Friday 29 June 2012

Portlaoise Leisure Centre Spin-athon July 4th

Portlaoise Leisure Centre are having a one day Spin-athon which some of you might like to participate in. The day is in aid of Rehab care which provides respite for families with disabled children or relatives and also helps fund various resources for families. A very worthy cause and we are trying to raise as much as possible.

Portlaoise Leisure Centre are charging €4 for member to do a spin class and €9 for a non member to participate in a class. You can book in for as many as you like and ALL of the money raised goes to the charity. Our instructors will be delivering as well as DVD led classes. I have attached a list of all the classes being delivered on the day. If you could encourage your members to take part we would be most grateful.

The day in question is WEDNESDAY 4TH JULY 2012

Thursday 28 June 2012

Tri Athlone '12 (edit)

The following are the key times for racing on Saturday in Athlone as per their website.

"Saturday 30th June!

10.30: Registration is open for all athletes.

13.30: Registration is closed for all athletes.

14..00: Race briefing at in transition for all distances.

14..30: Transition is cleared.

14..50: Paratriathlon starts.

15.00: Olympic distance enters the water followed by             
Sprint then Try-a-Tri.. "

I would propose that those who would like to join us to drive down together could meet at the old Dunnes Stores carpark on the Mountmellick Rd at 9.30am. There will be a long day of hanging around with big numbers of people there. We might never meet each other if we don't arrange it. In that spirit I will also propose a second meeting at 12.30 for lunch at Transition exit? Feel free to dispute these times if you feel they won't work. We can easily change them. 

Tuesday 19 June 2012


Pawel wondering if anyone going down and back on day of race would be interested in sharing lift with him - if so contact him on 0872377919

Monday 18 June 2012

Running tips

I've been going through a spell of poor running motivation lately. Today I came across this webpage. There's tons of interesting little tips on it. I defy any of you, regardless of standard, not to find something of interest for your runs on there. Definitely worth a scan through. I promise.

Moltivational Running Tips.

Sunday 17 June 2012

This Weeks Training

Hi folks,

Well done to all Trilogy members present in Dunmore East at the weekend.  The turnout and atmosphere was fantastic. 

MONDAY RUN: VEC 8.00pm.  This is the last coached track session for the summer. 
TUESDAY CYCLE: PLC 7.00pm. Group 1. PLC, Stradbally, Vicarstown, New Inn Cross, Emo, Coolbanagher Hill and straight back to PLC 35km.
Group 2. PLC, Stradbally, Vicarstown, New Inn Cross, Emo, Coolbanagher Hill and turn right to complete the Portlaoise Tri route back to PLC. 45km.
WEDNESDAY SWIM: 7.00pm Boathouse, Athy.  Remember to swim as far as the first slipway and back to the boathouse if you are a weak or nervous swimmer.  This is for your own safety.
THURSDAY BRICK: 7.00pm The Heath.  This is the final brick session of the summer on the Heath.
FRIDAY SWIM:  7.00pm Boathouse, Athy.  We are now starting two open water swims a week for the summer.
SATURDAY:  No Cycle - HELL of the WEST. Best of luck to all club members racing.
SUNDAY CYCLE. 9.00am. PLC Monasterevin, Portarlington, Mountmellick, Ballyfin, Mountrath, PLC. 78km. Flat for speed.

From next week 25/6 there will be changes to the training week.  In brief Monday will become the brick session at 7.00pm from the VEC track, and Thursday night will become a run session alternating between Emo Court and Stradbally Wood.  All the details are up on the calendar website. Denise.

Dun More East June '12

Congratulations to everyone who braved the thunderous showers and sun burning sunshine mix of weather yesterday in Dun More East. A fantastic day was had by all on what is one of the more difficult sprint triathlons on the calendar each year. And what a turn out. Well done again everyone. There was much talk of making Dun More East the weekend away next year. Some food for thought for you all. If anyone has thoughts for a race report in mind I would love to pop it up here. Please send it to me on

There are links to photos, race report and results here. Dun More East TI

Friday 15 June 2012

Dun More East it is....

We propose to meet at 6.45 in the car park at the midway hotel for a 7am convoy departure in the morning.  If you'd like to be paired off with someone for a lift or as a driver to offer a lift, send me an email by 8pm with full details and I'll see what I can do to match people up. There are two spare seats in my car, but no room for bikes. No fighting over the tunes now!!

The above link is to the important information sent out by Hook or by Crook which you ought to read if you haven't already done so.

Happy Driving & Happy Racing.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Dunmore East

Hi Guys,

Is anyone interested in car pooling for Dunmore East on Saturday? It should take less than 2 hours to get there, and registration closes at 10, so if we leave Portlaoise at around 7 we should be in good shape.
I can take one person and a bike and gear.
If your interested, let me know.


Tuesday 12 June 2012

Last chance!!

Hi Guys,

I'm about to close the "raffle" for Brain Bonham & co's Cycle event sponsorship thingy. If there was any of you who meant to support it but has been putting it on the long finger, don't say you weren't warned. I will be closing this sometime tomorrow evening. Thank you to everyone who did support it.

This Week's Training

Hi Folks,

Sorry I'm a bit late this week but here goes.

Tuesday Cycle: 7.00pm PLC.  Tonight is a Time Trial of either 5 or 10km depending on what you choose.  Everyone will cycle out to Montague Hotel.  Murt is hoping to mark out the start and finish lines for tonights TT.  It will be a 5/10km spin out towards Monasterevin. Jane or Murt will have details at PLC tonight.
Wed Swim:  7.00pm Boathouse, Athy.  At the moment the flow is high and strong in the Barrow.  The river swim will be assessed this evening or tomorrow and a text will be sent out if it is unsafe to swim tomorrow night.  Please note the weaker/less confident swimmers should only swim as far as the first slipway just passed the grotto and turn and swim back to the boathouse.  This is for YOUR safety. It is easier to exit the river at this point to walk back to start point and/or the challenge is approx 350m against the flow to slipway. This can be repeated 2 or 3 times in a session. You can still get your distance.  The flow under the bridge requires considerable strength and experience at times depending on the flow.  BE SENSIBLE.
Thurs Brick: 7.00pm Heath.  We will be changing the location of the brick in a few weeks for an added challenge and a change of scene.  I will keep you posted on this.
Fri:  Rest Day
Sat Cycle:  NO CYCLE THIS SATURDAY due to the huge amount of Trilogy members racing in Dunmore East.  Hopefully the weather will be nice.  Its great to see so many members in one race.  I think there are approximately 30 members entered.  Come on Trilogy!!
Sun Cycle: 9.00 am PLC. 77km flat. PLC Portlaoise, Monasterevin, Athy, Stradbally and back to PLC.

The Tuesday cycles have had a rolling leader system in place for the past few weeks and it seems to be working extremely well.  We hope to extend this to all other sessions in the coming weeks.

Happy Training! Denise

Thursday 7 June 2012



These pancakes are really nutritious and low in calories. (Roughly 100/120 calories each)

They keep well in the fridge for a few days and can be toasted to reheat.

They also freeze well.

Best of all they are really fast for a snack on the go and make a handy bread/toast substitute.


2/3 cup of rolled oats

2/3 cup of milled flaxseed (can be bought in Aldi) or whole wheat flour

1 cup of Milk

2 tbls of brown sugar (leave out if you like if you’re going to top with syrup etc when cooked)

1 ½ tsp of Baking Powder

¼ tsp Salt

¼ tsp Ground Cinnamon

2 eggs

2 tsp of Olive Oil

¼ tsp Vanilla Extract (optional)

(My cup is a regular coffee mug)

Play around with the ingredients to include fruit & seeds etc.


Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. It should be a thick consistency.

Spoon the mix onto a lightly oiled hot frying pan. My square pan makes 4 just nicely. I imagine a regular sized round pan would take three. Spread them a little bit with the back of the spoon, but they will find their own level. Turn down the heat to mid way and cook until you see a few bubbles appear then turn. Give another few minutes on the other side. Job done. Makes 11/12.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Training for this Week

Hi Folks,

Well done to everyone involved in Tri Athy over the weekend.  Great to see such a turnout from Trilogy both marshalling, racing and supporting. 
Tues Cycle: PLC 7.00pm.  Both groups starting together.  Cycle the Portlaoise Triathlon Route in reverse.  All groups should meet at the bottom of Coolbanagher Hill.  Aiming to do hill repeats here and then cycle through Emo village back in the old Dublin Road to PLC.  Group one - should aim to do 5 reps on Coolbanagher hill. Group 2 should be there a few minutes before Group 1 and aim to do 8 reps.  Try to focus on gears when going up the hill.  Stay in the saddle, with only the legs pushing (no shoulder movement - use the gears) until you get to the second rumble strips, then up out of the saddle and push all the way to the top of the hill, turn around and recover going down.  All cycle back together.  Approx 30 - 35km.
Wed Swim: 7.00pm Barrow, Athy, Boathouse.
Thurs Brick: 7.00pm, Heath.
Fri: Rest
Sat Cycle: 9.00am PLC:  Abbeyleix, Ballyroan, Stradbally, Vicarstown, Emo, Portlaoise. 62km. Flat some hills.
Sun: 9.00am PLC. Mountmellick, Rosenallis, Clonaslee, Mountrath via The Cut, Abbeyleix, Ballyroan, PLC.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Had a great race in Athy today & thanks to all for your support out on the course. It really helped.
& of course thanks to Jono for pushing me all the way.