Wednesday 29 August 2012

Test Duathlon 5

TD5 will be held on the Heath on Sunday. Registration at 11am. Race at 12pm. Last one of the season. Text for participation will be sent on Thursday.


Hi Folks,

Due to the heavy flow on the Barrow overnight it has been decided to cancel tonights swim session.  Apologies for not notifying members by text as our text service is down at the minute.  Denise.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Tue Cycle (21 Aug 12)

Hi All.
I’m old & decrepit, but I’m back!!!
Unfortunately can only cycle slowly.
So if anyone’s interested I will lead the slow group tonight for a 30K easy spin.
Leaving PLC at 7pm sharp ,I mean on the dot & no waiting around to see who may or may not turn up.
Regards Taco

Thursday 16 August 2012


I know I speak for everyone when I send a great big welcome to Baby Scott McCann who joined us today, August 16th. And a massive big congratulations to his Mum (most especially), and his Dad and big brother also. We all knew Karl is driven to boost club membership numbers... who knew HOW driven?? :) Congrats again to you all. :)


Good Luck to Sinead Wearen, Susan Wall, Deirdre Walsh, Kieron Hoey, Dave Murphy, Keith Gailbreith who are all taking on the challange of Groomsport this Sunday.
Also to Michelle Duggan who is doing Gaelforce in the West. ENJOY

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Leaving Cert

A great big congratulations to club members and relatives of members on their leaving cert results out today. I won't name names for fear I might overlook someone. Any that I've heard of so far have all been happy with their results. Well done to all. I know you will all be enjoying the euphoria of it all and breathing a big sigh of relief at the same time. Congratulations. Take it easy tonight!!

Thursday 9 August 2012

Chrissy Wellington

Thank you to Aoifa for sharing this one with us. It might be of interest to some of you out there. Click on the link above. 

Friday 3 August 2012

Races, Babies, Injuries & more...

Hi all,

While I was away busy 'enduring' winter training in Perth for most of the past month, lots of activities have been going on with Trilogy Members including Kilkenny Tri, Beast of the East, the local inaugural Stump Jumpers race which I hear was a massive success, and of course Challenge Roth. Have I left any out? There must be many race reports out there for sharing? I hear Trilogy members have been busy securing podium places at these. Please send the stories to me at and congratulations to everyone who competed.

Special congratulations also on behalf of Trilogy members, to our very own chairman and his family on the birth of baby Max Osborne. I foresee Osborne relay teams participating (and probably cleaning up at that) in the very near future.

Best wishes and get well soon to Niall Kavanagh. I understand he admits to taking his following in our secretaries footsteps too far recently by injuring his foot, putting him out of the running for a little while. Get well soon Niall.

Best of luck to everyone racing in Bunclody & Brian Boru this weekend. I know I have the glad rags out and the have been practicing lots over the past month for the partying on Sunday night in Kilaloe. I for one am looking forward to it.

~NB~    Race reports please!!!! We all love to have a read of them.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Brian Boru

I see Alan Phelan can't make the Olympic Race at Brian Boru and is offering his place up if anyone interested.  There might be a Sprint place up for grabs also as I think Niall Kavangh was entered into that.