to Training Brick session at the Heath

Click here to view map of where we are meeting at the Heath for our first Brick Session this year. Perfect for beginners and club elite alike. A brick session is a Run, Cycle, Run format. See you there.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Open Water Swim and TT

Thanks To Eimear, Denise and Tim who put us all through our paces in the barrow tonight. My word was it cold. For all the newcomers don't be put off by the cold water - it will only get warmer from her on in.

Results from the Time Trial on Tuesday night - Thanks to Murt for organising
Willie 20mins,Helena 20.04,Fiona 21.26,Mary 23.13,Cora 19.22,Aoife 19.23,Trish 17.48,Vinnie 18.01,Mick 18.42,Sinead 17.42,Rory 16.32,Paul 16.31,Kieran 15.33,Dave 15mins,Murt 15.09


Hi Folks,

Just to remind you tonight kicks off our Open Water Swim at the Barrow in Athy.  Please be ready to get in the water at 7.00pm from the Boat slipway.  Eimear Mathews will be coaching and using canoes for added safety in the water.  All members should try and make it, especially new members and anyone new to open water swimming.  Thanks.  Denise. 

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Monday 14 May 2012

Joey Hannon Race Report '12 UPDATED!!

Please click on link below to share Dave Murphy's experience at Joey Hannon 2012. It makes for a great read. Apologies to Dave for the delay in getting this online.

Susan Wall added a great report detailing the race from the sprinters perspective.

Never one to remain too quiet, I threw in my two cents worth too.

Training Update

Hi Folks,

With regard to the TUES CYCLE tomorrow night it should read a 10km TT.  Murt will lead the session tomorrow night.  As this is a Time Trial everyone should be recording their times.  Bring your own stop watch and Murt also hopes to time the event.  We will revisit the route in a few weeks and people can check their improvement.

SWIMMING Eimear Mathews has also given the club some pool sessions for members to work on themselves.  Here are two sessions:
Session 1                                                                  
200m front crawl warm up, easy, stretch. 2 x 300m  20 sec rest between sets. 4 x 200m 20 secs rest, increase pace, 2 x 100m hard effort, 30 secs rest between sets. 200m cool down. Total 2000m.
Session 2.
400m warm up and stretch.  5 x 200, 10 sec rest between sets.  Alternate pull and swim for each 200m. 6 x 100m - 75m easy 25 hard. 10 sec rest between sets.  200m cool down.  Total 2200m.
To increase distance, increase the various sets.  Thanks Eimear.

Finally SUNDAY CYCLE.  There will be no club cycle on Sunday but there is an alternative.  Abbeyleix and District Lions Club Charity Cycle, Sunday 10am - 3pm. Where: Manor Hotel, Abbeyleix, Laois.  Distances 20, 60, 115 options.  20 euro individual, 25 family.
Contact Liam Ryan 0862666097
Thanks Denise.

Sunday Charity Cycle

Abbeyleix & District Lions Club Charity Cycle

Sun, 20 May, 10am – 3pm

Where: Manor Hotel, Abbeyleix, Laois

Description :  20-60-115km options.

Adult: €20
Family: €25

More info: Liam Ryan @ 0862666097

Sunday 13 May 2012

Summer Training Kicks Off

Hi Folks,
Summer Training begins tomorrow 14th May.
Monday night run:  8.00pm VEC Track.
Tuesday cycle:        7.00pm PLC (Note new time)
Route:                     TT cycle. Warm up spin out to Rathleague to the start. Turn left at Munny Cross, direction is marked TT.  Its 5km to the finish line in Stradbally - road is also marked there. Turn around and 5km from Stradbally back to start 2 x 5km TT.  Distance 25-30km.  If two groups the option is to repeat the 2 x 5km TT twice and return to PLC then. LEADER: Needed.  Contact Murt for further details. 087 9682945.
Wednesday Swim:  7.00pm Boat house.  Eimear Mathews will be here tonight to coach open water swimming.  All new members and new to open water should attend. Get the fear factor for the season out of the way.
Thursday Brick:     7.00pm The Heath.  Due to safety concerns we need a person to stay with the equipment during the session.  If anyone can do this please let me know at 087 2036718. It doesn't have to be a member but maybe a members friend.
Friday:             REST DAY
Saturday:         Cycle: 9.00am. Portlaoise, Abbeyleix, Durrow, Ballacolla, Boris-in-Ossory, Castletown, Mountrath, Portlaoise. Distance 76km.
Sunday:           Cycle: NO CLUB CYCLE.  Abbeyleix Charity Cycle on for those interested.

Thanks to those who took the time to fill out the survey.  A few things were highlighted and we are trying our best to accommodate everyone.  We have moved the Tuesday evening cycle to 7.00pm. We can't really go later for safety reasons.  For running we have Monday nights at the track until end of June, brick session and run off the bike after Saturday cycle.  The best open water swim option is the Barrow, I knows its a journey for some but its the only session away from Portlaoise.

Again we need leaders this week for cycles.  We also need help at the brick session on Thursday.  We have identified an alternative brick session which should improve safety and variety which we hope to introduce in the next few weeks.  I will keep you posted.  Also in the coming weeks we will need bank walkers on Wednesday night during the open water swim.  Maybe someone might have a friend that would be happy to walk the bank and hold keys etc.

I can be contacted at if anyone has any comments. Denise.

Girl's Night Out THIS Friday at 8pm

It's time to lay out the glad rags and put on the thinking cap. This Friday Night will be our Girl's Night Out.

We will have dinner in "The Taste of Italy" in Portlaoise, (Where Jim's Country Kitchen used to be), to include Starter, Main Course, Wine, & Tea/Coffee.
We would love for wives, girlfriends and partners of club members to join us. Payments of €20.00 each can be made via the website here. (log in using the link to the right).

BOOK BY TUESDAY 10PM to secure your place.

TO WIN your place at the table, reply to the text sent out with your best choice of name for our night out. The funniest/wittiest/craziest/'best liked by independent judge' name, will be chosen as the winner. Competition open to all Trilogy members! Prize may be offered to someone you know if you can't go. Get booking, and get thinking. This should be a great night. See you there. 

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Free Spin PLC Updated.

The following people are signed up for the free spin at 8pm.
Aoifa McEvoy,
Willie Fitz & Colin,
Mary F,
Denise M,
Fiona D,
Eimear Lewens,
Johnny K,
Paul Doyle,
Kieran Hoey,
Mick F,
Tommy Looney &
Liam Timmons.
Andy Williams,
Brian Bonham & Sinéad Wearan

That's 20 booked. 5 places available. Reply to that text if you want to join us.

Great Cycle

Well done to everyone who turned out for the cycle tonight. There was 2 for the faster group and 6 for the shorter one. The weather was fabulous. And I think everyone enjoyed their spin. Thanks a mill to Jane for leading us out and to Murt for planning the routes tonight.

Test Tri 2

Hi all,

I left my goggles behind at the bike rack on Sat if anyone might have picked them up would you give me a shout cheers.
Any word on the results yet I cant seem to find them???

Monday 7 May 2012

This Weeks Training

Hi Folks,

This weeks training. Mon No Run, Tues Cycle: 6.30pm PLC (See below for routes), Wed Run, 8.00 pm PLC, Thurs Swim 9.00pm PLC, Sat Cycle 9.00am PLC, Sun Cycle 9.00am PLC.

TUESDAY CYCLE.  We are TRIALING something new.  Two Groups, same start time, slightly different routes (distance), finishing approx the same time.
Group 1. - PLC - Monasterevin - turn left in town centre and take the back road to Portarlington - return towards Portlaoise via Emo and Coolbanagher Hill.  Leader: NEEDED  Distance 50 km.
Group 2 - PLC - Ballybrittas - turn left and head for Portarlington - return towards Portlaoise via Emo and Coolbanagher Hill.  Leader:  Jane Watts (Keane)  Distance 35km approx.
Total cycling time approx 1.30.  Aim is meet needs of varying tri distances and ability levels.

WEDNESDAY RUN.  Meet PLC at 8.00pm for an hour run around Portlaoise.  All levels and ability welcome.  This will be the last Wednesday night run as next week we go to the Open Water in Athy.

SATURDAY CYCLE:  Note the NEW TIME 9.00 am start.  Bring your runners for a short run off the bike.Route: PLC, Timahoe, The Swan, Timahoe via Abbeyleix Road, Stradbally, The Heath, Portlaoise LC. Distance: 61km. Route: Hilly.  Leader:  NEEDED.

SUNDAY CYCLE:  Note the NEW TIME 9.00am start. Route PLC, Monasterevin, Portarlington, Mountmellick, Ballyfin, Mountrath, PLC.  Flat course. Distance 78km. Leader:  Simon Tsang.

Please fill out the survey, otherwise we wont know what you want.  Also next week Open Water swimming kicks off.  Eimear Mathews is going to coach two sessions for open water swimming.  Wednesday 16th May and Wednesday 6th June.  EVERYONE should try and make one of these sessions.  All New Members and New to Open Water Triathlons members should attend.  Get rid of the fear factor early in the season!!!

As you can see, we need Leaders, especially for Cycles.  The routes are pre-arranged.  All a leader has to do is take a head count at the start, bring a mobile phone for point of contact and be prepared to accommodate all in the group.  Let me know if you are available;  Also any constructive comments welcome also.

Finally thanks to Willie (weekend cycle routes) and Murt (Tuesday evening cycles) for their help in putting routes together.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Sunday Cycle

What a fantastic cycle this morning. The route had been planed and displayed on the website so Team Leader Simon ensured we all got off on time. (ok, I was 2 minutes late but there was no hanging around once I got there). There was 8 of us in total today and Simon made sure we stayed altogether while at the same time incorporating a 'big push out' for those who wanted it going into Stradbally. (I think it was Stradbally). Anyway, I'd like to thank Denise for the route and Simon for his leadership and of course the gang at the cycle. May we have many more mornings like this one.

The Sophie Cycle Run 27/5/2012

Ambulance Staff of the Midlands Region Unit looking for our support.Their holding a 2 day cycle around the midlands and are looking for out support on the 2nd day.On 27th the cycle run will start at 11.30am in Tullamore and on to Birr, Roscrea, Borris in Ossary, Mountrath and finish at Laois Shopping Centre Portlaoise.Transport will be provided to Tullamore on the day. The proceeds of the event will be donated to three departments in Our Ladies Hospital for Sick Children Crumlin Dublin. Sophie Mahon was born in November 2011 in Ballinasloe hospital with renal failure and her outlook for survival wasn’t good. Their trying to get funds for this little lady who has a long battle ahead of her. More info can be got here. M.Farrell

Friday 4 May 2012


Hi folks,

The survey is now online and open for all club members.  Please take a few minutes to fill it out over the next few days.  The link is  Many thanks.  Denise.


Hi Folks,

I'm on a roll today.  I have been working with Willie and Murt on putting a cycling route plan together.  We are trialing this for May and June.  We are starting with set routes at the weekend, covering distance, terrain and difficulty.  We will also be including Time Trial routes on Tuesday evenings and shorter routes of approx 20-40km routes depending on demand and numbers.

To start with this Sunday Simon Tsang is your leader.  Meet at the PLC at 9.30 am (please note this time will change on Summer Training plan to 9.00am).
The route for Sunday  6th May is:
Portlaoise, Abbeyleix, Ballyroan, Stradbally, Vicarstown, Emo, Portlaoise.  Distance 62km.
This course is a mixture of Flat and Hills.  Suitable to all levels, Simon will organise groups on the day.  Remember to bring a drink, snack, phone and puncture repair kit. 

I will be putting the weekend cycle routes and distances on the Calendar over the next few days.
We need leaders for all of our cycles. Let me know if you are available,  Also any helpful comments or alternative routes are welcome.


Hi folks,

Its that time of year, SUMMER TRAINING.  We are hoping to kick off the Summer Training schedule on 14th May.  We are finalising the details at the moment.  There will be a survey on the Website in the next few days, please take the time to fill it out.  We want your input to make sure we are giving you, our club members what they want. 

The current DRAFT PLAN is Monday Run 8-9 VEC. Tues Cycle from PLC 6.30, two groups, same route, depending on numbers.  Wed 7-8 Open Water Swim, Barrow. Thurs Brick, from the Heath 7-8. Fri 7-8 Open Water Swim, Barrow. Sat Cycle 60km 9.00am PLC, same route, two groups, depending on numbers with possibly a 2+ km run off the bike. Sun Cycle 9.00am 70-80km, two groups, maybe a shorter route depending on numbers.

Please think about what you want from the Club Training and tell us. We will try our best to get a plan that suits all. 
Finally if you would like to help out in anyway just let me know. Denise.