Friday 29 February 2008

Just getting back to the music

Sorry for the interuptions, but can I now also suggest for our 4 dearly beloved friends, that we included that lovely if not somewhat underrated track by "ABBA" called "Elaine"


In Trish Ticholls defense there are an unusual number of Elaines!  Should we number them?  MAEVE

The Downfall of Sneaky Training

Hi Trish,
all this sneaky training (run before swim on Wednesday night) is finally beginning to take its toll. I shake my head in dismay that you are behind on all that is happening with the social side of this club. Karl Mc Cann is bringing his wife, Elaine (maiden name) Justin, while William Fitz is bringing his girlfriend whose name is Elaine Mc Cann....Even if you do NO speed work this season, you are bound to catch up!!!


It could have been worse; Harry could have been bringing Trish Ticholls.

Kevin Kracken……….


What's going on here - Willie is bringing Elaine McCann & Karl someone called Elaine Justin???
I also note we are now the Hicholls but I haven't mentioned this to Harry or he might not join us.

Hi Maeve....

This might help a little Maeve.
Try velosave on E bay there good on prices
Hope this helps a little.....


Hi Maeve, I think that Look pedals and cleats are the best ones for you...They start at around 35 € for pedals up to 200 € or so...Make sure you get cycling shoes and not mountain bike shoes...they will have only one strap across them m/bike shoes mostely have three ok..This is for when you are taking your feet out 200 meters from the dismount line..Catch my drift...PS Cycle superstore have a good selection...

Thursday 28 February 2008

A girlie question

Enough talk about music.  I have a really girlie question for some of you triathlon boys to answer.  I am going to make a purchase of some new bike shoes, cleats and pedals.  (One new bike/baby in the house is enough, although I am a little jealous). Does anyone have any advice as to what shoes and type of cleat to get.  Thanks. MAEVE

old old old

Taco, you are older than i thought my friend with that music list....

The Music

Well the list can be long and endless, but to name a few,
The obvious........Bicycle Race ... Queen
Inspirational.......When the going gets tough.. Billy Ocean
Reflective....Sitting on the Dock of the Bay ... Percy Sledge
Genetic.....Born to Run .... Bruce Springsteen
Bewilderment......Run through the Jungle ..... Creedance Clearwater Revival
Overload.....Running on Empty .... Jackson Browne
Tough.....Running up that Hill ... Kate Bush
Philosophical....Take it on the run ..... REO Speedwagon
Glib......Another one bites the dust ... Queen

My bike

Hi Simon my bike [BABY] needs a babbysitter for the 7th if miss furlong does not mind double jobbin? What you think?..KARL my nomination for the jukebox is Dead or ALIVE by Bon Jovi one line goes..on a steel horse i ride or in our case a carbon horse...what you think HORSE will it make it or what?  


Here is my nomination for the juke box and if you’re not sure why check out Freddie’s bike leggings


Trilogy Soundtrack?

Be a part of the dinner next week - nominate a song for the background jukebox. Only one rule - it must be tri-related (or nearly tri-related).

Example - "The Tide is High (but I'm holding on)" - reminds me of Bonmahon! Or "Born to Run" or "Spin me right round". You get the idea.

All the good songs (and maybe some of the bad) will make it onto the CD jukebox for dinner on the 7th.

Wednesday 27 February 2008

And by the way

I see Jane is bringing Murt along to the dinner.

Miss Kate Furlong ...Simon's live in au pair

Simon is there something you wish to tell us?

List for Dinner / Night Out - 7 March

Just to clarify that Kate Furlong won't be going to the Trilogy nite out, She'll be at home minding the bikes & Kate Fogarty will be going instead!!!

Notice: New Members to Chat

About 15 people have applied to get access to Chat at the AGM. These will be handled over the next week or so.
I like that idea Mick. A definite runner for new t-shirts. PS we still have 50 or so t-shirts going at €10 for 1, €5 for additional.

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Great Job!


To the outgoing committee, I just wanted to say thanks for all your work over the course of the last year and based on last nights AGM the coming year has plenty in store. Best of luck to the new committee and here's to a developing club.

Hello to all our new members and get blogging!!!

To bring a smile....

I think we should put this on the back of all trilogy T-shirts...."Thanks, I've never passed anyone before"...Now your thinking who would I like to see reading it.... Good Morning

Monday 25 February 2008

Thanks to the usual suspects for all the info and work at tonights AGM, hope to see more of you this year. Thanks all

The Triathlete (The Denial)

I just want to clear up some confusion. I did NOT write this little article. I just copied it from a website and thought I'd share. Now will some one else please post something up on the chat?

Sunday 24 February 2008

The Triathlete

Not for the faint of heart, not for the weekend warrior type, and not for the arm chair athlete. The triathletes are a special breed of athlete.
No mountainous muscles or intimidating features, the triathlete stores their true power deep within. To look for evidence of such power, one only needs to look deep into the eyes of these warriors of the elements just before and after the beginning of competition.
Then, nothing else matters. They have no past, there is no future and life means nothing except the distance that needs to be travelled.
All that is regarded as living is suddenly redefined into a simplified existence within each arm stroke, each breath of air, and each step. But even then the true triathlete, regardless of their level finds the euphoria of the Triathlon not only by its finish, but from the Zen like state that comes, that gives them the superhuman ability to break any and all limitations - that keep men
simply men and women simply women. They are super athletes proving their worth only to themselves for the satisfaction to have said
“I did it”…….again…

Friday 22 February 2008

Nice Try Patricia

do you seriously think for one second that I will let you know when I'm going to Chad? Why would I take away the "Is Sinead going to catch me sneaky training?" element? Just remember people, whether you are lacing your runners, fastening your helmet strap or packing your goggles, the minute you step out your door to start on your sneaky training session, there is a GREAT possiblity that YOU WILL be caught. Admit it. You're training preparation wouldn't be complete without this thought. Trilogy wouldn't be the same if there was no name and shame for those of you who sneaky train campaign.
PS: this ends with an evil laugh - whoaa haa haaa haaaa haaaawww


Sinead when are you going to Chad - so we can get in some sneaky trainging without been spotted - or are you going too leave some scouts around to check on us?

Sunday 17 February 2008


Ye without sin, cast the first stone!! Kevin Bracken spotted with Willie Fitzpatrick cycling home from Kildare this morning.

Out in the Fog

Not so..The youth squad saw Patrick Marshall sneaking off in the fog heading
for Enniscorthy on his bike to do a 10k run. How bout that !

Sneaky training

I am glad to report that due to a heavy fog nobody was actually seen sneaky training on Sunday morning.


Friday 15 February 2008

north tipp sprint

I see entries for the north tipp sprint are open this evening. Check out nenagh triathlon club web site for details


Saturday 9 February 2008

Inspirational Quote.... of sorts

....this isn't quite what you are looking for either - but hey, I thought it was good!

'Life is like an ice-cream: Enjoy it before it melts'

Friday 8 February 2008

The Long Cycle

We were looking for inspiring quotes - that sounds like a perspiring one, Michelle!

Thursday 7 February 2008

240 mile cycle

A friend of mine asked me to pass this on to you all….

There's a charity cycle coming up on the 4th to 6th April. The idea is to cycle 240 miles from Maynooth to Galway. It has been running a few years now and seems to be very well organised. Group cycle with food stops and support provided along the way.

Check out their website at

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Sports Quote

"If you are NOT cheating, you're NOT trying", by Karl to the offical who gave him his penalty points at the Joey Hannon race in 2006!!!

Monday 4 February 2008

an other FAMOUS Trilogy Quote.....

..... Shut the F**k up, I'm going as fast as I can.......

I leave you all to ponder as to who uttered this one.

Sunday 3 February 2008


There is a good article in today’s Sunday Tribune on endurance athletics. It’s worth reading how ordinary people do extraordinary things in the name of sport.



Finish last in your league and they call you Idiot.  Finish last in medical school and they call you Doctor......

Sporting Quotes

"Training is what you are doing while your opponent is sleeping in." - Noel Territ on Sneaky Training!!

Saturday 2 February 2008

Will this get you going for Lisbon!

It is not the critic who counts: nor the person who points out how the
strong person stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better.
The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena, whose face is
marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and
comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or
shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who
spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the
triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he
fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold
and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.