Wednesday 16 January 2008

Bobby Behan Training Weekend

Finally my Christmas present weekend had arrived, a training weekend with Bobby Behan.(Thanks to my Catriona for the present) On the run up to the weekend I got a few phone calls from Bobby just making sure that I was ready and looking forward to the weekend. He sounded equally, if not more, keen about the weekend than I. Little did I realise that this was a snapshot of the enthusiasm that this man has and brings to the sport.

The weekend started nice and early with a 6.15 meet and greet at Portarlington pool foyer. After some stretching and group introductions we were in the pool. Warm ups and drills ensued. Each participant was taken out during the drill sessions and videoed, to analysis their technique later on that day. The session lasted an hour and half,at this stage we were wide eyed and awake. Those of group that were staying with Bobby headed back to he's house for breakfast. But off we went,Kevin and myself to Johnny B's for some carbo-loading, i.e a full Irish breakfast.Little did we know that we would be caught with our mouths wide open tucking into a tasty sausage as Bobby arrived into Johnny B's to pick up some milk!

Video analysis was next on the agenda, which proved to be very informative and shocking. This was the first time I had seen myself swim and former thoughts of olympic swimmer where vanquished from my mind. Short stroke, narrow entry, wrong body alignment where all on display. However I have now been pointed in the right direction by Bobby. Following our two hour session of video analysis is was time for lunch.

Following lunch, we headed out on the bikes and hooked up with Joe who had been on the bike for some three-four hours at this stage. A little over an hour into the cycle my cassette went on the bike and I could go no where.The group continued on and Bobby offered me a push home. Some slow pushing!!! Some small hills and an hour and half later we where back. Thanks Bobby!

More food, shower and rest, recovered me from my long bicycle ride and got me in the mood for a run. The sign said on the entrance to the track, track flooded but this didn't dissuade any of us fearless triathletes. What a great way to end the day, with a floodlight run.

The second day eclipsed the first day which I didn't imagine possible. More focused drills for each individual to improve specific bad habits, finished the bike ride, personal bike washing service, running with former olympic athletes. More food in Johnny B's, meeting the entire Behan clan around Killenard. Great fun and craic.

All in all it was great. I came away feeling I had achieved alot. Specific drills to improve my swimming technique or just get a technique! Correct sizing for my bike, proper planning for the year ahead and most of all a sense of enjoyment and experience that I thought could only be achieved further afield.

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