Thursday 29 May 2008

Mr Spencer Smith

Hi all long cycle tonight from the heritage gym be there for 6.45 to leave at 7pm sharp. Joining us tonight is Spencer Smith
His short course titles include:
ITU World Triathlon Champion 1993 1994
ITU World Triathlon Junior Champion 1992
ETU European Triathlon Champion 1993 1994
BTA British Triathlon Champion 1991 1992 1993 1994.

This is a once in a life time chance to cycle with a great athlete. Please be early. Photo shoot for local papers and please bring your Trilogy Gear…

Wednesday 28 May 2008

groomsport half Ironman

hi people,
Tom Downey's brother in law (Jamie) has kindly offered to help us out with a program for groomsport.
Jamie will need some of your personal details such as:
Your goal for groomsport
Some details of previous races and distances, times and personal bests.
The time that you have allocated for training
Your age and your occupation and a brief outline of how physical your job is.
Also include any questions you might like his advice on.
Please email your details on to Jamie at:-
ps: Jamie trains people for Ironman so he has a vast knowledge of the sport!!!!

Saturday 24 May 2008

Who is with me?

Hi guys, this is a call out to everyone in the club. I'm seriously contemplating doing Ironman Austria 2009. I understand that it is a hugh undertaking and needs a serious 6 month training effort. It is time for a few of you to put the thinking caps on and decide if you want to do this. This race sells out in less than 1 day. It will be opened this year on the 13th July, so for those of you who want to join me, please have your credit cards at the ready on this date. It is always a lot easier and a lot more fun to train for a big event like this when you are part of a group who have the same objectives - To Finish. Please let me know if you'll be joining me. Thanks, Sinead.

Thursday 22 May 2008

Bohnam Awakes


Did I really get first Murt??

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Thank You

Thanks for all those who turned up last night it was a interesting few hours. A word of thanks to Eimear and Nuala (Glambia) for their talk and their goody bag’s. To our own members Sinead, Karl, Murt and willie for there contribution. A Grey Quicksilver Track suit top was left behind on one of the chairs. If its your give us a text.

Unfortunate News for Noble

Hi guys, just thought I'd let you know the disappointing news about Gavin Noble's attempt for the Olympics. He had his last race on Sunday. He needed to gain 199 points minimum. It was always going to be a tough task as the winner is awarded 250 points. While Gavin did very well in the race (placed 19th), it was not enough to secure his place in the Olympics. For those of us who watched him race in the Europeans, he did us proud. Good luck for the future Gavin and congratulations for getting as far as you did from the crew in Trilogy. See you in TryAthy.

Monday 19 May 2008

Extreme Running

For those interested in extreme sports, there's a documentory of the
"Marathon des Sables 2008" (6day desert marathons) on the eurosport channel tonight at 22:45
This is the extreme event that Dale Kennedy completed in 2005 in a total time of 35H50'58" at an average speed of 6.85 km per hour.

See web site for details.

Friday 16 May 2008

Cycle Saturday Morning

Hi All,
A note to say that Murt Keane will be going for a cycle in the morning at 9Am from the gym and all are welcome to join him. Our Summer training will still go ahead as planned. Sunday morning at 10 AM from the gym.

Photos from Lisbon

Might save people some time!

Thursday 15 May 2008

From Lisbon to the barrow

Hi fellow open water swimmers,myself and some hearty souls decided to swim the barrow on Wednesday evening just to see what the lie of the land was before we bring the club over and to my surprise I kid you not the water was Luke warm honestly...Lisbon was colder last Sunday so I can assure every one coming over next wed night that you need not worry about the cold...Bring on the good times...

Nokia Charger

Hi Trish,

I have spare chargers here in work. If you dont get it back, let me know the model and I will see if I have one for it.


Wednesday 14 May 2008

Room 43 Lisbon

Did anyone pack a Nokia phone charger by mistake? I appear to have lost it.

Tuesday 13 May 2008

To Tri for Country!

It was great to witness the achievements of all in Lisbon over the weekend. All were inspiring participants and I can't wait to race with them all in the next travelling trilogy trek for triathlon :)

Monday 12 May 2008

Lisbon - Gavins & Emmas Reports

What a great weekend? Anyone from Trilogy in Lisbon will tell anyone who wasn't there just that - probably a hundred time.

We had a round up of personal highlights today on our way home and for many, watching the elite race was a biggie. Both Gavin and Emma, contenders for Beijing at the start of the race, battled hard against lost water bottles and mishaps on the course.

It looks like Gavin did well to beat of the competition he knew about, but then didn't factor in a rising star who might now take his place to Beijing. See Gavins Blog here.

Emma Davis's take on the race is also available - see here. She was dogged by bad luck with her bike, but at the end of the race appears to be a little more comforatble than Gavin for Beijing.

PS there is a great race report about the Age-Group race and Team Trilogy to come from Trish, and a small mountain of photos from everyone to be published. Make sure you keep one eye on this site over the next few days for more.

From Lisbon.

To all the people that went to Lisbon worth a check out, but not till after the 14th May....


Saturday 10 May 2008

Hello From Portugal

Hello to everyone from Portugal. Having a great time with some training,some sightseeing and some shopping. we are all set for tomorrow. We will be back home Monday and maybe out to Togher woods for a light jog.

Friday 9 May 2008

Cycle Saturday

Hi Guys,

Is there a cycle on Saturday morning, or are we all doing our own thing?


Wednesday 7 May 2008

Re: Lisbon

Thanks Roy, we will give it our best shot..well done to everyone racing we have come so far in a short time its truly amazing..we are all winners... and to the rest of our members this will be you next year just just believe in yourself....


I hope all that are travelling to Lisbon will have a great time, and to all of you competing, the best of luck. It gives us beginners something to strive for in the future.

Good luck, have a great time, and do yourselves proud.


Thursday 1 May 2008

Damien and a bike

Hi lads and ladies,

Damien is looking for a bike. So if anyone is looking to sell their old training bike or if you know of a good second bike then let me know.


Great News

Great News for the Trilogy Three, and Great News for Trilogy! Thats around 25 competitors for a half-Ironman from one club! Anyone interested* in organising a training meeting to plan for the big day? * Ideally not a committee member!