Wednesday 30 September 2009

Sunday Cycle from Athy

Hi Folks,

A few of us are meeting up at the Courthouse in Athy at 9.30am this Sunday for a cycle. All are welcome to join us.

Dave Osborne

Monday 28 September 2009

Anyone interested in the TI Coaching Conference?

Just to let ye all know, that I have put my name down for the coaching conference that is being run by Triathlon Ireland. It is being advertised on their home page. If anyone else wants to go, please contact me on 0871341074. Thanks.

Junior X Country

Also in Emo on Sat U16 & U18.  Not sure of exact times but they will be run just after the Ladies.  Also not sure on distances but you are all well able for it.

Cross Country

If anyone is looking for an off season challange on fitness -
Masters (Age 35 plus) XCountry in Emo on Sat 3rd. 
Mens race is 6kms start 11.00 - Ladies 3 kms at 11.05
You can enter as an individual or a team, men with 4 to score, women with 3 to score.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Calling on all cup holders

It is hard to believe that another year has passed and it is nearly time for the Trilogrammies. Can the champions of 2008 please contact me so I can collect their cups? Names have to be added for the champions of 2009!! Thanks Sinead.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Sports and remedial massage therapist.

Hi guys, just passing on this information for anyone who might be suffering from any niggles or pain that they want looked after before our winter training starts. Simon Singleton who lives in Ross Darragh,Port Laoise is providing home visits (or you can call to him) for anyone in need of some therapy. He is offering a special discount to Trilogy members and if you would like to contact Simon, his number is 086 8653851

A Familly Day Out, but help needed...

Laois Sports Partnership are running a cycling and walking event suitable for all ages in Emo Court on Sunday, 4th October at 10:30am. The event is to mark National Trails Day. The event is free and will entail a short cycle loop for kids, a longer one for adults and a walking trail. No experience or off road skills required but a mountain bike would be in order for the day - or just walk! The event will end at 1:00pm and they are looking for a few volunteers to marshal the turn points, etc. The event will recieve the support of Trilogy, the Midlands Inclusive Cycling Club, the Laois Cycling Club and Cullo(down)hill Mountain Biking Club.

Hope you can support this fun, free event and get the kids out! Let me know if you are happy to marshall, please.

Maeve 087 9290642

Monday 21 September 2009

Sneaker Swimmer Siobhan

There was a race in the Curragh yesterday and we had a few participants from the club. Wesley, Denise, Siobhan and Johnnathon. I'm informed that both of our juniors did very well. My sourse has told me that Siobhan is swimming most mornings and going out for a run before school even starts!! This (very close) sourse told me that Murt Keane had better watch out for next year as she is looking to come in ahead of him in the Test Tri Series. Stephen, oh sorry, I mean sourse also told me that Siobhan came in yesterday in the top 10 female triathletes. Well done everyone who took part and as soon as the results are out, we'll post them.

Friday 18 September 2009

Anyone fancy swimming lessons....


Eimear is organising some swimming lessons in Portarlington pool, starting 25th September. She is getting some lanes, and needs at least 10 people.
She is going to cater for all levels, from non swimmers to hardened triathletes. The training will be geared for triathlons, and will be from 6-7.

Anyone interested, call her on 0876455671.

Saturday 12 September 2009

Well done Karl

Late flight on Thursday and early start this morning meant that I didn't stay up last night to follow your progress. Great result on the Gold Coast. You will remember that for years to come. Glad to see that drafting is not just an Irish phenomenon. However National Peletons are really pushing the limits! Enjoy your holidays. You have done us all proud.

By the way it is 20 celsius and sunny here. I have a nice burned nose to prove it. Tri an Mhi ran their inaugural Quarryman Sprint Triathlon today at the Irish National Aquatic Centre. Small, well organized with a simple swim course, a longish cycle over small hills (Flat Course according to the Race Briefing!!) and a testing run with a nice steep hill to start with. My calves are still complaining. Not a course for PB's but enjoyable. As usual I forgot to stop my watch as I crossed the finish line so the long wait for results continues.....

World Champs 2009 - The Final Chapter

The big day began this morning with a wake-up call from reception at 5:15am. Around to the shop for milk and juice, then back to the room for a quiet breakfast, trying not to disturb Elaine so early. With my bike racked from yesterday at the race site I took a taxi 5 km down to the coast to the race site, passing stragglers from last night all along the Gold Coast Highway.

Stopping for a quick coffee fix, the slow procession of starters made their way past and down to transition. USA, New Zealand, GB, Japan, Netherlands, Canada and of course Australia.

I arrived at the bike about 2 hours from start and went about setting things up. It was weird, lots of nerves and slow-thinking. Setting up the bike was like doing it for the first time - doing and re-doing things, walking away and leaving the wetsuit behind me, etc, etc.

The nerves kept coming and so I stopped and sent a few texts home. The replies calmed me a little and I started to put away everything I didn't need in the baggage hold and munched down a snack of banana bread and water.

The swim began 1.5km downstream of transition, and I walked this more or less alone, taking my time and watching others in earlier waves run past me. Elaine and her parents had followed me from the hotel and I was happy to find them waiting at the swim start. A few photos, loads of hugs and best wishes, and finally a call to the line.

Off went the klaxon at exactly 8:29, about 200 triathletes all aged 30-34 hit the water. I was determined to sight the course better today but this was difficult when one of my goggles started filling up. I fixed this up and swam the rest of the way, hoping to avoid being 'lapped' by the 35-39 group leaving 9 minutes behind me.

As I approached the swim exit, the top three from this wave did pass me, but I looked down at my watch and up at a shouting Niall Collins. Both pleased me very much - about 28 mins on the swim was ahead of my target 30 min swim and Nialls shouts spurred me through transition where the Justin family took up the cheering.

Transition was long, but well ordered and I had made careful note of my bike position. A quick change and I picked up Nialls bike and hit the bike course - two laps of a straight 10k route with few hills and no real turns.

The drafting on the course was something else. Entire squads, the Aussies in particular, cruised by leaving individuals in their wake. Penalties were apparently applied, but I seen more accidents as a result than any yellow card. In fact at one point I was almost involved in a serious collision as a group rounded me on a roundabout.

The bike was however fast and I was soon back to transition. I glanced at my watch again as I took my first steps on the run, seen 1:37, and knew that a moderate paced run would give me a sub 2:24 PB.

The run was the most difficult part of the day, 25 degree heat and midday sun conditions making it hot, sticky and tough. Along the way I had support from Elaine and her parents, who like Niall, Sarah and Leo Collins seemed to be able to get everywhere on the course to cheer me on. The Irish suit also got a lot of cheers from other countries, USA and Australia in particular 'Go Irish Guy' being a popular chant.

I crossed the line in 2:22 and felt great.

The whole event was organised so perfectly, the sense of occassion was huge, and it was for me everything I had expected it to be. A great medal, brilliant support and knowing so many people at home were watching on the net and thinking of me contributed hugely to the whole day.

The season is over, the holiday begins properly and I look forward to seeing you all in a few weeks time!

Excellent race Karl - Well done

Well done Karl on your race, you obviously got the time for peaking just right. That is an excellent time. You have done yourself and the club proud.

Friday 11 September 2009

All done now

I finished the race today in a time of 2.22 or so. A new PB, and below what I had been hoping for, 2.25. More time for a full report later, I'm off to the beach!

Good luck Karl


As most of you guys know, Karl is participating in the World Champions in Australia. If you've been reading this chat, you will have read some of his updates. He enters the water Saturday Morning, Oz time, at about 8:30. Irish time, 11:30 Friday evening. I am sure you will join me in wishing him luck in the race.

Enjoy it mate, you deserve it.

For any of you looking to see how he is doing, look for number 1201 here.

Also congratulations to him in completing the Aquathlon in 44:46. Ireland had a 2nd place in the 40-44 age group in Matt Molloy. See more here, and a picture of our bold Karl before the race.


Thursday 10 September 2009

Kenmare - good Luck all

Good luck in Kenmare. Lets see plenty of sub-6's and loads of NS points won!

The final 24 hours

One day, almost exactly 24 hours now to go. I start tomorrow at 08:29, thats 23:29 in Ireland. My race number, if you are watching the web, is 1201.

I took a swim this morning, trying to shake off a few flu symptoms (it seems to have worked), and to also try out some new sighting techniques and equipment (i.e. better goggles). If anything the water has cooled down, but today a final decision will be made re: use of wetsuits. The weather outside is still superb, it is 16 degrees now, expected to rise to 23, and the forecast is the same through to Monday so I can expect the same tomorrow - nice racing conditions, eh?

For me, today is mainly sight-seeing with Elaine and her parents and I heading up a local skyscraper, out to sea to find whales and on to Sea World theme park before tea. In between I need to rack my (sorry, Nialls, I mean Nialls!) bike and later on pack the rest of the gear for tomorrows early start. There is also a very exciting u23 race on, which I will be trying to catch some of.

Last nights opening ceremony and parade of nations was good. Brilliant aboriginal dance and an impromptu haku from the NZ squad.

So that's all the news for now. Thanks for all the texts and messages, I will be thinking of them during the race tomorrow.

Good luck Karl!


As most of you guys know, Karl is participating in the World Champions in Australia. He enters the water Saturday Morning, Oz time, at about 8:30. Irish time, 11:30 Friday evening. I am sure you will join me in wishing him luck in the race.

Enjoy it mate, you deserve it.

For any of you looking to see how he is doing, look for number 1201 here.


Wednesday 9 September 2009

World Champs Aquathon Done

Aquathon done. 2.5k Run-1km Swim-2.5km Run ... a very tough format, it must be said. The weather here has been fantastic since Monday and with a 2pm start, we were baking in 25-26 degree heat even before the klaxon went.

Bang! We started out on the first 2.5km leg and the 150 or so in my heat took off at lightning pace. I haven't seen the results yet, but I think I finished the first run in 9-something, a little faster than I would have set myself on a recovering calf, but as I entered T1 I was smiling that it had not bothered me at all.

Going Swim-Run seems all-wrong. First you have the task of trying to put on a switm hat and goggles as you barrell through transition, then you hit the water with an elevated heart rate and heavy breathing which induces a kind of panicky feeling for the first 100m until you settle down into it.

As expected the swim was non-wetsuit, but this wasn't really any issue. The water was nice and warm and if the pace was a little slower, then it was slower for everyone.

My mistake was not getting properly familiar with the course. As the small heat spread out over the swim course, there were times I was almost alone out there and this caused me to go way off course near the end - I basically headed for home at the second last buoy, realised my mistake when I was almost back to transition and had to swing back out 150-200m to roubnd the last bouy before returning back in.

That diversion on the swim probably set me back 3 mins or so, but I was glad to come in under 45 mins, my target time for the course. Best of all the leg also held out for Run 2, leaving me confident for Saturday.

Not much more going on today, I have to head shortly for registration and then the Irish team briefing, then later this evening, I have the parade of nations.

Elaine has some great pics from yesterday which I hope to be able to post up here soon, this is proving more difficult than I thought without my trusty laptop.

So over and out for now. I seen the times from Lough Key - well done all, and best of luck tapering down now for Kenmare.

Tuesday 8 September 2009

The Warm-up begins

Having a quick morning coffee. Today is race-day 1 of the World Championships and I am hoping to nab a last-minute entry into the World Aquathon Champs.

The race is a perfect warm-up event - 2.5km run, 1km swim, 2.5km run. The best part is that the swim is definitely wetsuit free for this one, so good practice in the event that wetsuits are banned for the big event on Saturday.

Was up with Niall Collins last night and his money is on the water temperature passing 22 degrees making the swim too warm for suits. I gather they will take three temperatures from three points one hour before the first wave and all three have to be above 22 degrees. Latest information is 21.7 degrees, so its a close call.

Checked out the bike Niall kindly offered me. Beautiful does not describe it. Mean curves, carbon frame, rear braes behind the pedals and funky gear cable routing, this bike has it all. And then we have 808 Zipps Tubulars!

Not much more news to report, will surely bump into the Irish crew at the race today and Niall tells me Bobby is floating around also. Am keeping the fingers crossed my legs go well today - no sign of the niggle I had in Dublin so far this week, but then again I haven't run on it either.

Talk to you later ... PS Niall says hello to all.

Monday 7 September 2009

Last few standing....

From the other side of the world

So this is the first of my 'dispatches' from the World Champs 2009.

I have landed in Southport, Gold Coast, Queensland, Austalia. Really nice place and already there are hundreds of triathletes running, cycling and swimming. Me, I'm taking it easy, trying not to aggravate the ole calf. Managed to make a short swim today near the race start, but got caught by the darkness - pitch by 6pm! You'll also be glad to hear that its raining fairly heavily, feeling a bit home from home at the moment. The rain might just make the swim wetsuit compulsary - the water is definitely not cold, but under 22 degrees? Not sure and the rain might make the difference.

Tomorrow I hope to swim again and hook up later with Trilogy member Niall Collins.

Sunday 6 September 2009

And from the mouth of babes...

My 5 year old daughter watched Trilogy's got talent 2 and here is how the conversation went:
Brónagh - Mammy why are you dancing funny like that?
Me - That is just how I dance Brónagh.
Brónagh - Mammy even I could dance better than that.

Enough said. The truth hurts :0

Thursday 3 September 2009

Trilogys Got Talent - Round 2

Before I left, Sinead made me promise not to put anything 'embarassing' up on the website and leave it there while I am away.

Well I took a look through this video, and I can't see anything embarassing? What about you?

PS Shay - if you are looking, them sisters are after you.

Trilogy's Got Talent 2

Punk'd - the Wedding of Simon and Kate

Just over 2 weeks ago, Simon and Kate celebrated their big day. During the service a small crack team left the Church and started work on the wedding car.

Se what happened next ...

Punk'd - Simon & Kates Wedding

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Best of Luck

Best of luck to Karl who flies off to Australia tomorrow to represent Ireland & Trilogy. And to his head coach Elaine...keep us informed with all the news & photo,s.