Thursday 28 July 2011

Long spin sunday

Hi all,
I will be taking out a long spin group Sunday morning at 8am from the gym if anyone wants to join me,we will be meeting
Dave osborne in Stradbally at 8:30 and going on from their. Spin will be 110k or so, Trish is taking out the normal 9:30 spin Hope to see a good turn out for both spins... 

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Training week error

Hi all,
Sorry about the mistake for Thur night session in my previous post,Of course we have our last Duathlon of the season so lets make it a big turn out. On a seperate note i am putting together a training day programme for everyone in the club and I will have the details up here shortly, so keep an eye out here.All I can say at the moment that it will be on Sunday the 7th Aug early morning till lunch time.... 

Family Fun Cycle Event

8km/22km Family Fun Cycle on Saturday 30th July @ 1pm in The Square, Durrow.

All welcome, Adults and over 12’s

Free Cycle Safe Workshop, Free Kit Bags, Free Cycle Safe Workshop, Spot Prizes!!

Monday 25 July 2011

Caroline Kearney

Has anybody a space in Caroline Kearney for Sale.Have a person looking for one...Give us a buzz..0879885950

Training week ahead

Hi all,
Mon run is in Togher ay 8 o clock.
Tue spin is at 7pm from the heritage.
Wed,Fri swim's are at 7pm in Athy.
Thur brick session is at 7pm from heritage.
Sat and Sun bike at 9:30am from the gym. 

Sunday 24 July 2011

Offical Results

Hi everyone. A correction on my previous report. I finished 41st out of 47. My times are as follows: Swim - 36:09, T1 - 18 seconds, Cycle - 1:09:35, T2 - 29 seconds, Run - 50:39. Overall time = 2:37:12.

The Answer - Non Wetsuit

Hey everyone, my elite race experience is over and I can safely say that I won't be applying for a professional license any time soon. The sea was rough but not cold and I was delighted to experiece being introduced and taking my stand on the allocated mat. Take your marks and then the cannon blast. Most of you know that I've been working extra hard on my swim this year and the benefits have shown in previous races. Today however, this was not to be. I don't have my offical times yet but I exited the water in 35minutes. The good news is though, I wasn't last.
Onto the bike, my strong discipline. The plan was to chase down a pack and draft. The plan didn't work. I hadn't packed my cycling legs and when I did manage to hook onto a group for 1 lap, it wash disheartening to say the least that they started to unclip their shoes and I still had another 2 laps to go.
I still had the run to do and I was hoping for a good one. After all, at this stage I'd nothing to lose. I did know that I wasn't last as I had managed to lap twice a couple of girls from the Republic of South Africa. On so, it was onto my 10km run. What the hell is happening to me. My back, hips and knees all had pains going through them which I've never experienced before. When I mentally gave out to myself for focusing on this, my calf muscles started crying out for attention.
At the turn around at each lap, I could see my time and I knew that it wasn't a good time for me. I think that I ended up being 2hrs 40mins and NOT last. (44th out of 47). When I compare this to Hell of the West which is longer and not a flat course like today's, I was only 4 minutes slower in Hell of the West.
I'm still going through the post race anlysis and trying to find out what exactly went wrong but today, I just cannot pin point it.
That is the negative stuff out of the way. The fact is, I enjoyed it and soaked up the atmosphere. When I knew my race wasn't in me, I started to take stock of all around me. I cannot tell you the amount of people who were cheering us all on and from all the athletes that we have met over the past 2 weeks. CISM represents 'Friendship through sport' and this was evident from all the girls in the race today. I will never get the chance to race elite again and in such a location.
The closing ceremony happened this evening and it was a great atmosphere. We start our journey home tomorrow and although I'm looking foward to getting home, I'll certainly carry the many brilliant memories and experieces with me from Rio for the rest of my life. See you all next week. I'm looking forward to the race report from The Beast.

Friday 22 July 2011

Wetsuit or non wetsuit. That is the question.

Hello again everyone. I'd a lovely report typed up yesterday and just as I clicked on 'Pulish Post', the connectivity went! Another typical day in the Blue village so this evening I'm in the Green village where comms are far less of an issue. Yesterday we had our race brief which was very professional. In lieu of a cycle in the moonlight, 4 buses departed from our athlete village to travel the 1hr 40min to our race venue at 06:00hrs. Our body clocks have adapted well so this was no hardship for anyone. The fact that our location was Copacabana beach may also have had something to do with the lack of grumbling triathletes. While we waited for everyone to take their seats, ITU replays of races were shown on a large screen. It was an interestlingly noisey brief with over 50 countries being represented in this race, transalations for many languages were constant. While this race is an ITU event, no one will be taken off the course if they are lapped on the bike. Yay, thankfully this is one less worry for me. There was some raised concerns from triathletes about providing there military ID. (Obviously, these were the concerns of the Professional triathletes - a category which Team Ireland does not fall into.) It is to be a beach start for a 2 lap swim, followed by an 8 lap bike course followed by a 4 lap run. The bike falls short of 40km and comes in at 38.4km. The other intersting thing about this race is the penalties. Each team is allocated a boxed position to start on, on the beach. If any member of the team goes before the cannon blast or after the cannon blast a 15 second penalty is awarded to each member of the team. This will not affect me as I am the only female triathlete on team Ireland but there are 3 male members so it will have more bearing on their race. Believe it or not, the weather is taking a turn for the worst, so 1 hour before the race begins, they will find out if the water tempeture is below 22 degrees. If it is, it'll be a wetsuit swim. I was disappointed by this as I was looking foward to having a non wetsuit swim but this was just my naviety shinning through. We went onto the swim course then and I rapidly changed my mind.
The only way I can describe the conditions is a warmer Hell of the West swim. These waves where fairly big. I thought it was in my mind that I was feeling sea sick on the first lap but the second lap told me, it certainly wasn't in my mind, more likely my stomach. We practised running in and out then and I was really surprised at how tiring this is on the legs. Maybe if it is a wetsuit swim, it won't be as bad.
After this, it was time to soak up some welcome rays on the beach. All in all it was a very relaxing day. Today is a rest day so no early morning start although I was up and about at 06:30hrs. I made my way over to watch Terry's competition. He didn't do as well as he'd have liked but being a non shooter myself, I was very impressed.
As for the weather, it is a bit cold and even raining. Tomorrow is forecast the same and the wetsuit is looking very possible. Chat soon and enjoy The Beast. Take care and as I said to the kids on the phone, only 5 more sleeps until I'm home. :-)

Thursday 21 July 2011

Gaelforce West 2011

Chap in work has entered this but unable to take part, their is one vacancy & its in the elite section....
10k Run
1K Kayak
4k Run
32k Cycle
Climb Croagh Patrick
12k cycle 800 Mtr Run, starting at 6 am..Cost is €85 but will accept less.

Anybody interested give us a buzz.....
M.Farrell 0879885950

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Update from Rio - Eventually

Hi everyone and thank you all so much for your good luck text messages. Internet connectivity over here in the 'Blue Village' is up and down so at the moment I'm over in the 'Green Village' and for the first time since I've left I'm been plugged into the Internet. So far, everything is beyond my expectations of what the World Military Games would be like. The opening ceremony will probably stay with me for life and that was even before Pele lit the torch! The heat is certainly going to be a factor but as my race is on at 08:00hrs I'm hoping that I'll be perfectly aclimatised to deal with it by Sunday. Our training is going well with our taper period is starting from tomorrow. At the moment we are up and training on the bikes by 06:00hrs on a 2km airstrip in one of the many military bases. This is usually followed by some breakfast and a power nap before our next session which varies between a swim in an outdoor pool or a good track session. we found out during the week that it will be a non wetsuit swim. I was very apprehensive about this at first but once we got to Copacabana beach for a swim session, I am far more relaxed about it all. I then went for a 5km run along the sea front and more than once I've had to pinch myself to make sure it is all real. We have our race brief on Thursday and as far as I know, there are close to 50 in the women's race. A high percentage of these are professionals but hey, the race isn't over until it is over!!!! If I don't get any more posts up, I'll write a race report when I get home. Thanks again for all of your text messages and I'll see you all next week. Good luck to those who are taking on Beast of the East. Have a safe race.
PS: Terry entered me into Challenge Roth for next year. Any other takers?

Training session this week

Hi all,
Just to keep you updated with training this week.
Swim in the barrow Wed and Fri night at 7pm.
Brick session Thur at 7pm from the gym. 1hour bike followed by short run.
Bike ride Sat and Sun mor at 9:30 from gym.
Good luck to everyone doing the Beast this weekend.

Missing Cat Eye

If anyone picked up a CATEYE digital monitor at the last Club Triathlon at the Heritage, please contact Niall Kavanagh 086 8308921. It fell of the bike in transition.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Bike and wheels for sale

Hi all,
Felt timetrial bike for sale and also a pair of zipp 404 wheels up for grabs.
Give Alan a shout if you'r interested, 0866039529

Friday 15 July 2011

Weekend Training

Hi all,
Training this weekend starts tonight with a nice swim in the barrow @7pm
Sat morning has two spins going out, one @ 8:30am for anyone who wants a longer route[140kmax] and  then 9:30am.Trish is looking after the 9:30 spin.
Sunday spin is 9:30.Both spins are from the gym
Hope to see a good turn out from people. 

Thursday 14 July 2011

Brick Session

Tonight from the heritage gym at 7pm brick session .....All welcome..

Sunday 10 July 2011

Challenge Roth

Dave Murphy has completed his first ironman in a time of 13.14.05. Brian is more than half way on the marathon.

Thursday 7 July 2011


Training Sessions have been quiet in terms of numbers in recent weeks. If anyone has any suggestions to improve the sessions then let me know at

I'm fixed

Thanks to everyone for all their help on Tuesday and for all the 'Get Better' phone calls and text messages. I can safely say I'm well and truly on the mend. I'm back at work today. I won't be racing on Saturday but will be there to help out. I have a big race in 2 weeks that I am more than ready for. I've been informed today that I made the team for the World Military Championships. We are flying out on Tuesday :-)

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Sinead On the Mend

Have been hearing about the bad accident at training on Tuesday. Sinead is a bit broken up but thankfully recovering, no doubt as speedily as she has been racing this year. Apparently, the helmet played its crucial role again, that golden club rule is so important!

As for the scum who picked up a bike while the ambulance picked up Sinead - I hear the gardai have caught up with you and recovered the bike - lets hope they get their day in court now!

Sinead - take it easy, but not too easy - lets see you back for a race in a few weeks time!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

i'm sorted

Thanks everybody for the offers, David Murphy sorted me out with a rack for saturday!!!

Monday 4 July 2011

Bike rack for a saloon car

Hi all,

Has anyone a bike rack for a saloon car i could borrow for next Saturday. I've ordered one but i don't think it will be here on time. I have a sprint tri in Wexford and the wife and kids are coming along for the afternoon so can't bring my van.

Pop me an e mail or get me on 083 3338902

Sunday 3 July 2011

Monday Night Run

Hi Folks,

Monday Night Run is in Emo Court.  Meet at the car park at 8.00 pm.
