Wednesday 30 April 2008

Who are 'The Trilogy Three'?

They are Shay McCourt, Karen O'Grady and Terry Wearen.
What are they doing I hear you ask?
Answer: They are taking on the Groomsport Half Ireman as a relay. We wish them all the best of luck.

And the All time sneaky trainer award goes to........

All time sneaky trainer award goes to........ Willie Fitzpatrick!!!!
Spotted out in the Heath in his wet suit & runners!! Before we hand out this award to Willie, the Heath Golf Club & the RSPA have respectfully asked Mr. Fitzpatrick to stop swimming in the lake & scaring the Ducks!! It's was only ever intended for the local wildlife & not madmen in rubber suits!!!

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Bike Rack


I was in Halfords in Naas today, and they are selling off a bike rack for a roof rack, similar to mine, if any one is interested. It is half price at €18. They only had one, so if you want it, hurry!.


Monday 28 April 2008

It starts with the small things...

Obviously, it starts with the free hat, and soon he will by competing for .............Switzerland?

Sign Here


You sign here Willie and we will pay you twice as much as Trilogy....
Posted by Picasa


While your there, measure me up for a wetsuit!  Don't care about the colour, a long as it is black.
Not too fussy about size, as long as it fits.
Cheers Mate.

The new album

Have the Album Karl but still burning the Joe Dolan CD,s for all the Military Boys in the club. Going to wheelworxs tomorrow (Tues) to collect a new bike for our newest member Mr Noel O Reilly (Trigger) if anyone needs anything give us a shout.


The New James Blunt?

i think you found the new James Blunt with that video Mick? Did you download the rest of the album?

Sunday 27 April 2008

Farmers are our Friends

I just want to thank Padraig, the farmer in Portarlington (and hopefully new member of Trilogy) for helping me with my flat tyre today. See you next month at training Padraig.

Friday 25 April 2008

What do YOU want to know about Triathlon?

Hi everyone,

As you are all aware, Trilogy are holding an information night on the 19th May.  This night is run BY the club, FOR the club.  We want to hear what you – the members want.  Please post any questions you have (no matter how silly they seem) or any topics you would like to be covered, up on the Website Chat section.  If you currently have no access to this, contact Mick Farrell who will only be to happy to assist you with this.  Bring friends and family along.  Everyone is welcome.  Remember, Triathlon is not just a sport – it’s a lifestyle! See you there.

Worth a look

Is that Pawel in the red swim hat???….

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Our Info Night

Hi Roy,
It’s a night that we open our doors to the outside world and invite people to come along and see what happens at a triathlon. Last one we held in the Heritage hotel last May. We all have people that ask us what’s it all about? So this is the night that it will all be explained. We also have benefits for existing members on the night so come along Roy and bring your friends. (Even the wife?)

Excuse my stupidity, but what exactly is a "Triathlon for beginners" night?

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Old Wives

Hey Mick,
Speak for yourself! You obviously havent met my wife!

P.S. Dont tell her I said that......

Old Wives!!!

O Karl you can't say these words when you're married....We don't have any old wives....


Our Pathfinder

What, no one is after Terry, he has passed his Wife and passed the Guards. He is our new pathfinder.....Who needs the Rangers....Well done Terry

Those Pesky Winter Stains

One of our members has a problem. Wet weather and road dirt has left unwashable stains on his beautiful Trilogy cycling jacket, and having washed at 30 degrees (recommended temperature), 40 degrees (risking it?) and even 50 degrees (you mad yoke) they will not budge.

Any old wives tips that might help?

Monday 21 April 2008

Emailing: 2428112596_9ef694977c

Look out Terry the wife and the guards are after you............

Sunday 20 April 2008

Thanks Roy

That is great Roy. I'll be giving you a shout. If anyone wants a couple of copies, can ye let me know?

Sky +

Hi Sinead,

I have done this in the past. I have a DVD recorder, and I can give you a loan of it, (dont use it much now with the invention of Sky +).

Let me know if you need me to help and I will gladly come to your assistance.

Idea for getting races off Sky+?

If you got your hands on a DVD recorder, you should be able to connect the SCART that goes into your TV into the DVD recorder. You should then be able to play the races on Sky+, recording on DVD recorder.

The Glass Slipper.

Eight o'clock struck and I was lost in transition. I picked up a shoe. It had the same lock lace as mine. I stood dazed, losing focus. Then it happened, a sharp lash of the Bracken tongue, "That's mine" it lashed. I dropped the shoe. Maeve scampered under her bike to retrieve. I turned saw my shoes, put them on and legged it up the road. I got another tongue lashing as she passed me several hundred yards up the road. Then it was Trish's turn. As she passed me shortly after, she pointedly reminded me in short sharp stabs not to park my bike in her spot. (I found out later that she had to scarper under my bike to retrieve her shoes).
These are the delights that I, a mere mortal of the duathlon type had to endure, as I so ably and single handedly hindered others, in the hope that I might still beat them in that second run of the so recent duathlon.
LADIES, I humbly apologise for my indiscretions and hope that you both can forgive me and let me beat you next time.

Right, that said, does anyone else have any race faux pas, they want to get of their chest?

Sky + Box

Hi guys,
I have recorded a Channel 4 Triathlon Series "Build up to Hawaii" on SKY +. There are 4 episodes including Ironman Uk 2007. Are there any computer/tv wizards out there who know how to burn this on to a dvd so I can share it out with the club?

Saturday 19 April 2008


Taco (THE UGLY SISTER) was spotted trying to put on Maeve’s (CINDERELLA) glass Assics on Thursday night. Luckily Maeve arrived just in time where she put on her glass runner and ran all the way to the finish line where prince charming was waiting to cheer her on…

Friday 18 April 2008


Don’t forget to check the kit list before heading to the north tipp sprint tri tomorrow.  There are a few essential items you should remember to bring i.e. a Bike (try to bring both wheels), your tri suit, a pair of runners (one left and one right works well). Sleep well………..

Wednesday 16 April 2008


Hi aLL,
Today is a special day for two of our members, Its Karl McCann, and Steve Irwin’s birthday. So happy birthday and have a great day and hope you get lots of presents. I wont tell you their ages but one is 22 and the other is 23...


Tuesday 15 April 2008


Sorry I haven't been in touch Mike but I'm so busy finding Sneaky training routes out of town so Sinead won't spot me.
Sinead sorry to hear you fell off the kerb while looking around for other Trilogy members - take it easy for a few days & don't be driving around looking for me - hope you will be good for Saturday.

Thanks for the registration

Just want to thank Mick Farrell and anyone else who has helped register me for all of my requested races so far. I have received yet another successful confirmation in my inbox. I cannot imagine that it is an easy job and I really appreciate it.

Monday 14 April 2008

Nice day for the sneaky training

Today the sun was shining and many of Trilogy's members wanted to take full advantage of it. Now, I'm not one for naming names BUT Eugene Dowdall was spotted running along the Curragh plains at lunch time. Mark O' Sullivan wanted to avoid any one catching him out in the fresh air by opting for the treadmill in the gym, again at lunch time. As the sun was still shining brightly after 17:30hrs, Emer Mathews took to her bike. I didn't find Trish the fish. She is getting better at hiding and as for you Mick Farrell, you failed dismally in your mission.

Sunday 13 April 2008

Trish O Trish

Its has been put up to you now Trish. You have stayed silent all last week so speak now or forever hold you peace….

Taco the Tool Man

Hi Kevin, don't worry about some one showing you how to use your new tool kit. I think we forgot to mention at the AGM that Taco is Trilogy's designated Mechanic. Congratulations Taco on your new role!
As for the secret training sisters - keep up the good work. You might like to get a few tips on where to train from Trish the fish. Herself and Alison think they have found a new secret route in Kilkenny. Again I shake my head. Will ye never learn? I find out everything. (followed by an evil laugh).

Tool Kit

I bought the tool kit in Lidl’s now all I need is someone to show me how to use all those shiny new tools.

Thursday 10 April 2008

Secret Training

Even group 3 is doing secret training now, last night at 9 PM we had Miriam, Triona, and Louise pounding the block road. So to all the ladies ye better keep looking over your shoulder these girls mean business…

Conference Call

Hi all,
Our conference call is being arranged for 10pm tonight for anyone interested in setting up there “Trilogy Chat Service”. Please be at your PC, connected to the internet and have your E mail open. This will take about 20 minutes to get everybody up an running. Please join us, we only have a few listed and we would like to get more involved. Texts sent but only to those not registered with the numbers to Dial etc.

Wednesday 9 April 2008

In Hiding

Willie I think it is you that is gone into Hiding.  At least I still appear for Club Training (even if I do a little "sneaky" also).
Will he be at Swimming tonight and if NOT where is he????

Tuesday 8 April 2008

sneaky training

Noel Territ spotted out the Dublin road tonight at 6 45 pm.Nothing new in that I suppose...I suspect their is alot of sneaky training going on up around the curragh and the streets of Dublin with Mr McCann and Mrs wearen..not much been said about that I notice...Mick Farrell spends that much time lifting sneaky weights he will soon turn into a DUMBBELL [Too late I hear you scream] You see besides Mr Territt the other  three are the real sneaky trainers,they manage to hide it so well and then they try to back each other up and play all innocent....just see how long it takes before they attack me..prob have a sneaky meet first to decide what to post....Ps keep up the good work Roy...Mick as  for Trish think she is in the Wicklow mountain doing the sneaky thing....Wont mention Pawel and his sneaky training just yet.... chat soon and look foward to the reply people.... 

Well done Karl and TriAthy team

TriAthy is the selection race for the World University Triathlon.

A few more spots still up for grabs in Groomsport

April 6th - 40 more places available

Another 40 places for individual athletes have been more available through ActiveEurope. Including relay teams and guests we will have a maximum of 200 starters. There will be about a dozen clubs competing for the team prize.

Trilogy Chat

Hi All,
We hope to do a conference call Thursday night at 10pm to try and get the Trilogy chat set up for everyone. It is from an 0818 number and this is 8cent from you landline. You will have to be at your PC and have broadband. We will send out a text Wednesday to confirm the exact time and the number and extension you will have to dial. The call will take about 20 minutes.

Patrolling is not Sneaky Training

Roy, everyone knows that Sinead is the sneaky training police for Trilogy. She was obviously out on 'Sneaky Training Patrol' in Monasterevan when you saw her.

Roy Roy Roy

That's not sneaky training Roy all our Military vehicles and our entire Military transport system is on active duty in Chad and elsewhere. How sensitive Roy….............Now if she was going fast it was sneaky training....

Anyone seen Trish

Has Trish left the country....Your very quite you must have been rattled Saturday....

Monday 7 April 2008

Is this sneaky training?

I saw Sinead passing through Monasterevin, (I assume, on her way home) this evening. That Trilogy top and the aero bottle really give you away.

Is this classed as sneaky training?

Patrick, are you still with us?

Hi Patrick,
It was great to see team Marshall out in numbers (again) for the test tri on Saturday. I'm after reading Bobby Behan's blogg and he thinks that you are a member of Midlands Triathlon Club. Say its not true Patrick!!!

A great start!

I would also like to add my thanks to those who helped make Saturday a great start to the year, and a great start to my tri career. It was a high enjoyable, and sore morning, and I am looking forward to many more, and I must admit, it is making think of how I can shave time off mine already.

Thanks to all!

Off to a flying start!

Just wanted to say it was great seeing the race from the marshal's eyes over the weekend. I was delighted to see all the first timers really enjoying the experience, congrats to you all. I'm looking forward to the next event already. Roll on the summer!

Sunday 6 April 2008

Can but cant

Sorry you must have missed the race briefing yesterday it was a “training session” . Now why would I want to catch you I always give you a 20 minute head start to give you a chance.


I just want to say a big thank you to everyone involved on sat morning but especially to all the marshals and time keepers. It was great to be able to sit down today and look over the split times and try and work out where I can shave off a second or two for the next day out. I think there may be a few more people attending Willie’s transition training sessions. Look out Willie - I think that’s Karl just behind you.

'DO' and 'THOUGH'

thank you so much for your concern, but I have to point out that it is unwarranted. Even THOUGH I changed my training wheels to my racing wheels for, that is right - a race, most people in the club are aware that these are NOT new wheels. I actually bought them when I bought my bike (it is lovely, isn't it?) AND it was not their first outing either. They graced the roads around the Heath in our last Duathlon of 2007.
However Mick 'DO' keep trying to catch me. I always enjoy a challenge!!!

Sneaky New Equipment

I can just barely stand sneaky training and all that it brings. What I cant stand is people getting new equipment and telling no one. Turning up on the day and trying to hide it. Now not one said best of luck to poor Sinead. She came along yesterday with brand new wheels and brand new tyres and not one of ye said best of luck. Ye were all too involved with your own race and your own times so I think this week we should all say best of luck on her new tyres and wheels. (Even do you weren’t even told about them)

Saturday 5 April 2008


Lisbon competators check your e-mails as payment details are now there.
Also well done to everyone today, I think the BUG has caught the newcommers.  A BIG THANKS to the helpers who we could not do without.

Triathlon Season is back

Just to say Thank You to everyone who helped us have a very successful first Test Triathlon today. It is great to be racing again and the season of 2008 is looking very good.

PS: Mick you were in the steam room AFTER lifting a few weights!! Believe it or not, this does in fact count as 'Sneaky Training'.

Friday 4 April 2008

Not me Sinead,

On my Triathlon honour I never knew, I observed them as I looked out from the Steam room. I was not involved but there was the three of them and they were that blatant they took it in turns to lead. O the cheek…..

I find out everything

This message goes out to Mick Farrel, Kevin Bracken Simon Tsang and of course Noel Territ (The Instigator). Will ye never learn? Did you not think I would find out you were all sneaky training tonight? It just goes to show, NOTHING is sacred anymore. Ye have a test tri tomorrow. Hang your heads in shame I say in a deep and distrubed voice!

Good luck

Hi people, I would like to wish everyone well tomor and for the season ahead,the new people doing their first tri you are in for one of the best day of your life,well done to everyone involved in trilogy let the "good times" begin....Triathlon is the best sport in the world... 

Thursday 3 April 2008

Probably no rebate :(

Don't think so Kevin. The terms are a little unclear, but you do have to be a new customer (i.e. new e-mail). Let me know if you are ordering again in future, we need to get Maeve a new e-mail address anyway (shiny one too) so that we know who is posting here - you or her!


I have just placed my first order with wiggle but my account was set up a while ago. I entered through our club web site; will the club still get the benefits?

Wednesday 2 April 2008

Go To M.A.R.S for Barnardos.

Hi Lads and ladies,

Just letting you know that three trilogy members and a potential fourth member are taking on a four day non-stop world series adventure race in June, An Turas Mor .The team are the Midlands Adventure Racing Squad (M.A.R.S) made up of Patrick, Margot, Cornelius and Stephen. We are hoping to raise money along the way for Barnardos. Check out for more information and give what you can.

Oh also check out the gallery to see Trilogy as you've never seen it before.


Tuesday 1 April 2008

Willies Bike

 I'll have to up the bid to €100.00.  I might be able to catch Sinead on this fast machine.  Mind you I'm a bit concerned the way I have seen it throw it's rider off in Transition.

Thanks Guys

Looking forward to it!

Oh and Kevin, theres no need to worried about me, well not yet anyway!

A note for new comers

Don’t be afraid to ask for advice on Saturday.  We will be sure to put you right.  We are not afraid of the competition!  Honest.  Also, don’t forget to bring a lock for your bike as Willie Fitzpatrick has been known to steal other people’s bikes in transition to slow them down.


Thanks Mick - more for you Roy

Hi Roy,

More information here -, including links to reports and results and phtotos from previous years.

I will also be putting an announcement on News tomorrow.

Format for Saturday

Hi Roy, meeting at Gym at 8.00am Park your bike and get your gear ready.Register in Lobby of the gym.Race briefing at 8.30 and the first swimmers (ladies) will be in the water for 9AM. 10 Lenghts of Pool,15K cycle around portlaoise.3.2K run around town and finishing at gym. Maps to be on site later to show all the new members the route and also help some of the old members.Breakfast and results in Cafe Latte in theatre later.

Test Tri

Hi Guys,

As a newbie, what is the format for this test tri?


Congratulations to Tom & Triona who got engaged at the weekend, From all in the club the best of luck….
A bell is no bell 'til you ring it,
A song is no song 'til you sing it,
And love in your heartWasn’t put there to stay -
Love isn’t love'Til you give it away.
Well done..

Ahhh Willie's Bike....

I'll start the bidding,
My first offer is € 4.00 and a pram, which may come in handy.

But how do we know he's not trying to sell Simon's bike, just to get rid of the competition.