Friday 27 June 2008

Lough Key Tri


The Lough Key Sprint Tri in Lough Key forest park is now open. It is set in the park near Boyle in Roscommon, with a lake swim, a 23K cycle around the lake, and a run through the forest.
A very nice tri, and the park has a campsite for those of you who might want to take the family with you.
I did this last year and we all had a ball. It is on the 7th September this year.

More details here

I am going, any one else want to join me?



Wednesday 25 June 2008

Nature Valley Granola Bars

... the food of champions, now half-price for 6 bars in Dunnes Stores. Approx %euro;1.50 per box. Stock up!

Monday 23 June 2008


Hi people,
The new batch of Bfuel has arrived so give me a shout if you need some ok...

Sunday 22 June 2008

Worth a look

Friday 20 June 2008

Bring your Basin tomor...

Hi people it may sound strange  but one piece of your arsenal tomor for transition might be a basin of water....Is he gone mad i hear you ask??? No I reply its very handy for a quick dip of the feet to wash of the sand from the beach{Bet you never thought of that one mr and mrs season Triathlons PS IT WAS PAAAAATRICK on the news....

Marshal was seen

Yep, Murt I saw him too.

It's only for the fact that him didn't shave, that made him stand out.

Thursday 19 June 2008

Marshall on Six One News?

Murt claims to have seen the 'bould' Marshall zipping past a cameraman cover the Turas. But then again Marshall was moving so fast Murt can't be sure. Anyone else see it?

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Adventure Racing Update

I have been keeping a close eye on the Turas and am glad to say that Midland AR are all in good spirits and enjoying themselves despite the awful weather and high seas. This is day three of the event and they will be spending the day trekking around the Beara peninsula with visibility expected to be quite poor so let’s hope their navigator is in top form.  Looking forward to a good report from Patrick when it is all over.

Monday 16 June 2008


I would just like to thank Sinead, Maeve and Kevin for organising the event on Saturday. My 2 kids had a ball, and want to know when they can do it again. Maybe I have some triathletes on my hands.

Thanks again to all who helped!

Friday 13 June 2008

Trilogy, Adventure Race world series and Barnardos

Hi Lads and ladies,

As some of you know Team Midlands AR are off Cork/Kerry for a big race. We would be very greatful if you could lend your support to the team by donating to our choosen charity Barnardos. Please visit to donate online or send us a pledge and I can collect the money after the race. You can follow the race at Thanks a mill.


Orca Tri Suit for Sale

Brand New 2008 version of the classic Orca suit (similar to the old Trilogy gear) for sale. RRP is about €150, you have get this one for €95. One size only, and its XL. Enquiries to Karl.

Thursday 12 June 2008

Club National Series Rankings

Well gang,
It's just hot of the press. TI have released the latest rankings.
The top Trilogy spot goes to....
Cornelius Marshall in at 113
followed by
Mark O'Sullivan at rank 200 and
Máire Marshall at rank 339

Well done to all three, keep up the good work.

Friday 6 June 2008

Trilogy's future is bright

Hi Karl,
Ross Byrne (15 yrs old) completed his first Aquathon, first open water swim of 750m followed up by a 4km run in an excellent time of 36mins 30secs, placing him 41st in a field of 80 veteran triathletes. Ross, who had never worn a wetsuit before will only improve on this, as he committed the crime we all commit on our first (for others 10) open water swim. He followed some one else whose orienteering in the water wasn't the best. Congrats Ross. You'll be able to knock a few more minutes off next Wednesday when we sort out your transition!
And not to be out shone, Laura Ridgeway (16 yrs old) also made an amazing debut into the world of multisport. In a time of 37mins 15secs, Laura was placed 44th in this field. Laura has never swam in open water before so she also had the restriction of the 'wetsuit' to adjust to. She did extremely well. Unfortunately Laura will not be able to take part for the next 2 races as she will be on holidays but be warned fellow Trilogy members. The dedication that these athletes are showing will have us all on edge when they start competing in our Test Tri Series! Watch this space.

News on Juniors in Mullingar?

Any news Sinead??

Some great "unofficial" photos of TriAthy

Gordon Thompson has been at it again! Some superb shots from TriAthy posted on his own website. Click photo below to see more.

All Photos copyright of Gordon Thompson - please respect.

Wicklow 100

Hi lads,
Anyone interested in doing the wicklow 100 this sunday we will meet at UCD at 8 o clock ok see you there...

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Good Luck to the Junior Squad

Hi everyone, just to let you know that a couple of our junior members are taking part in the Midlands aquathon tomorrow night in Lilliput. We wish them all the best of luck. I'm sure they'll do themselves and Trilogy proud.

14th June

Hi everyone, I'm putting a call out to those of you who may be able to lend a hand for 2 - 3 hours on 14th June. Trilogy will be holding the childrens duathlon and junior aquathon on this day in Port Laoise Leisure Centre. We only have the pool and field booked for 1 hour from 10:00 - 11:00. We will be looking for help from 09:00hrs to 11:00 at the latest. If you are available to help out in any way, please contact Sinead on 087 1341074.
The Youth Committee

Sunday 1 June 2008


A BIG Thank You to all involved with Tri Athy.  It was great to have you all cheering along the way - I did hear you. 
Karl & your helpers did a great job.  How you managed the fantastic weather conditions I don't know but you obviously have pull somewhere.

TriAthy - A hugh Success

Hi guys, I just want to say how much I enjoyed competing in the 'Come on Sinead', I mean TriAthy triathlon. Thanks to everyone for cheering me on and sorry if I had no energy to acknowledge you all when I was taking park. You all helped me achieve a new Olympic distance PB. There is a HUGH amount of work that goes into organising a triathlon of this size and everyone in Trilogy can give themselves a pat on the back for the outstanding part they played. Next year I'll be the one cheering ye on. Now, I've to go back to work and take another few tablets for my hangover. It is, after all, the morning after THE NIGHT BEFORE.