Thursday 19 January 2012


Hi guys,

Well done to everyone who turned up on Monday night for our Run Test.  Great turn out and times. Next up our Swim Test tonight.  Usual swim time - 400m timed swim in the pool.  Please be in the pool and ready to start at 9.00 pm.

Sunday Cycle Test - Meet at Heritage at 9.30 have a warm up spin to our test location.  It will not be the duathlon lap as planned due to the 10km Run at the Heath.  But Trish is working very hard at finding a suitable route. It will be around 5km distance for test.  We will still be going for a spin after the test.

I will put the results of all three tests up on the website after this in spreadsheet format.  We are planning to retest w/c 27/02/12.  Denise.