Monday 10 January 2011

Book Review - 'Born to Run'

Been meaning to post up some of the books I have been reading over Christmas (and the perfect weather we'vebeen having for reading).

There are 2 books that I think anyone might enjoy and the first is 'Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen' by Christopher McDougall. About a native people in Mexico that run long distances over rough terrain at consistent pace and practically barefoot, it is also a great story of a legendary race, of some of the greats of Ultra-Running, of a mysterious eccentric.

Most of all, for me, it is an inspirational new way of thinking about running. I absolutely loved the book! Both Niall Kavanagh and Patrick Marshall recommended it to me, and I have since lent my copy to Sinead. If you'd like a read of it after Sinead, just let me know, I'll happily get it to you.

I will send a review of my second book in a couple of days ... anyone read anything interesting?