Thursday 31 January 2008

Sporting quotes

A Liverpool player (what would you expect) said this once….

I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country.

Who was it willie????

Looking for Inspiration?

Just watch the Bobby Behan training video on You Tube. I love it. Thanks for the link Kevin.

Sporting Quotes

Pain is temporary, failure last forever….

Lance Armstrong

Trilogy Gear On Youtube

Trilogy members were looking good at the last Bobby Behan weekend follow the link


Wednesday 30 January 2008

Inspiring Lisbon - Your Quotes Please!

OK, lets see how far we get with this. The idea is we have a new motivational quote or picture each day, either for Lisbon, or the season ahead.

My first quote comes from fellow Dub and former World Champion, Ken Doherty. OK, so theres not much similarity between snooker and triathlon, but I think Ken is on to something all the same!

"The five S’s of sports training are: Stamina, Speed, Strength, Skill and Spirit;
but the greatest of these is Spirit." Ken Doherty

Sunday 27 January 2008


My friends, you cannot hide. Spotted this morning on his sneaky cycle @ 10:33hrs in Port Laoise town was the newly wed, Karl Mc Cann. I shake my head in dismay. Enough said.

Friday 25 January 2008


Mary Daly has a Giant ORC bike for Sale.  Suite Ladie +/- 5ft 5" tall.  If interested let me know & I shall get you in contact with her.
If anyone has a set of Aerobars I would be interested - Mick I'm still waiting to see those ones you have!!!

Paddy's Day

.... Mick , and talking of Paddy's day , who, what , where & how ?
What's the club doing this year?
We want Sinead to parade with us not them.
Let's go & do a Paddy's Day collection for the our drinking habit.
We should have a social gathering on the day.
Any thoughts?

Thursday 24 January 2008

Mind Games

I know what there doing Sinead, there keeping there best soldiers for the St Patrick's day parade !!


Hi everyone, sorry for all the disruption but it looks like I'm not going to Chad until 18th of March now and that is also subject to change!!! Please contact Willie though for any up and coming class spaces that will be available during my absence.
See you all next week at training

Friday 18 January 2008


Thanks but no thanks to your offer of a Ballycotton mug.  I am sorted with replacement already.  MAEVE

Firstly to Simon, I didn't do anything wrong and I'm not happy with your offer on my house! Secondly to Maeve, I am only going for 4 - 6 weeks so I'll be saying NO to giving you the camper van and my bike but I will give you my Ballycotton mug if you like and finally to Mick Farrell. Thank you Mick, that was very heart felt. (but I'm not dead yet!). I'll see you all at training on Monday.

To our Trilogy troops

To Sinead,

Any room for me Sinead I would love to go, I would carry your bags anything.

From all your friends in Trilogy we hate to see you go, we will miss you. It is a dangerous mission and we will be thinking of you in such a difficult environment so far from home. Please know that you are remembered and appreciated for what you do and loved for who you are; a soldier provides safety, freedom, and your presence will provide hope to the people of Chad in these difficult times. So from us all in Trilogy have a safe journey and less not forget our other two colleges that will be travelling with you, we extend our wishes to them also and I know they will look after you once you have some posh coffee. When the rebels from the "United Front" see the Trilogy T-shirt they wont be as united as our trilogy gang and they will run away. So from us all here, to ye all going over there be safe and look after each other…

MF…….( Is there a party ?)


And your bike…MAEVE


I’ll have the camper van – I swear I will look after it really well.  MAEVE

Is our Sinead Wearen in trouble again???

Sorry to hear your going!!! Sounds a bit drastic being sent to Chad, could your boss not just send you home for a week without pay or just send you to see some Psychiatrists for a couple of weeks?? What the hell did you do this time??
I'll start the bidding on the house...... €5.00

Thursday 17 January 2008

Ballycotton Mug

I have just broken my mug from Ballycotton last year.  I am a little cheesed off as I loved that mug!  I felt it was hard won over those 10 miles and worse still I am not entered for this year…boo hoo…MAEVE

Class space available AND house for sale

Hi everyone, just to let ye know that I got a phone call today from my boss to let me know that I'll be travelling to Chad for 4 - 6 weeks from the 14th February. I have signed up for all Trilogy classes so if anyone is interested, please let Willie know and you can have my spot in my absence.
And more importantly, myself and Terry are selling our house so if anyone knows someone who would like to buy a 4 bed, 3 storied semi in Portarlington, please point them in our direction. (Email: Thanks,

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Bobby Behan Training Weekend

Finally my Christmas present weekend had arrived, a training weekend with Bobby Behan.(Thanks to my Catriona for the present) On the run up to the weekend I got a few phone calls from Bobby just making sure that I was ready and looking forward to the weekend. He sounded equally, if not more, keen about the weekend than I. Little did I realise that this was a snapshot of the enthusiasm that this man has and brings to the sport.

The weekend started nice and early with a 6.15 meet and greet at Portarlington pool foyer. After some stretching and group introductions we were in the pool. Warm ups and drills ensued. Each participant was taken out during the drill sessions and videoed, to analysis their technique later on that day. The session lasted an hour and half,at this stage we were wide eyed and awake. Those of group that were staying with Bobby headed back to he's house for breakfast. But off we went,Kevin and myself to Johnny B's for some carbo-loading, i.e a full Irish breakfast.Little did we know that we would be caught with our mouths wide open tucking into a tasty sausage as Bobby arrived into Johnny B's to pick up some milk!

Video analysis was next on the agenda, which proved to be very informative and shocking. This was the first time I had seen myself swim and former thoughts of olympic swimmer where vanquished from my mind. Short stroke, narrow entry, wrong body alignment where all on display. However I have now been pointed in the right direction by Bobby. Following our two hour session of video analysis is was time for lunch.

Following lunch, we headed out on the bikes and hooked up with Joe who had been on the bike for some three-four hours at this stage. A little over an hour into the cycle my cassette went on the bike and I could go no where.The group continued on and Bobby offered me a push home. Some slow pushing!!! Some small hills and an hour and half later we where back. Thanks Bobby!

More food, shower and rest, recovered me from my long bicycle ride and got me in the mood for a run. The sign said on the entrance to the track, track flooded but this didn't dissuade any of us fearless triathletes. What a great way to end the day, with a floodlight run.

The second day eclipsed the first day which I didn't imagine possible. More focused drills for each individual to improve specific bad habits, finished the bike ride, personal bike washing service, running with former olympic athletes. More food in Johnny B's, meeting the entire Behan clan around Killenard. Great fun and craic.

All in all it was great. I came away feeling I had achieved alot. Specific drills to improve my swimming technique or just get a technique! Correct sizing for my bike, proper planning for the year ahead and most of all a sense of enjoyment and experience that I thought could only be achieved further afield.

Tuesday 15 January 2008

Mountain Biking

Is there anyone interested in going mountain biking in Ballinastoe Co Wicklow on Sat morning? The circuit is 15km with a lot of single track which is quite technical but great fun. I would hope to go around twice which should take about 3hrs. Leaving portlaoise at 9:30-  if your interested give me a ring 087 6814154.


Sunday 13 January 2008


Well guys I am delighted to be able to tell you that sneaky training has been brought to new and exciting heights by myself and Patrick. Thanks to our loving partners who sent us to Bobby Behan’s training camp for the weekend. Over the course of the weekend we got individual coaching on all aspects of our swim, cycle and run from a man whose knowledge of, love for, and dedication to the sport has to be experienced. Patrick is going to write up a more detailed report so watch this space.


Not so sneaky

it is only sneaky training if you get caught. NO ONE caught us. We actually volunteered all relevant information so nice try. The next time you are in the gym doing your own sneaky training, you might catch some one then.


Hi guys,just to let you know that Sinead and Taco were seen out doing some of their own sneaky training on sat morning on the bikes..Just thought i would mention it because Sinead must have forget about it in her last post....


While Noel Territt may have started the trend of 'Training on the sly', I don't think that even he could have imagined how much this would grow. Spotted this morning (Sunday 13th) at 12:27, Steven O'Toole and Trish Nicolls on their bikes cruising up the hill in Emo. I just love the way that our new club cycling jackets make the sneaky trainers stick out from the crowd!!!

Friday 11 January 2008


Marraige.....I,m loving it.....


Elaine I just love the new hair do. That colour really suits you………


Hi from Africa

Hi to all from South Africa, honeymoon in going well, As you can see Elaine is not the greatest in using the washing machine and her cooking is not great either.....better go here comes the deserts another "Mcflurry",


Ah - Which Clown did Elaine take on Honeymoon?

2008 1st Friday Caption Competition

Well we are back.
I'm not sure to whom we should award the last price of 2007 .
But folks do your best with this one.


Wednesday 9 January 2008


Sorry Guys i can't make it tonight I got my hair permed...


Ok brothers in trilogy I will bring my hair hairdryer tonight so that will cover, Me, Taco, Willie, Kevin, a few more on the border line but wont mention them but just ask me I will give it to you. Murt you better bring your own hair straightener.....

Tuesday 8 January 2008

New Pool

SISTERS - I have been informed that there are NO Hairdriers in this new facility -  so it's bring your own and hope there is a plug socket.  This would also apply to those guys who like to dry their HAIR - Willy, Mick.

New Pool

SISTERS - I have been informed there are NO HAIRDRIERS at this new facility - so it's bring your own in the hope that there are plugs.

Monday 7 January 2008

I Applaud you Maeve - well done

I just want to send the BEST wishes to Maeve Bracken on boldly taking the decision become a FULL time triathlete. I admire you Maeve. Most people just talk about it but you have put your money where your mouth is.
If you want to take a break from your training schedule, say for 2 or 3 hours a week, give me a shout. I know some one who wants a position filled in Triathlon Ireland for this time frame!!! :-)

Sunday 6 January 2008

welcome and food for thought..

Hi people just a word to welcome our newest member to Trilogy..Niall Collins from Portlaoise is the latest proud owner of our new gear,Niall lives in London and will be wearing our gear on the English circut this year..well done Niall...He will be entering some of our club appointed races with us this season and Niall has also entered the London Triathlon which he said might be one for the club to think people food for thought eh,swim in the Royal Docks flat bike down by the Thames to Westminster and a flat 9.6k run...With Karl's cheap flights and Mick Farrell knowledge of London it could be a great 9th and 10th of August.....The closing date for entries is 31st Jan..Get back to me if interested ok..See

Thursday 3 January 2008

Kick start 2008

 I have signed up to do Bobby Behan’s training weekend on the 12th & 13th January.  Feel free to join me if you have let the festive period put a massive crater in your training.