Monday 26 September 2011

Trilogy Realy Team

Well done to our team of Susan Wall, Eimear Matthews, Karl McCann and Shay McCourt (who was drafted in very short notice). They did us proud in wet and muddy conditions with some very stiff competation. Hopefully TI will keep this race on the calander as it was a fun day out.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Jonathan Robinson ... looking good on TV3! Check it out

Monday 19 September 2011

house for rent

Hi all,
House for rent in Kilminchy if anyone is interested.
Give me a shout 0876565424 cheers

Sunday 18 September 2011

Lego man becomes an Ironman.

Well done Dave. Enjoy the recovery.

Swim :1.30.16
Cycle 6.16.30
Run 3.53.17

Total 11.55.04

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Thank You!!

I really can't sing enough praises for this club we have. After nine months of prep, seeking advice from fellow club mates, the birthing process has been amazing.

It all started way back at Christmas 2010.. seems along time ago now when it all happened, it was all over in a second, the exchange of Christmas gifts and the damage was done. Needless to say the first three months were not too difficult, no aches or pains no morning sickness but the reality hadn't dawned on us yet. We were blissfully unaware what lay ahead, ignorance is a great gift. We started reading books to prepare for what lay ahead. Everything kept resorting back to nutrition so needless to say I gained a few extra pounds in the search for the perfect building blocks. After a further three months we had come to terms with the impending reality. Plans were put in place, the kids were all on board and Catriona was really excited about managing the whole affair. Fortunately there was no worries about it arriving early.
So on the 11th of September I stood neoprene clad and shouted at the top of voice my Christmas surprise had arrived. It was the first time the IRONMAN crew thought they may have needed the assistance of a medical psychiatrist. The rest is history now.

Thank you for sharing this journey with Cornelius and myself and most importantly for containing Catriona's anxieties when Cornelius's premature race lead looked to have threatened my return home. The deal being struck, if I failed to beat my brother, I could look for residency in Wales.

Monday 12 September 2011

Well done Patrick & Cornelius

Wow - what a great time ye had, really impressed! Congrats to you both, put the bike up now for the winter, you've plenty of laurels to rest on!

I just thought I would re-visit the post that Patrick put up when he first announced his intention to race ...

Best Christmas present or not. I'll let you decide.


Just want to get some advice on this, best present or not. Catriona has gone and entered me for Ironman Wales. What does this mean? Any help in this area would be much appreciated. Roll on 2011. Will need plenty of advice from our Iron men and ladies.

Gerry Duffy's book

I better wait till Novemember to get it so Willie.;)

old mobile phones

Hi everyone, Irish Action Autism are giving iPads which also have the 'Grace' app installed on them to children on the autistic spectrum. They come at a price of 200 mobile phones so I'm asking if anyone of you have old mobiles lying around at home or if you know some one who does, can you please donate it to me? I'd really appreciate this as it would greatly help Tiernan's education. Thanks in advance.


Hi All,

I have Gerry Duffy's book who dares runs, if anyone wants to borrow it it belongs to Sinead, but be warned Myself, Alan Cussens & Sinead have all entered the Dublin City Marathon after reading it!!!

Wetsuit repair

Hi all got my wet suit repaired recently by a man in Carlow and he did a great job, new zip[thanks to our dog Molly] and also some patch work,very reasonable and efficent. Details are Ruiari 0872677154

Monday Night Run

Hi Folks,

Monday night run tonight at Emo Court.  Meet in the car park at 7.15 pm.  Denise

Due to the weather warning given by Met Eireann for this afternoon and evening please check the website around 6 just in case we need to cancel run for safety reasons.  Hopefully this won't happen.


Sunday 11 September 2011

They finished together.

A huge huge huge congratulations to Patrick and Cornelius Marshall who finished their first Ironman race in a time of 11hrs 42 mins and 43 seconds. We are all in awe of you. Well done

Its started and its close

With the first half of the swim done Patrick has a lead of 10 seconds on Cornelius. More importantly, their first split (36 mins) puts them in line for a sub 1:20 swim - superb pace, equivalent to a sub 27/28 min Olympic Swim. See the post below for links to Patrick / Cornelius tracking.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Ironman Wales - Tracking Progress

With the race now live (as of 7:00am or so) I have some specific links for you to follow:

Ironman UK - the battle of the Marshalls

Best of luck to Patrick and Cornelius Marshall racing tomorrow in their first Ironman race. 3.8km swim, 180km bike and then a full marathon run (42.2k). As everyone will know they have put in some serious training and they are both in great shape.

Go Trilogy Go!

PS you should be able to track progress from 6am tomorrow on Ironman Wales site.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Junior Series Results

Hi guys, these are the results I got from the TI Website. Well done again to our juniors, namely Michael Dalton and Alisdair Mc Cann. Hopefully we'll see JR's name on this list next year.
Rank First Name Surname
1 Constantine Doherty
2 Gavin Doran
3 Aaron O’Brien
4 Chris Mintern
5 Kieran Jackson
6 Stephen Rooney
7 Conor Rooney
8 Rory Sexton
9 Michael Dalton
10 Conor O’Keeffe
11 Mark Angus
12 Conall Cahill
13 Cillian Kavanagh
14 Eoin Monget
14 Aidan Daly
16 Eoin Dignam
17 Ciaran Kelly
17 Peter Mahon
19 Mick Cavanagh
20 Padrai Moran
21 Matthew Dempsey
21 Craig Kenny
21 Cameron Kenny
21 Bobby Aston
21 Fiachre O’Coileain
21 Conor O’Kelly
21 Alasdair McCann

Weekend Racing

Best of luck to all members racing this weekend at Ironman Galway 70.3 and Lough Key. Give it socks and keep her lit. Might want to pack the wellies if Met Eireann are to be beleived.