Friday 31 August 2007

Check out the weekender

Page 4 - Well done Downey!

Thursday 30 August 2007

Ah... Our Mystery Man, Mr.Cahill

Haven't met him myself yet, but he was last seen leaving the phoenix park after coming 29th.

A great new recruit for the club.

Please be on the look out for him.

Tuesday 28 August 2007

Well done in Dublin

Just saying congrats and well done to all in Trilogy who competed in DCT, especially

David Cahill..I haven’t had the pleasure. Has anybody else ?







Calling all Potential Ironmen

Hello to everyone out there is Trilogy and beyond. Clive Byrne contacted me today to let me know that there are a possible 4 triathletes from TRICW entering Ironman Austria 2009. Who wants to join them? I've committed and so has Steve Irwin. Steve is also doing an Ironman in March 2009 is South Africa. Austria is on in early June. So come on everyone. It is more than do-able. If anyone out there has even had a little wonder to themselves "can I do it?" The answer is YES.

Friday 24 August 2007

Dublin City - Good Wishes

Good luck to all racing today in the Dublin City Tri - Willie, Mark McM, Steve, Paul, Taco, Pawel and probably others I've missed.

Looking forward to hearing how it went.

Dublin city tri...

Well lads,heading to dublin tonight for reg,for Dublin city tri.If anyone wants a lift give me a shout...

It's not me!!

Don't think it's Willie or me!! Neither of us own a mountain bike. Although…………..Willie Fitz is he's known to take off with other peoples bikes!!!

Thursday 23 August 2007

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Words are inadequate

Hello to everyone in Trilogy. I don't know where to begin with when it comes to thanking everyone for all the support I have received from this club for IMUK. My message memory on my phone is completely full with good luck and congratulation messages. I just want you all to remember, however, that it was ALL the support I've received from the day I registered for this event that has got me through it. So from the VERY BOTTOM OF MY HEART, I thank each and every one of you. I'm afraid to start mentioning names as I'll leave some one out so apologies in advance. Margot, who was my training partner and gave me the courage to enter the race in the first place. Willie for all of the 'worrying and stressing' and organising my Big Trainig Day. Taco, who made sure I was entered in every race I applied for and took away the stress of missing a registration deadline. Taco, I know you did this for everyone in the club but I just want you to know how much we all appreciated it. Karl, Elaine, Mark Downey, Finn and Dee and every one else for your unwavering support. I will be forever greatful. To Ken, for making sure I got my pizza, dounuts and hot cholocate at the end. And of course to my LSH (Long Suffering Husband), without you, it meant nothing. THANK YOU.

Dublin City Tri Race Briefing

Hi all

Here's the link to the race briefing

Tuesday 21 August 2007

What a weekend

Hi, lads,I just cant let the weekend go without commenting on warms my heart to think of our achievements as a young club from our ironman champions to our very successful Hertitage Triathlon.We have come a long way in such a short time and its all thanks to the brilliant people that make our club.We drew people from all over Eire for sat event and the amount of helpers was just unbelievable.This is a club full of class and its makes me very proud to be part of it,keep up the good work one and all...

Friday 17 August 2007


Hi Michelle................

Test Email.. no 3 !

Hello... anyone out there....

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Heritage tri

Hi lads,we are still in need of marshals, time keepers and lane counters for saturday.please do your best to get at least one person.


Can anyone give me an exact location to swim area in athy? ignorant Limerickman needs directions! I know athy but haven't been swimming with the club yet? And yes Ive checked the site and know its the rowing bloat slipway but am not quite sure exactly where in athy it is. Need to get there tonight. Will be checking this before I leave to go so if anyone could oblige Id be grateful!!!!!

Tuesday 14 August 2007

2nd Childrens Duathlon

Hi all, a provisional date of 22nd of September has been set for our second children’s duathlon. There was a lot of debate over the distances we should run it over this time so let’s see what ye think.  The under 8’s went off pretty well last time so my feeling would be to leave that at 200m run 750m cycle 200m run. The under 10’s was the age category that I went a bit hard on the last time so I was thinking 400m run 750m cycle (that’s half the distance they had to cycle the last time) finished with a 400m run. For the u12’s a 400m run 1500m cycle 400m run is half what was down for them in June but I think it is what most of the kids ended up doing.  Please let me know what you think.  Thanks. Kevin

How does this work for the IT Illiterate anyway??

Does it work!!!!

Monday 13 August 2007

Night Out

A lobster dinner at Chez-Fitz sounds good. It's got a great reputation for cups of Tea!!!

night out

Hi lads,was talking to Dee on sat after test tri and she suggested that we go for a meal on sat night after the heritage tri...any suggestions...lets make it a good one...

Sunday 12 August 2007

Still Testing

Just checking my broadband is working. Got some great photos on Sat.  Be patient I shall get them to Karl to put on web.

Friday 10 August 2007


Will was on the town patol with the new trilogy transport machine. To take over from the Venga bus for the winter. Could we have a name for Maks new motor.

Willie's not been the same ...

...Since Trish rejected him as a model for the new t-shirts.

I heard he is seeking comfort in the wise words of JT

Don't be so quick to walk away (Dance with me)
I wanna rock your body please stay(Dance with me)
You don't have to admit you wanna play(Dance with me)
Just let me rock you, till the break of day (Dance with me)

The Willie Fitz Hunt

RELAX PEOPLE!!! Willie is OK!!! He was seen last night on the pool deck in the gym trying to recruit people into Trilogy & probably selling Trilogy T-shirts & organising a training session and ……...


Just thought I'd ask if anyone else found the absence of Willie Fitz from training last night very worrying. Is there something amiss with our Laois man? Rumour had it, he was going to partake in a few beers last night, IN A PUB - NO LESS. I don't know. I'm just finding it all very suspicious AND sinister!! If anyone does find him, please return him to his natural habitat. (the gym, the heath or the barrow). I know he is all for promotion of the club but we just can't be letting him wander around all the pubs in Laois, in the week of the World Fleah in his triathlon suit. Come on now Willie. Get a grip of yourself.

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Tuesday 7 August 2007

I'm Up

Well I think I am, .... Yes its up I can see it (My Posting that Is).


Thanks but I will in future refrain from being a model.

Over 24 hours later and the offer still open ...

Trish, Willie asked me to see if your broadband is
working OK?

Monday 6 August 2007


Hi Trish,i can sample for you if you wish...

Sunday 5 August 2007

Trish Testing

Have we got any more bodies to sample??

Friday 3 August 2007

Of course, Justin might be busy ...

Sexyback in a t-shirt

One of the lads wants to see Justin Timberlake in a Trilogy shirt. D'ya think you could use your connections, Mick?

PS not sure if it is Justin in just a Trilogy t-shirt or not?

Thursday 2 August 2007

New T-shirts

I think we should get all the new T shirts modelled by the members of Trilogy. Who would you like to see modelling the new T shirts?