Friday 24 July 2009

Not racing? Go Running

Jimmy from Porlaoise AC has asked me to let you all know that Portlaoise AC have a regular Saturday session in Oakvale woods, Stradbally at 10:15am. Beginners and improvers welcome. A good training session to improve your run times if you are not away racing.

Sunday 19 July 2009

Check out the finishers video's

Hi everyone, I've just logged onto and when you select the results (provisional), select agegroup full information system. When you type in who you are looking for, all the information about that person comes up in detail. It is very good but the cherry on top is your actual finishers video. For anyone out there who wants to see themselves crossing the line, you will find it either very funny or very terrible!!

Tuesday 14 July 2009

220 and TriAthy III

So my monthly bible was dropped through the door today and I bypassed everything to see Kevin Bracken on page 73. Sorry Maeve but I just couldn't help myself!! What Karl didn't say was that there was an excellent 2 page spread on TriAthy. Well done Karl. It is great to know that our club is associated with an event which boasts the fastest time of the western world. Oh Yeah, and Kevin looks the part as well :-)

Saturday 11 July 2009

Congratulations Jane and Clive

Oisin Byrne joined the clan of Jane, Clive, Aine (and an ironman medal)earlier today weighing in at 9lb 14.5oz. Well done Jane and congrats from all in Trilogy.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Well Done Dermo!

Sinead, I think it is called getting value for money!

Because I know I could never do it!

Well done Dermo, Karen, Clive and the others, you are an inspiration to us all.


Monday 6 July 2009

The Dermot Update

A huge congratulations goes to Dermot O'Leary who completed his first ironman distance in a time of 16hrs 25mins. Well done Dermot - you made a day out of it!!!

Sunday 5 July 2009

I'm exhausted

I feel as if I'm after completing 10 ironmans today but I didn't. A huge congratulations to all of our (some old) new ironman friends. We'll swap stories soon.
Colin Pollock - 10:06:34
Clive Byrne - 11:43:50
Margot Buchhorn - 12:01:32
Aidan Quigley - 12:08:00
Karen Robinson - 12:29:47
Charlie Murphy - 12:45:51
Ken Barry - 12:49:00
Hilary Jenkinson - 13:14:35
Dermot O'Leary - pending

Well done you brave people. I'm so jealous. I really wish I had of been with you all today. And of course, well done to all your families. The madness is over now - well, until the next time of course. :)

Check out 220 magazine

The guys doing so well in the Ironman race might make next months issue, but Kevin Bracken becomes the first Trilogy man to appear in Triathlon 220 magazine, see the full colour shot on page 73 of the new edition just out!

And keep the updates coming Sinead!

They are on the run!

Here are the bike splits and T 2 times for our Ironman Athletes:
Margot = 6.04.28 T2 = 7.43
Ken = 6.09.26 T2 = 3.57
Dermot = 7.58.18 T2 = 4.37
Karen = 5.53.00 T2 = 5.49
Clive = 5.55.39 T2 = 5.19
Hilary = 6.44.23 T2 = 11.23
Charlie = 5.51.57 T2 = 6.27
Colin = 5.20.22 T2 = 5.23
Aidan = 5.22.13 T2 = 16.48

Ironman Swims

Trilogy and Carlow are doing us proud in Germany. All our athletes are on their bikes now. Here are their swim times;
Margot = 1.07.19 T1 = 6.34
Ken = 1.16.14 T1 = 6.41
Dermot = 1.28.35 T1 = 8.31
Karen = 1.23.42 T1 = 4.04
Clive = 1.11.47 T1 = 5.48
Hilary = 1.03.23 T1 = 9.53
Charlie = 1.14.49 T1 = 10.00
Colin = 58.17 T1 = 4.49
Aidan = 1.16.20 T1 = 7.25
I'll keep you all posted through out the day for their bike times.

Ironman Updates Half way Bike Split

Well, all our triathletes are flying the flag proudly. Here are the times for the 97.2km mark on the cycle.
Margot = 3.06.19
Ken = 3.10.01
Dermot = 3.52.03
Karen = 2.58.14
Clive = 2.58.08
Hilary = 3.17.06
Charlie = 2.57.36
Colin = 2.44.25
Aidan = 2.44.00
Well done again crew. They are over half way there.

Ironman Swims

Trilogy and Carlow are doing us proud in Germany. All our athletes are on their bikes now. Here are their swim times;
Margot = 1.07.19 T1 = 6.34
Ken = 1.16.14 T1 = 6.41
Dermot = 1.28.35 T1 = 8.31
Karen = 1.08.58 T1 = 4.04
Clive = 1.11.47 T1 = 5.48
Hilary = 1.03.23 T1 = 9.53
Charlie = 1.14.49 T1 = 10.00
Colin = 58.17 T1 = 4.49
Aidan = 1.16.20 T1 = 7.25

I'll keep you all posted through out the day for their bike times.

Saturday 4 July 2009

Johnathan says Thank You

Hi everyone, just to let you know that I was speaking with Johnathan at 15:30hrs today and he reassures me that he is ok. His cheek is a bit sore but he is already talking about Athlone! Anyway, he has asked me to put this on the web to say thank you to everyone in the club especially the guys who stopped and helped him and also to the 3 guys who called into the hospital to make sure he was ok. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery Johnathan, from all in Trilogy.

Friday 3 July 2009

Best of Luck to our Ironman Athletes

Hey everyone, just in case, like me - you have no life, here is my plan for Sunday. I will be following all our friends from Trilogy and Carlow Tri Club on line for their race on Sunday 5th July. They will be in the water from 06:45 and have a cut off time to complete the race of 16hrs. THEY ARE: Margot Buchhorn - 478
Ken Barry - 839
Dermot O'Leary - 2114
Karen Robinson - 696
Clive Byrne - 974
Hilary Jenkinson - 569
Charlie Murphy - 2060
Colin Pollock - 2239
Aidan Quigley - 2260
Best of luck to all of you. All the work is done now and the race is only a formality. Just remeber, each swim stroke, revolution of the pedals and foot step will take you closer to the finish. Enjoy!

Thursday 2 July 2009

Cycle Training

Hi Everyone

You might be interested in this as part of your training?

'Annual Trip to Tipp' in aid of the National Council for the Blind.

The choice of events are as follows:

Saturday 18th July

60km three counties cycle. 1pm start from Anner Hotel, Thurles

Sunday 19th July

Tipp 200               200km       9:00am start  at the Anner Hotel, Thurles.
Long Route         100km      10:30am start at the Anner Hotel, Thurles.
Medium Route   60km      10:30am start at the Anner Hotel, Thurles.
Short Route        20km     11:45am start at the Anner Hotel, Thurles.

Very well organised event.  

T shirts.  Refreshments regularly along the way.  Showers available at the hotel.

30 euro entry fee or sponsorship cards also available.

Thanks to all who participated last year.

By the way Thurles is now only a 35/40 minute drive away from Portlaoise!!


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