Monday 30 April 2012

Tuesday Nice 'n Easy Cycle 6.30 from Portlaoise Leisure Centre.

The turnout for the past number of weeks for our nice ‘n easy cycle has been really good, especially when you consider the weather that has been on offer lately. We've managed to dodge the showers even on evenings when black clouds lurked nearby.  It's great to see the new faces turning up for these cycles. (If the veteran club members aren't careful the beginners are in serious danger of showing you all up!!) 

There have been some murmurings within the club about adding a “ladies only” race coming up later in the season in Dunmore East, to our race calendar.

This would be a fantastic race for

  • - wannabee female triathletes (most of us know someone who would like to give it a go)
  • - women in sport and
  • - experienced female members
to aim towards, especially now that Tri Laois has been and gone. We will learn more about this soon.

These easy Tuesday evening cycles are perfect to get you started, keep you going OR to get back in the saddle for those of you who haven't been out a lot lately (both male and female).

I’m looking forward to seeing you as we meet with the faster group at PLC at 6.30pm Tuesday. If anyone has been putting off joining us because you are unsure of what’s involved, please feel free to email me for more information. 

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Girl's Night Out!! Friday 18th May at 8pm

Yes ladies.... You heard right.

'Girl's Night Out' will take the form of dinner in "The Taste of Italy" in Portlaoise, to include Starter, Main Course, Tea/Coffee & perhaps even a little teeney weeney bit of wine.... (Shhhsh...)
Long suffering wives, girlfriends and partners of club members are also invited to join us. In fact, we would love you to join us!! This might be a great opportunity to get to know everyone. Better still... it might even be an excellent opportunity to get some payback by getting 'him' to babysit for a Triathlon event for a change while you get to enjoy it!! Payments of €20.00 each can be made via the website here. (log in using the link to the right) Friends are welcome also. Looking forward to seeing you there.

On another note, don't forget to check out the competition below to be in with a chance to win a race place in Brian Boru complete with accommodation. Click on the link to get a better look at the picture and get counting.  MY guess... 268.

Easy cycle again at 6.30

I'm looking forward to our easy cycle again tonight with a group of newly officially christened triathletes???? Meeting with the faster group at 6.30 at Portlaoise Leisure Center. See you there.

Friday 20 April 2012

Brian Boru Competition

Hi Everyone,

We have free race entry to Brian Boru sprint and free accommodation up for grabs. Simply guess the number of blocks in the picture below and email to Closest answer wins the prize. Open to all members - one guess per person. Competition closes on 27th April!
Follow this link for a better picture

Thursday 19 April 2012

Killashee Triathlon

Hi all. This triathlon held in a couple of weeks time is in a great cause. For those of you who are doing your first triathlon on Saturday in Tri Laois, this one will be similar in that it is also a pool swim & same distance. For those of you who aren't racing on Saturday it might make a good race to get the toes wet anyway. I will be driving up that day if anyone decides to enter and wants a lift.

Down Syndrome Ireland's goal is to help people with Down syndrome make their own futures as bright and independent as possible by providing them with education, support and friendship every step of the way.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Tuesday Handy Cycle

Hi guys, Our cycle is going out again this evening at 6.30 with the 'faster' crew from Portlaoise Leisure Centre. I'm looking forward to seeing you all there. Bring your runners and we'll do a short run afterwards. The time is drawing in fast now!!!

Please everyone refer down to Denise's post below looking for cycling helpers. I understand, as of yet no one has stepped forward to help out. Get emailing. Denise puts a lot of hard work into the training sessions behind the scenes, as well as the time and travelling she puts in when you actually get to see her at training sessions. All help is appreciated.

ALSO... with Tri Laois filling the thoughts and dreams of most of our lives these days, I thought I'd take this opportunity to remind everyone that Joey Hannon is the following weekend.

Monday 16 April 2012

Ossory Cycling Club Tour

Susan Wall mentioned she is planning on doing this cycle. I believe Jane Keane might be joining her. If anyone is interested, it's a choice of 100 & 50k cycle via the Slieve Bloom on Sunday 22nd, kicking off from Rathdowney, at GAA Center at 10am. Fee 25 & 20e. That's as much as I know about it. Contact 087 6446792 as per their info. Might be a good way to blow off the cobwebs after Tri Laois & the few drinks....

Saturday 14 April 2012


Hi Folks,

No one put their names forward for cycle leader for any of the dates I requested.  I know we are all busy but if everyone does a little it means no one has to do a lot!  Can I ask you to think again and   see if anyone is available for 6/5 or 13/5. will get me.  Looking to do 60 - 70 km.  All that is involved to be a leader is to show up on the day, make sure everyone can keep up to the distance and pace and have a safe cycle.  Our Club Superwoman Trish has kindly offered to take tomorrows cycle.  Meet at PLC at 9.30 am.

We have decided that next Sunday 22/4/12 will be a recovery day - No Club Cycle.  Recovery from Tri Laois and all its late night celebrations. 

Finally the tests we did earlier in the year, I have to apologise its taken so long but here's the link to check out your times  

Friday 13 April 2012

Great cycle last night.

Well done to those who joined us yesterday evening for our one off prep cycle, this time in aid of Tri Laois. Job well done. Some went on to swim with Eimear and Mark also to finish their day off in style. I'll bet they slept well last night. Thanks to Trish who helped out also with her expertise and encouragement. Great cycle had by all. Not sure what was going on in the car park after with certain members falling around the place..... The term 'Just Deserts' popped up at one point... But you can't help wondering what some people are putting in their drink bottles!
Please, please, please check out  for some better sports nutrition drinks by Isostar (no alcohol - sorry).

Roll on Test Tri 1 in the morning!!!!! See you there.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Calendar / Sunday Cycle Leaders

Hi folks,  I am trying to keep the calendar up to date so it will be easy for any member to check and see the training schedule for the coming weeks.  Please bear with me, I'm on a learning curve, and am trying my best.  To check the calendar just hold your cursor over any training session and the relevant details as to meeting place, time etc should appear.  You can contact me on if you have any comments or queries.  Thanks.

Also regarding Sunday cycles.  We currently have a 9.30 cycle from PLC which covers a distance of between 60 and 80 km.  We need people to put their names forward as leaders for these sessions.  The dates we need leaders are 15/4, 22/4, 6/5, and 13/5.  You can contact me on 087 2036718 or the email above if you are available to be a leader for any of these dates.

Also there is another cycle group that are covering a fast paced 100km + / - on a Sunday morning.  If you are interested please contact Willie on 087 6565424 for the details. 

Hope everyones training is going well as we get closer to the race season.  Denise.