Friday 6 June 2008

Trilogy's future is bright

Hi Karl,
Ross Byrne (15 yrs old) completed his first Aquathon, first open water swim of 750m followed up by a 4km run in an excellent time of 36mins 30secs, placing him 41st in a field of 80 veteran triathletes. Ross, who had never worn a wetsuit before will only improve on this, as he committed the crime we all commit on our first (for others 10) open water swim. He followed some one else whose orienteering in the water wasn't the best. Congrats Ross. You'll be able to knock a few more minutes off next Wednesday when we sort out your transition!
And not to be out shone, Laura Ridgeway (16 yrs old) also made an amazing debut into the world of multisport. In a time of 37mins 15secs, Laura was placed 44th in this field. Laura has never swam in open water before so she also had the restriction of the 'wetsuit' to adjust to. She did extremely well. Unfortunately Laura will not be able to take part for the next 2 races as she will be on holidays but be warned fellow Trilogy members. The dedication that these athletes are showing will have us all on edge when they start competing in our Test Tri Series! Watch this space.