Tuesday 13 September 2011

Thank You!!

I really can't sing enough praises for this club we have. After nine months of prep, seeking advice from fellow club mates, the birthing process has been amazing.

It all started way back at Christmas 2010.. seems along time ago now when it all happened, it was all over in a second, the exchange of Christmas gifts and the damage was done. Needless to say the first three months were not too difficult, no aches or pains no morning sickness but the reality hadn't dawned on us yet. We were blissfully unaware what lay ahead, ignorance is a great gift. We started reading books to prepare for what lay ahead. Everything kept resorting back to nutrition so needless to say I gained a few extra pounds in the search for the perfect building blocks. After a further three months we had come to terms with the impending reality. Plans were put in place, the kids were all on board and Catriona was really excited about managing the whole affair. Fortunately there was no worries about it arriving early.
So on the 11th of September I stood neoprene clad and shouted at the top of voice my Christmas surprise had arrived. It was the first time the IRONMAN crew thought they may have needed the assistance of a medical psychiatrist. The rest is history now.

Thank you for sharing this journey with Cornelius and myself and most importantly for containing Catriona's anxieties when Cornelius's premature race lead looked to have threatened my return home. The deal being struck, if I failed to beat my brother, I could look for residency in Wales.