Sunday 30 September 2007


Murt Keane the youngest looking tri-ahtlete in trilogy. looks younger than the Hoff. Great night, thanks to all.

Great News. A new TRILOGY Sister has been born

Every one, just to let you know Clive and Jane had a baby girl today. All is well.

Great Day, Great Night

Hello to all you hang over heads. Here I am, at work, just after 9 o clock on Sunday morning and some of ye lot are probably still drinking. Just to say that it was another excellent performance by the club. Thanks to the 'Big Day Out' committee. It was brilliant to see a lot of our unsung heroes, the very important contingent - our families, partaking in and enjoying themselves. And last night again, they were all out in full force. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we are not just a bunch of people who happen to be in the same club. It was a get-together amongst FRIENDS and that is why it works so well. Looking forward to next season, but I can say, that I'm honestly looking forward to the 'REST' more!! See ye all soon.

Saturday 29 September 2007

Race in EMO

Hi Patrick,


What is the distance for the cross country in EMO and

also does novice = amateur ?






Thursday 27 September 2007

Some Upcoming Road Races and Cross Country

The Laois novice cross country has been fixed for Emo Court on Sunday
14th October With an 11.00 start.

Tinryland On Sunday 7th with 2.00 Start. It's a four mile road race so
should suit some most people in the club.

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Tri Athy hoodie

Hi people, don't mind taco with his lidle gear, we have got our hands on two more large Tri Athy hoodies..They are the very last of this unique garment so its first come basis...ideal for those frosty nights after spinning...give me a shout if interested....

Keep warm during the winter

With Lidl's finest winter cycling gear , now available
For details click on items below,
Jacket or
Leggings or

Or check out Aldi's offerings on thursday see link
Aldi's Special Offers

Monday 24 September 2007

Adventure Racing

Paaaatrick, I'd say Margot might be interested. Myself, Finn, Maeve and Trish have already committed to a training weekend but hopefully I'll be free for the next one. Sinead.

Tired of triathlons, then try Adventure Racing!

Hi Lads,

I'm trying to put a team together for an adventure race on the 20th
October. Check out I have a few interested people, like Willie, Cornelius and Kevin but we're short
a few ladies!! In order to compete we need to have mixed teams. So if there is anyone interested in the race let me know. If we have a good few interested we may be able to put two teams together. Please let me know by the weekend as I need to enter the team or teams.


Hi Lads,

Really enjoyed the evening, sorry had to run off but thanks to everyone
for great race. Roll on next year!

Sunday 23 September 2007

Thanks Kevin and Maeve

Thanks to the 'terrible two' for taking all the hours out to read my IMUK report! I will be reading your report Kevin for 2009. If anyone out there is just thinking about doing an Ironman race, then you can do it. Anyway the duathlon was brillian yesterday. Tiernan said his favourite part was at the finish when he got his 'Golden medal'. Well done to everyone involved. When is the next one?

Friday 21 September 2007


Wow Sinead, is there no end to your talents? I felt like I was there with you as I read your last installment. It had all the ingredients of a best seller. The horror of anticipation, the excitement, the drama, the emotion and finally the romance, as you fell into your lover’s arms.  I can’t wait for Ironman Austria 2009 – but only to read all about it!  Kevin

Tuesday 18 September 2007

Heart Rate Training

This message is for those of you who are prone to a bit of 'sneaky' training, for those of you who have a heart rate monitor but only use it as a watch, for those of you who want to get the most out of every kilometer that you run. Let me know and after our last Test Tri (boo hoo), I will be able to make up a specific personalized programme that will really help with your running. After all, its not long now to the Ballycotton 10!!

Sunday 16 September 2007

Caroline Kearney Tri

Trish, Alison, Paul and Patrick were in Mullingar yesterday doing the inaugural Caroline Kearney Memorial Triathlon. Well, gang - how'd you get on? I'd love a race report from any of you for this website!

Saturday 15 September 2007

sisters in trouble

Hi lads,I think our sisters are headin down the wrong road,they need our guidance,  the tshirts proberly went to their heads???A MEETING will be called shortly to address this problem...Any ideas would be very welcome to solve this act og wrecklessness....

Just asking ...

Query from a member - Anyone doing the Dublin Half Marathon next weekend?
Willie, watch out for Maeve. She's after drinking her teams winnings already and now she's out for the rest. She says its good for sore muscles, but I'm not sure myself. I think Wearen is involved as well.

Overheard in Portlaoise...

I overheard a group of people discussing the table quiz in Shaws today.  They were still laughing and discussing questions and generally saying what a great night it was.  As I joined in the conversation I made sure to rub in the fact that I was on the winning team.  None of these people are related to any club member as far as I know…little do they know we are going to spend the money on beer!  Hope the word doesn’t get out…Maeve

Friday 14 September 2007


will any of the funds be used to re-stock the fridges of beer in the Bracken and Wearen household over the weekend of 20 + 21 October?

A great night indeed...

Yeah, Taco - what a great night!

Its a powerful thing to see so many people gathered together for one cause!

We had just about twice the number of people there on Thursday as we had last year, and while we are still counting the loose change, I think we'll find we more than doubled the amount raised last year. And if you think that is exciting, just wait til you see how we use it over Winter and into 2008.


No, we didn't play poker, but we did have a full house at the table quiz.
It was a great evening and I got some answers correct.
I would like to thank all involved in organising the event, and all the effort of the people on the night. ( too many to name individually ) .
Super night.

Thursday 13 September 2007


Karl, you must be joking!  I will be bringing all the beer from the fridge for Sinead and me to consume.  Beer is really good for sore muscles.



2-day bender starting in Kevins House, 21-22 October. When we drink it dry, we'll cycle on over to Terry. Other venues to be confirmed.

Wednesday 12 September 2007


Hi girls, you can count me in.  Where do I sign up?  A weekend away from Kevin and the Kids - I cant wait!


Calling All Sisters

I am definitely up for the training weekend and being a total girl, I can't wait to show off our unique 'Sisters of Trilogy' T-shirts. Trish and Alison said the last one was great. So, the question is, who is in?
PS: Willie, thanks for the comment. Hopefully by the end of the report, you will have committed to Austria 2009. Bring it on.

Tuesday 11 September 2007

The longest race

Hi sinead,just like to say what a read,cant wait for the next chapter..but have to say im starting to hate you for the seeds you are sewing....dont know if i realy realy should read on ??????? 

Race place available for Caroline Kearney Tri

Clive from Carlow can't race in Mullingar this Saturday and is offering up his place. The Caroline Kearney Triathlon is Olympic Distance, and there are a few Trilogy members taking part. If you haven't registered and would like to race, let Clive know - or if you don't have details for Clive, cotact Karl or leave a message here and I'll get them to you.

Friday 7 September 2007

Almost Tempted ...

Am tempted to say yes Trish, but I am officially meant to be off training now for a few rest weeks! Am sure there are others here who'll head out with you - the weather would seem too good to waste!

Sun Cycle

Have we any takers on a cycle this Sunday - I believe the weather is to be good - yes Alan I got vey wet last Sunday.

Thursday 6 September 2007

Rescheduling of last Duathlon

Hi all

Just to let you know that the last Duathlon in the series has a NEW date and time

Its now On - Sunday 23rd September 2007 at the Heath

Registration betweew 17:00 and 17:30

(was originally scheduled for the 20th but has been moved due to fading light)

It's the last in the series, so "be there" and make it a good one.

Monday 3 September 2007

Bam! Kazak! Bash!

Read the race report from Kenmare (and see some more photos too).

STOP THE PRESSES.... for the new 2008 kit

Well folks the new "Trilogy 2008 Kit" has arrived and is looking good.

Ably modeled by our own "Flying" Karl,

Please click on link to see our latest revelation.


Sunday 2 September 2007

Rain and More Chat

Sorry Trish, Its half past ten and I looked out the window and saw rain, so I’m
going to be a big sissy and decline the cycle today !

On the chat front, Karl, you might put a reminder on the right hand frame something along the lines “To Chat its easy, just send an e-mail to – XXX is the bit you decide when you set up for the first time - Don’t forget to fill in the Subject line”.

This would be useful to Jog the memory about the e-mail address to use. Normally I have to go and look itup and by the time I have found it again I have forgotton what I was going to say !

Saturday 1 September 2007


Anyone interested in a cycle at 11 am tomorrow?