Friday 18 January 2008

To our Trilogy troops

To Sinead,

Any room for me Sinead I would love to go, I would carry your bags anything.

From all your friends in Trilogy we hate to see you go, we will miss you. It is a dangerous mission and we will be thinking of you in such a difficult environment so far from home. Please know that you are remembered and appreciated for what you do and loved for who you are; a soldier provides safety, freedom, and your presence will provide hope to the people of Chad in these difficult times. So from us all in Trilogy have a safe journey and less not forget our other two colleges that will be travelling with you, we extend our wishes to them also and I know they will look after you once you have some posh coffee. When the rebels from the "United Front" see the Trilogy T-shirt they wont be as united as our trilogy gang and they will run away. So from us all here, to ye all going over there be safe and look after each other…

MF…….( Is there a party ?)

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