Tuesday 19 July 2011

Update from Rio - Eventually

Hi everyone and thank you all so much for your good luck text messages. Internet connectivity over here in the 'Blue Village' is up and down so at the moment I'm over in the 'Green Village' and for the first time since I've left I'm been plugged into the Internet. So far, everything is beyond my expectations of what the World Military Games would be like. The opening ceremony will probably stay with me for life and that was even before Pele lit the torch! The heat is certainly going to be a factor but as my race is on at 08:00hrs I'm hoping that I'll be perfectly aclimatised to deal with it by Sunday. Our training is going well with our taper period is starting from tomorrow. At the moment we are up and training on the bikes by 06:00hrs on a 2km airstrip in one of the many military bases. This is usually followed by some breakfast and a power nap before our next session which varies between a swim in an outdoor pool or a good track session. we found out during the week that it will be a non wetsuit swim. I was very apprehensive about this at first but once we got to Copacabana beach for a swim session, I am far more relaxed about it all. I then went for a 5km run along the sea front and more than once I've had to pinch myself to make sure it is all real. We have our race brief on Thursday and as far as I know, there are close to 50 in the women's race. A high percentage of these are professionals but hey, the race isn't over until it is over!!!! If I don't get any more posts up, I'll write a race report when I get home. Thanks again for all of your text messages and I'll see you all next week. Good luck to those who are taking on Beast of the East. Have a safe race.
PS: Terry entered me into Challenge Roth for next year. Any other takers?