Monday 31 January 2011

Trilogy Book Library

Following on from Karl's current obsession... reading...,
I would like to remind all members that there are still some of the Trilogy library books floating around.
Who ever has these books .. PLEASE come forward and let us know.
I have..
Swim, Bike, Run ... Laugh by Dab Madson
(A Lighthearted look at training for an Ironman)
Tour de Force by Daniel Coyle
(An account of Lance Armstrong's 2004 Tour de France win)
Both are a good read.
Contact me at if you would like to read them.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Sunday Cycles

Thanks for a great turn out this morning. Four of us made in over from Athy to meet with a group of Eight from Portlaoise. A wee bit cold to start but the roads were dry and sun came out. Even the big hill in Timahoe did not deter us. Some good training was had by all, so for those who did not partake there will be plenty more cycling on saturdays and sundays. Watch the website and the text service. Don't forget to renew your membership. See you on the road....

Friday 28 January 2011

Book Review #3 - Hal Higdon's The Marathoners

Like many of you, I would know the name Hal Higdon as the person behind various training plans for running and triathlon. Hal is also the longest running contributor to Runners World for over 40 years.

This book was written in 1980, a time when long distance and recreational running was phenomonally big, comparable to the current interest in triathlon. While the book gives a quick history of marathon running before 1970, its focus is on the 1972-1980 period. During this time the marathon became a serious Olympic Sport, but more than that, it became an everyman event.

Higdon gives great details about the legends of the time, Frank Shorter and Bill Rodgers. The beauty of this book is that the author places you the reader right into the race - you can literally feel your heart beat faster as the pace increases, you can almost hear the crowds, taste the tension and feel the pain as each major race is described.

The book also gives a great insight into the development of the Boston and New York marathons, plus ground-breaking events in the 1970s like the inclusion of women in the sport for the first time, and how the sport grew from events that attracted 200 nutcases in 1970 to thousands of ordinary people by 1980.

Note:I read this on my Kindle, so I don't have a paper version - yet. I am trying to locate one, and will offer it around when I get it.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Ring Of Kerry 2011

As we put our schedule together for the coming year this is a great day & the possibility of making a weekend of it. It’s the 2011 Ring Of Kerry cycle, I just got the date today and it will take place on Sat 2nd of July. The hope to have the new web site up by end of February & then you can register. When you have registered then you may contact me and I will try and arrange accommodation for the group and organise transport. Its for 180KM of great scenery & great fun on the day, their was over 6000 cyclist last year and all you have to do is get some sponsorship, when you register they will send you some cards and the rest is easy. Any questions you can contact me.

(Its on the same weekend as Athlone)

Monday 24 January 2011

Bargain Magazine Subscription

Just to let you all know about a good deal for a limited time on Triathlete Europe. You get 12 issues for €34.95 (€2.91 per issue, about half the in-store price), plus you get a FREE T-shirt (black, with the word 'triathlete' across the centre).

The normal price is €44.95 for subscription, or about €5.50 per issue in the shops. In my opinion, at least, I find it the best of the 4 tri magazines available - 220 Triathlon, Triathlete Europe, Triathlon Plus and Triathletes World (and I have subscribed to them all at various times).

To get the deal:
1. Go here
2. Change the country to 'Republic of Ireland' - this also changes the pricing to Euros
3. Use the promotional code 'ET122010' to take the €10.00 off.

I am not sure how long the code will work until.

Friday 21 January 2011

No Pain, No gain!!

Judging by the grimace thats either one really bad groin strain or he mounted his bike a little too hard on the mount line. Nothing like some squashed goolies and 40 k still to go. You are the man, Roy! Now where is that damn ice machine?


It will take half an hour for thr leg of my trouser to dry!!!!!!!


And hold for 30 seconds...

Fridays Caption Comp....


We have a prize for the best caption................
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Monday 17 January 2011

Another New Member on the way

Hi everyone, I met Stephanie Hayes today and she asked me to relay to the club that the reason she has not been out training is due to the fact that she is due to have a new baby in May. Congratulations from all in Trilogy Steph, we'll see you back soon no doubt.

Friday 14 January 2011

Book Requests

If you would like to borrow the books I reviewed earlier in the week, just let me know. So far the borrowing chain is as below (person who has the book is in italics, please pass to the next person in turn):

Born to Run - Sinead Wearen -> Mark Neilon -> Noel O'Reilly -> Kevin Doyle -> Simon Tsang
Open - Sinead Wearen -> Mark Neilon -> Simon Tsang

Caption Comp...

Irelands got talent !!!


Tri this for a smile.

1st Caption of the Day

"We've done it again, Just signed up for the Desert Marathon......."

Friday's Caption Competition

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Thursday 13 January 2011

Half IronMan Sept 4th

Ok, so in a moment of madness I signed up for the Half IronMan in Galway this Sept. Anyone else doing it?

Cycling this weekend

Hi all, looks like we will get back to cycling this weekend at long last,so please spread the word at swimming tonight, cheers see you Sat mor at 9:30...

Wednesday 12 January 2011

ITU Race video

For those who have missed any of the ITU races on television, they can be seen on the ITU website.
Just follow the link below.

Book Review No. 2 - 'Open'

The second book is 'Open' by Andre Agassi. One of the best sports biographies I read, this is Andre's tale of an obsessive, controlling father that forced him into a sport he never loved, his battles with his deformed back, especially in later life, his brushes with drugs, first his father' attepmt to put him on speed to improve his game, then his own decision to take Crystal Meth to deal with fame; his two marriages, first to Brooke Shields, then to Steffi Graf. It also deals with his approach to fitness, strength and conditioning and his battle with the psychology of the game.

Despite the many hurdles he faced, Agassi became no.1 in the world on three occassions, won every one of the 4 Tennis 'Grand Slams', and was the first player to have done this and win a Gold Medal at the Olympics.

The book is called 'Open' and it truly is - very personal, very open and written in a way that you won't be able to put down. You do not need to be a tennis fan or even know who Agassi is, the book is so well written that you will quickly want to know who he is and what the sport is all about.

Monday 10 January 2011

Deliberate error on the Trilogy calandar

Did anybody spot the deliberate error on the Trilogy 2011 calandar.
Karl is trying to test your mental agility as well as your physical !

Book Review - 'Born to Run'

Been meaning to post up some of the books I have been reading over Christmas (and the perfect weather we'vebeen having for reading).

There are 2 books that I think anyone might enjoy and the first is 'Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen' by Christopher McDougall. About a native people in Mexico that run long distances over rough terrain at consistent pace and practically barefoot, it is also a great story of a legendary race, of some of the greats of Ultra-Running, of a mysterious eccentric.

Most of all, for me, it is an inspirational new way of thinking about running. I absolutely loved the book! Both Niall Kavanagh and Patrick Marshall recommended it to me, and I have since lent my copy to Sinead. If you'd like a read of it after Sinead, just let me know, I'll happily get it to you.

I will send a review of my second book in a couple of days ... anyone read anything interesting?

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Caption Competition

The chip removed from Sineads shoulder had begun to form after TT6 'Trish-gate'.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Triathletes are not normal!

Hi everyone, I just had to share this with you all. I was bringing Tiernan out today teaching him how to cycle his bike. Brónagh asked him the following: "Tiernan when you can cycle, are you going to become a triathlete like Mammy and me?"
Tiernan's reply was this: "I don't think so Brónagh. I just want to be a normal person."

What can I say?

She loves you

Hi Patrick, my interpretation of your Christmas present is this:
Catriona loves you and has picked something that she knows you are more than capable of doing but you won't get the finger out and do it yourself. You know what they say? Behind every good man, there is a woman......

Best Christmas present or not. I'll let you decide.


Just want to get some advice on this, best present or not. Catriona has gone and entered me for Ironman Wales. What does this mean? Any help in this area would be much appreciated. Roll on 2011. Will need plenty of advice from our Iron men and ladies.

Monday 3 January 2011

Saturday 1 January 2011

New Years Walk,

The new year has begun & to start it with something different why not try a walk in the sleive bloom on Monday the 3/01.We will meet at Topaz petrol station on the mountmeillick road at 10 am & at the Topaz petrol station on the Portlaoise road into mountmellick at 10.30.All are welcome & we wil make this a family day out(Children over 10).
Type: Eco Walk Loop
Trailhead: Cadamstown Car Park- 5k from Kinnitty Co Offaly
Distance: 7K
Time : 2-2.5 Hours
Terrain: Mix of laneways, riverbank paths, forestry tracks and minor roads.
Difficulty: Moderate
To Suit: Good level of fitness
Minimum Gear : Sturdy Walking Boots, Rain Wear, Fluids, Mobile Phone.
If you have a flask then bring it & some drinks & snack bars,& dont forget your camera.

The walk is one of the new ECO walks & you wil be provided with maps. Any questions or problems give me a buzx. 0879885950

Michael Farrell