Friday 24 September 2010

Sunday Cycle

Hi Guys,

Sunday Cycle leaving the Courthouse in Athy at 8.30am. See you bright and early. Helmet mandatory.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

New home for the Roo

Hi everyone, I'm just putting this out to see if anyone is interested in buying my Quintana Roo Lucero with training wheels AND go faster wheels! She is a LOVELY bike and I want to see her go to a good home. So, if anyone is interested and has 2K to spare, give me a call on 087-1341074.

... I see what you mean, Sinead

... not sure how I missed it the first time?

Supporter Extrodinaire

Hi Karl, that suppoter was Helena and she has been trying to contact Limerick Tri Club since we got home to return the glasses.

Missing Sunnies from Budapest

Message here from Laoise in Limerick Tri Club ... if anyone can help, please let me (Karl) know.

I was away recently in Budapest at the World Championsips and was competing on the Sunday in the age group Olympic event. On the run section I had my sunglasses with me and they kept falling off and annoying me so I gave them to a very helpful Irish supporter to mind! (I believe this was a female Trilogy Triathlon club member, maybe someone who did the sprint event the previous day?)

The supporter was doing a great job cheering everyone on and was located on the bike course out near the transition area. They were blue and white oakleys. I am wondering if anyone knows who the person was that I gave them to and is there any chance that they brought them home for me as I didn't manage to locate them in the aftermath? If not, don't worry but I'd be delighted with any help you could provide,

Sunday 19 September 2010

Reeling in the year!

It is hard to imagine that we are at the end of another very successful season. I am putting together a ‘Year Book’ of sorts with every ones favourite memory’s of the season. Will everyone send me an email with their favourite memory or indeed memories of 2010. It can be 10 pages long or just 10 words. We want to hear from all club members.

Subbit My Favourite Memory of 2010 in 2 Minutes

Friday 17 September 2010


Well done to Avril Byrne on comming home a very close 5th Female in her first Half Ironman. I believe she needed a bit more road to catch 4th. The swim sounded terrable which unfortunately got the better of Wesley but well done for completing the bike section.
Also I see Niall Kavanagh came 2nd in his age group in a 10K road race.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Tex Mex

Yeah. Went for a run this morning and was pursued by farmers bearing pitch forks......


Only now has the body and soul recovered from this wonderful trip. Well done to everyone envolved in making it happen. Unfortunately they had no control over the weather (Karl must be keeping his contact for TriAthy) but that didn't dampen our spirits - at least not for long.
Great racing from all our competitors and what an experience. As for our supporters - the most vocal of them all.
Dave - are you wearing that Mex T-Shirt around Athy??? Can't wait to see the photos!!!

Budapest Rocks

Just a quick note of appreciation for everyone who travelled to Budapest at the weekend. The weather was abyssmal on Saturday but everyone endured the elements to compete and support. A lot of work went into the preparation for the event and I would like to thank Karl, Roy and Murt for all their work without which the event would not have happened. Also Brian was instrumental in ensuring our bikes were able to travel with us. I heard some competitors spent a small fortune transporting their steed. It was great to see our two young men, Michael and Jonathan put in strong times in atrocious conditions. Fair play to Shane who had the performance of the weekend after a hard week. Also Murt showed that pain is only temporary and no barrier to perseverance. Viva Trilogy!
Hey everyone... its mad to think that my first comment on is to congratulate everyone on the accomplisment that is the conquering the world triathlon championships in budapest. The performances were brilliant, the support was fantastic and the setting was magnificant. Bring on 2011...

Junior Cert Results

Just a quick note to let everyone know Johnathan got some great results in his Junior Cert results today. Well done JR!

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Well done!

Big congrats to everyone that competed in Budapest. Looking forward to the full report. Just wondering who did Jonathan not meet!

Sunday 12 September 2010

World Championships equals Personnel Bests

Well done to Shane Delaney, Brian Bonham, Karl McCann, Murt Kane and Taco Camphuijsen who all completed the Olympic distance today in Budapest. With PBs all round, they did themselves, the club and their country proud.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Good luck to one and all in Budapest....

Message from the Chairman !
Co-incidentally I was in Budapest yesterday morning en route to
Skopje on the early morning flight..just doing a reconnisance for
you all !..met some of the Limerick Tri guys... all looks good from
the air anyway !..wish I could be there. Good luck sincerely to
all athletes,young and old, Thanks also to our team manager,
assistants,supporters and groupies for making it all happen for
our brillant Irish team.
Go n-éirigh an bóthar libh go léir

From the Specialised tent, courtesy Bobby

Former World Champ Tim Don meets Johnathan

And we're away ...

Pictured just before we left Portlaoise for Budapest yesterday. Not in the picture but also racing is Denise Murphy, Johnathan Robinson, Dave Osborne and Shane Delaney. Viva Trilogy!
Former World Champ Tim Don meets Johnathan

Wednesday 8 September 2010


Here we go here we gooooo, here we go here we go here we go-oh. Watch out Budapest! Yay

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Talent ID Day

For our juniors, please logon to and go to the Talent ID section. There is a survey that you must fill out to apply to attend. You can contact me for more details through

Monday 6 September 2010


Just like to wish all our athlets the best of luck in Budapest this week, im sure you will do yourself and the club proud,and not to forget the supporters,the sound of our voices {cheers} will be worth seconds maybe minutes to our athlets... GO TRILOGY...

Saturday 4 September 2010

Weather in Budapest

Mixed bag in Budapest at the moment with temperatures forecast to be around 18 celsius during the day and between 10 and 15 celsius at night. Little bit of rain to make us feel at home, not that we care being the hardy outdoorsy people that we are!!!!