Wednesday 30 June 2010

Irl Tri Suits

I believe the lettering is coming off some of the new Irl Tri Suits - those of you lucky enough to have received them. Tom Matthews can sort this out. You can contact him on 085 1733793.
Eimear will be in Athy tonight if you want to drop suits with her.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Irish Tri Suit

Hi guys, just thought I'd let you know that my new Irish tri suit arrived today and I love it love it love it. I might even wear it for Challenge Copenhagen. Yes, it is that nice :-)

Monday 28 June 2010

Europeans europeans europeans

Best of luck to everyone going to Athlone this weekend. Wear the colours well. (if we get the tri suits, that is!). Anyway, I also want to wish our run coach Gary the best of luck. He is also competing in the europeans this weekend in Bulgaria. Do us proud Gary.


Hi all.
Training this week is as follows,
Monday, run in emo at 7, meet at house.
Tue,20k bike and 5k run meet at the GYM [not the heath] at 7
Wed, swim in the Barrow at 7 sharp,please be on time thanks,
Rest  Thur and Friday,
give it socks at the weekend!!!!!!!

Friday 25 June 2010


I know at this stage of the year that nearly everyone is 'marshalled out'. Unfortunately, I still need helpers for the Junior Aquathon. The good news about this race for marshalls is that I only need a maximum of 4hrs. Registration begins at 09:00hrs on the 10th July and the race and presentation will be over by 13:00hrs. Please send me an email to if you are willing to help. Thank you in advance.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Mystery night

You all signed up for a mystery event and with that you let the element of surprise take precedence. As the mystery event comes closer, our guests have questions!
There is, more information to follow. The most important element is intrigue, and for the night to be a success we all need to fully participate.
People have been asking is it cocktail or costume dress? It is what ever you want it to be, make sure you are comfortable. There is no need to rent or buy costumes, but if the recession has not knocked on your door, go ahead. Please every body have fun.
If anybody has any questions they can contact us until Saturday at, after this I`m afraid were not available until the event.

Also, please contact me by phone or e-mail, to let me know you have received your first piece of information. Thank you.

Mourne Tri

Hi all,
Check out the Mourne Triathlon on Ti website,7th aug,pool like swim{in the lake]closed road bike and a flat 10k run,[sher you would be mad not to do it]Its a 2hr drive away and a well organized race, give me a shout if your interested..Willie

Sunday 20 June 2010

Junior Aquathon

Hi everyone. It is that time of the year again. We have a LOT fewer entrants in the aquathon this year so I'm appealing to everyone to promote this race. It is on on the 10th July and it is for ages 7 to 19. Please enter your own children, nieces, nephews, the kids neighbours and the family dog! It is a great race with a great atmosphere. The cost is €5 and all children get a T-shirt and goodie bag. Log onto to find out more.

Friday 18 June 2010

Room 9

Room 9
Dads army!!!!!! [ sing this lads} who do you think you are kiddin mr Hitler!!!! 

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Place in Kilkee

I have a place in Kilkee which can be swapped over to you. Let me know ASAP if interested. Karl

One to watch ...

Its Friday night and most of us will be chilling before the racing in Dunmore on Saturday. Why not check out this event in Portlaoise, organised by Laois Cycling?

Monday 14 June 2010

Ring Of Kerry

Anydoby doing the ring of Kerry on 3rd of july & interested in car pooling or sharing a house/appartment for the weekend would they please call me 0879885950

Sunday 13 June 2010

Mr Chair

Glad to be of assistance to you but let me assure you that 45min is proving very hard for me to break. Now that the young lad is getting closer I shall have to try pull out all the stops.
Well done to all those PB's.

Saturday 12 June 2010

Test Tri # 4

Thanks to Trish and no socks for breaking that elusive 50 min barrier today.
Everytime she disappeared around a corner on the run I imagined I had
to catch up to give her a cheque, but she wouldn't wait ! Oh yeah its
amazing how you can improve when you wear a watch as well !
Thanks to all who helped out today.......
 Roll on the 45 min test tri !

Lost your sunglasses?

Great day forTest Tri 4. 27 competitors. Loads of marshalls and the sun was shining. What more could you want?

Well a certain Willie Fitz was very quietly confident of another PB and the words "course record" were mentioned as he and Simon murdered a full irish breakfast. Well we will all have to wait and see as Karl has gone to Athlone to tell them how an event should really be run.

Well done to all who competed today and particularly to young Eoin who sprinted out of transition so quickly than even Usain Bolt would have been left for dead. Michael, my lad, watch your back.

Also well done to Richard Nicholls who seemed intent on doing himself grevious bodily harm on the dismount line but made a great recovery to stay on his feet.

Anyway back to the title. Sinead picked up somebodys sunglasses in the carpark and I now have them hidden away in Athy. I shall of course be demanding a kings ransom for their return and if you feel like being the victim of extortion then phone me on 086 821 3600.

Friday 11 June 2010

Bike wanted

Hi everyone. I'm looking for a bike to fit a woman who is 5ft 3 and is willing to spend €300. If you have one can you contact me? Thanks in advance, SinĂ©ad 087-1341074
Hi all,
Foot pumps for the bikes will be in lidl next thur 17th. Price 8 euros,
every car booth should one.. 

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Best of Luck

To any of our Junior members starting exams tomorrow esp Siobhan & of luck...REM.. Head down & think of the finish ....

The Heath Swim

Simon will be looking after this tomorrow night. There will be a sheet for everyone to sign IN/OUT. If you arrive after the 7pm group have started swimming please wait on the bank until they come back and then let Simon know you are joining. Same goes for the 7.30.
Thank you.


Well done to everyone at the weekend especially all those who did their first OPEN WATER TRI. I think I saw just about every type of swim stroke/style you can imagine, a few river walkers and the odd one taking advantage of a nearby canoe.

GIRL POWER - Well lads I think you better pull your socks up FIRST Trilogy person home Avril Byrne who by the way was 4th Female overall and I note she had the 2nd fastest run. Michael Dalton had the 10th fastest swim Mens Sprint - well done.

My two friends who came up from Cork to marshall say they are comming back next year to do the Tri a tri (and hopefully marshall again).

hi light of transition

Willie, I think the funniest thing I saw was a lovely bike with a set of try bars. On these try bars was another 4 bars! These 4 bars where strapped onto the try bars. They were actually Mars Bars. The way the sun was shining on Saturday, I'd say whoever took the time to strap them there was enjoying the first every mars bar gel.

What a Show!

Well done to all at the weekend. The pre-race preparations were evident to all. Karl and his team did a tremendous job and just made it look easy. Not sure if it was voodoo, sacrificing chickens or loads of hail marys but we have been blessed with the weather yet again.

Transition was well laid out and there was plenty of space for the competitors. The swim course was challenging but fair and spread out the swimmers nicely. The bike and run course's were super accurate for distance and I did not hear one complaint from the gps brigade.

It was great to see so many helping out and it shows the great strength of Trilogy that we can produce such numbers and still allow our members to race. For such a large event it was particularly satisfying to see it run so close to schedule. Not simple ehen you consider the numbers involved, particularly with an upstream leg to start. Smaller waves worked very well.

As a native of Athy it was great to see how quick the course was opened back up to let people go about their business. The speed at which transition was broken down on Sunday was very impressive. And Emily Square was left clean within such a short space of time that you would be forgiven for thinking that there had been no major event staged the week before, nevermind the same day.

In particular the marshalls have to be congratulated as in my opinion they made the event. the encouragement given to competitors and the courtesy shown to residents and spectators alike was second to none.

Well done to all the competitors who made the event so successful. Well done to Mark Kelly and Avril Byrne who completed their first olympic events. In particular well done to Peter Dobbyn for completing the sprint in a great time despite no training this year and working his butt off on Friday and Saturday. Sheer Grit and Determination! A lesson to us all.

Bring on next year which can only be bigger and better.

TriAthy Olympic - 1st Man on the Cycle Course

The quiet before the storm

Simon as never seen before

Not Trilogy member......Carlow...

Posted by Picasa

Monday 7 June 2010

Fast is not everything!


My highlignt has to have been the Try a Tri. Thought it was brilliant. Little competitiveness, and a bunch of people trying this great sport for the first time.

2 Highlights in this one.

First was a slightly older gentleman running out of T1, and I mean running, with his bike. From where I was, I could see a glaring problem. He had his runners on his feet, and his cycling shoes firmly attached to the cleats on his bike. Unfortunately I could not see what happened when he reached the mount line, but Simon arrived a few seconds later with a pair of runners. I took them from him and placed back at his spot in transition, with sore sides from laughing.

2nd was after the race when I was again talking to an older gentleman. I asked him if he enjoyed it, and his reply quite amazing. He said it was his best day since he rode into the RDS after doing the Dublin-Belfast-Dublin cycle in 1968. Yes I said 1968. 42 years is a long time. He then told me he was going home to enter the Carrick-on -Suir Tri.
Looks like he got the bug.

For me, these little things make it worth the while.

Anyway, roll on next year.


Hi all,I would like to start a highlight zone where we all post our favourite moments from Tri Athy 2010,as most of us just seen what was happening in our own areas,im sure their are loads of stories we can share,I will start with mine and it goes something like this,not sure which race it was but i was working at the dismount line and things were hectic,cyclist coming in and cyclist going out,as i watched one athlete hop on his bike started to pedal all going well and then suddenly yes suddenly he puts his hand up the back of his jersey and pulls out a plastic coat hanger??????yes that's right a plastic coat hanger,I just smiled and thought how focused he must have been in transition to not notice this,well done to that man and all involved in the best ever tri athy,and that's my highlight what yours????

Thank you

This may be a note for the chat but I’m posting it in both. I would sincerely like to thank all the people that came to Tri Athy this weekend. From the people that turned up at 6 am to the people that stayed till 10 some nights. To the people that that made my job so easy, to the people that signed on in the morning to the people that answered all the texts I sent, to the people that reported every thing back to me in the control room. I thank you so much.
Before anything could start I needed 5 people at every vital stage from the swim start to the run end. Brian Bohnam, Trish Nichols, Roy Athkinson, Willie Fitz & Finn Ryan, I want to thank all the for the patience they had with me every time I called them. Never once did the fail to answer their phones. I rang these people maybe 20 times a day & all I can say is thank you. A special thanks has to go to Willie, I rang him 45 times over the 2 days, he had the toughest job with the bike route, to get the marshals to their point & get the 20K course opened & closed 8 times in the 2 days & this was done like clock work & he was under pressure like no one else. To Willie & everybody I say thanks.
I would also like to thank Mr Gabriel Dooley who let us use his office all weekend, he gave us full use of his phones, printers & called in every few hours to see we were OK. He offered us every assistance he could over the weekend and without it the weekend would not have run so smoothly.
To Sergeant Jim Bergin in the station who was excellent and professional at all times, I say thank you. To Karl, Arthur & Angela who put so much work into the event before we turned up and this also made it easy. I hope to see you all again next year.

Michael Farrell

Sunday 6 June 2010

Congratulations everyone

What a fantastic weekend. Well done to Karl and all his helpers. As a marshall, I felt that it was our best year yet. As a competitor, I felt that it was an excellent course with marshalls everywhere. Thanks to everyone for their encouragement while I was racing today. Especially Taco who told me to move my fat a*s! Really looking forward to the mystery weekend. We all deserve a great night out.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Deleted Scenes

Ever wonder what our juniors get up to when they are not out training? Click on the link below to hear and watch a very talented Richard Nicholls.
Well done to you Richard and the rest of your band.