Tuesday 31 July 2007

barrow swim

Hi lads need a volunteer to walk the bank tomor night in athy,weather is good so numbers will be up,any takers give me a shout thanks...

lost sheep

Hi lads, anyone doing the lost sheep should check out cork tri website.[listen for jane]Their is some good footage of the swim and bike from last year....plus anyone headin to castlewellan this weekend,we should meet at the station and pool together,race starts at one..willsort out time of departure and let you know ok....

Monday 30 July 2007

Tuesday Training

Hi Kevin,
The run meets usual time, usual place tonight (7:45, Gym).  Re: tomorrow, please contact Willie before travelling to Carlow.  The session is a time-trial competition organised by Carlow Tri Club, and it is a team event.  Willie is captain for the night, so he will be able to give you more info.
For everyone not going to Carlow ... the Heath goes ahead as normal - see you there!


Hi just to confirm Monday training is meet at the gym at 7.45. Also what’s the set up for Tuesday speed session in Carlow ?


How ya guys!

Saturday 28 July 2007

sat afternoon

Hi there is there anyone out there interested in a  cycle / run this afternoon 4ish

Friday 27 July 2007

Sunday Morning

Hope this chat gets there.

I am on for cycle at 11 o’ clock as usual.

Even might consider a Barrow swim before if the weather is agreeable !

Anyone on for a 20/30 min dip and back to Portlaoise for cycle at 11 a.m ?


Really enjoyed the outing on Thursday on the Heath.

 If anybody is interested to show me how to ride a bike properly I am open to

offers. I think I might be faster on a tricycle !


Good luck to all those in Kinsale tomorrow…







Well done Mark

Will you and willie be going out this weekend ???????

Thursday 26 July 2007

triathlon chat

hi there mark has arrived


To everyone who even is thinking about joining me on Sunday, I want to let you know that words cannot explain how much I appreciate it. You will all get me to the starting line and if I cross the finish, it is because the club has got me there. The club, and Terry of course. Thank you willie for getting people behind me, even if it is by bribing them with breakfast. See you on Sunday!!

Breakfeast on me..

Hi guys,im pleased to announce that willie is buying breakfeast for anyone who is joining sinead on sunday..We will swim at ten in the barrow and back to egans for food then{my treat}12:30 off on the bike then for 5 hrs...17:30 more food then[OPEN TO OFFERS} and finish with a 2 hour run starting at 7 or so...So lets get behind our future ironman competiors and join in on some part of this great occasion{not just the food part]Best of luck guys TRILOGY is right behind ye...

mick timberlake

Well mick,thanks for the cd,after listing to it in your car,house ipod and jail i got to like it eventually...cheers...

We like it!

 ... your 'Fightin' Talk', Kevin!
Any takers or ideas for Sineads training session.  This is her last big one before IM UK! Make sure you loop by the gym at 11:00am, Sinead to pick up the usual cycle - and maybe you'd get a few to join you before and after the regular cycle at 11:00?

Wednesday 25 July 2007

Willie,s Hero

Hi Willie Hope you enjoy the Justin Timberlake Cd that you asked me to get for you...

The Big Swim

They say it was tougher last week, but then they would. Wouldn’t they, to me that was as tough as it comes and I am ashamed to say I came back from Athy a beaten man. Damn you river Barrow and damn you again, now I will have to give up the drink and the fags all over again for revenge will be mine……………



steamy water...

HI sharon and mick,great swim tonight,the steam is still rising off the water....

you smelly swimmers.....

kevin and willie

Chat Goes Live!

This is the Chat Area just for Trilogy members. Use this space to communicate with the whole club - your thoughts, ideas, training schedule, etc. Arrange sessions, car-pool, discuss this site, anything you like. Well not anything but anything within the rules (see right).

One last thing - the only way to post here is to register via Karl. Once you are set-up you can simply send an e-mail to a special address. The title of your mail becomes the subject, the rest of your mail is your comment.

The floor is yours ....

Monday 23 July 2007

Big Training Day

Hi Karl,
I'm still testing this thing and I thought I'd be constructive in the testing phase. Willie wanted to let me know the times that I'm planning training on Sunday 29th of July. So here they are:
10:00 - Barrow swim for 1 hr
11:00 - 12:30 - Rest and eat.
12:30 - 17:30 - cycle, (any suggestions for the cycle route would be grately appreciated. I don't want too many hills)
17:30 - 19:00 - Rest and eat.
19:00 - 21:00 - jog/run.
Everyone is welcome to join in for parts of the day or, if they are also after running out of the blue pills and have moved on to the pink ones, they can join in for the whole day. EVERYONE IS WELCOME.

Aw, Thanks!

6th place in AG, 32nd overall.  Alan Kenny, who trains with us mid-week was a few places ahead of me too - Alan, get entered into the Heritage Challenge Novice race!
PS Well done Sinead for successfully setting up the account.  There were a few little grmlins until about 5 mins ago - now everything should be live for you. Hit send, see site!

I'm here

Hi Paul,
some people do have work to do during the day so I'll apologise on behalf of Mr Willie O'Dea, that you have been kept waiting!! Any way, I want to pass on a huge congratulations to Karl. You got an excellent result over the weekend. 6th place! Plenty of PL points for you. Well done.

Youghal Coming to Cork with me next year?

Guys, I am just back from Youghal, and I have to say it is an excellent race. Sea as calm as a lake, flat cycle, and OK a little tough run. But on top of that the race was very well organised, there was a great atmosphere from the start, and the locals who support it are brilliant too. At €32 and with PL points, there is little to fault it.

I think it is on 5 July next year - I can see this one being added to the AGM Calendar discussion in 2008!