Tuesday 25 August 2009

Well done Sinead and Brian!

I would also like to add my congratulations to both of you. As someone who cant even begin to imagine what actually doing a race of that length is like (considering I bearly finished an olympic), I can only express my admiration that you had the courage to enter, and the belief and fortitude that you could finish.

A heart felt well done, you are in inspiration!


Sunday 23 August 2009

Eireman - Done!

I'm not sure how she managed it, but Sinead had enough energy to pick up the phone and talk me through the Eireman race she completed today. With the swim cancelled, she completed 185km - thats Portlaoise to Cork - in 6:40, and then ran a sub-6 hour marathon with a bandy achilles heel. (Seems she brought the runners after all ...)

With little training she more than matrched her times in Ironman UK. Well done Sinead and to the other competitors from Trilogy - Margot, Liam and Brian. On a day that the club would call off training, you endured for 12 hours and more all that the weather could throw at you.

Sinead, we'd love a Wearen Web report for the record!

Friday 21 August 2009

"Competing" - way too strong of a word

Hi Trish, thanks so much for your good wishes. As you know, I'm heading to wexford to TAKE PART in Eireman. I'm predicting that I'll get through the swim. I might even get on the bike. Whether I finish the bike or not, I won't be taking part in the run. My achillies can't even manage a shuffle for 10mins so I'm taking Willie's advice and leaving the runners at home.
Best of luck to everyone who is involved with the organising of the Heritage and of course to the competitors. Looking forward to hearing about it next week.

Thursday 20 August 2009


Good Luck to Sinead and Brian who are competing in Courttown at the weekend.

Sunday 16 August 2009


Sorry can't put much light on why Trilogy got prize along with 2 other clubs as my ears only picked up when I heard Trilogy mentioned, so I quickly got myself up there to collect.  The bottles are now standing beside those Two Lovely Trophey's I won last year (soon to depart my house).
Well done Louise & Roy and everyone who competed yesterday.

Well done Roy and Louise

Hey olympians. Sorry I didn't get to see you finish but I was thinking of you. Can't wait to see you so you can give me a low down. Maybe you could each write a race report. Also well done to Karl who posted a PB yesterday of 2hrs 24mins, to Willie who on his birthday achieved a 40min 10km run and to Mick the happy face Farrell who completed his first olympic distance on IRISH SOIL. Well done everyone, it was a great turn out from Trilogy. For some reason, that I think only Trish is aware off, Trilogy were given 2 bottles of Champers yesterday. We'll be saving them for the Trilogrammies. Can't wait for that event.

Saturday 15 August 2009


A word of thanks to all of you who stayed back to cheer me in today. I know it was over an hour for some of you, but you all made it worth while, considering I was going to pack it it after the cycle.

Now its off to soak in a hot bath and wonder why we put ourselves through this.

Oh and well done to all finishers, especially Louise. That girl has courage.


Wednesday 12 August 2009

Do you have a wetsuit? And your own helmet?

... Well give this a go


Congratulations Mark O'Sullivan

Well done Mark on a great performance over the weekend. These were excellent times for very hot conditions. 29 degrees!!
4km swim = 1hr 54mins
120km bike = 4hr 28mins
30km run = 3hr 11min (I think, i don't have the transition breakdown)
Over all time 9hrs 13mins 57secs to place him 13th in his age group.
You can relax now. All your hard work has paid off.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Relay Teams?

I wonder would the Fingletons manage to muster a team to enter? They're a competitive bunch too, racing Fingleton Boys (captained by Christy) vs Fingleton Girls (captained by Mary) at a recent triathlon. Did anyone hear the result?

What about a team of BahWaG's (boyfriends, husbands, wives and girlfriends)? Isn't it time you showed the other half they're not so special after all?

I also have heard of two other team captains 'talking the talk' ... lets see you 'walking the walk'! Entry closes on Monday you know ...

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Heritage Challange

Come on folks I think we need a few more Relay Teams in here - preferably 3 person teams - this is a strong team of family I have including one Novice -  so WHO WANTS TO CHALLANGE US.
Also GOOD LUCK to Mark O'Sullivan.

Monday 3 August 2009

100Km, 50km or 20km Cycle Next Sunday

Hi everyone, just thought I'd let you know that next Sunday there is a cycle called 'Tour of Kildare'. If anyone is interested, check out the link below.
It is for the Marie Keating foundation.

Saturday 1 August 2009

Cycle tomorrow anyone?

I'm going out for a bit of a cycle tomorrow so if anyone wants to join me, just send me a text or ring: 0871341074

Words fail me

Please can someone give this photo its full potential by adding their thoughts?

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